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The one & only out of character anglesault thread

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Guest Tony149
would tony "the body" like to be the official guest referee for that?

For the womens match? No. I wouldn't be oppose to being a special ref for a main event type match. I just want to be involved via my show.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I think we've got tony "the body" hooked on this stuff.

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Guest Some Guy

So do I.  

Maybe he should be called Tony "the MODdy"  Horrifically bad puns are not to be played with by ameteurs.  Kids don't try this at home. :)

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

BPP is writing it, it's called INTENSEZONE now. the ppv is due the 17th i belive.

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Guest Tony149

I like doing this stuff. I've never done it before, but I always felt I would know how to run a promotion. I would of asked to do more, but I don't like writing matches ie. "The Body" gives a DDT to the jobber, followed by two big elbow drops."



Although I plan on doing "The Tony "The Body" Award (Maybe not this one) & Arm-Wrestling Challenge at some point.

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Guest Some Guy

If I win the Tony the Body award you have to change my title to "Simply Ravishing" :)

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Guest cobainwasmurdered



and Mario the Raw comes before the PPV.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

send me stuff for raw


if you want to promo

send me your promos

if you want a match, send me your match...im building towards angleslam

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

and tony, well let you do whatever you want on your show :0

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My match for Raw is Angle:


Jason vs. Brock Lesnar


I'm also sending in a ritual.

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Guest Tony149

I'm happy to report "The Body Shop" has been written and is ready to go. I just need to interview Caboose. If I can get the interview done by this Saturday...the show will debut this Saturday night.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Is it some rule now that everybody has to kill me at least once a day? ;)


You know what though, if everyone destroys me at least once backstage, that means when I have a match with them, I'll be tough enough to beat them for the win in the actual match... mwahahahahahahaha!

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No, it's just me having fun with you.  I predict that you will be murdered the next time I post.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I want a special custom title. How come everyone else gets one but not me? I have the STRUT~! damnit!

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Guest J*ingus

I'll be sending in a... uh... something... for Intensezone.  (It'll probably just be something along the lines of, "JINGUS pulls the wings off flies while waiting for something interesting to happen.")

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Hey, I had no clue I had a damn custom title until I saw everyone else with one. Then I figured that I must have one since I'm the hardkore champ.......BTW, I don't mean to be a bitch, but my title says "OAOAST HardKore....."............HardKore what? Chimpanze? Rhinoserous (SP)? Lawyer?

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Guest Tony149

Can somebody tell me who's in War Games? I know it's the aWo vs. the In-Crowd vs. the Deadly Alliance vs. The Faces of Fear...but I don't know what members are in the match.



Plus, isn't there some other gimmick match that is now the main event for AngleSlam? Tell me about that match too. I also need the whole card for AngleSlam with the date. May 17th, right?

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Faces of Fear:



The shark



I'm accompanying the Tentas to the ring to "assisst" them in victory.  Jason might tear down the door and go inside to wipe the floor with the In-Crowd.

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LIVE! Saturday, May 18th!


War Games {Written by BBP}

Winner Team Chooses 1 Member to be #1 Contender at Next PPV


aWo Red-Anglesault, CWM, BigMcLargeHuge, Sandman


aWo Blue-Angle-plex, Caboose, Some-Guy, Alfdogg


Faces of Fear- Earthquake, Avalanche, The Shark, Golga [How is he going to be all 4?}


Deadly Alliance & In-Crowd- BBP, TSS, Zack Malibu, Evenflow DDT


OAOAST World Title {Written by Angle-plex}

Stairway to Heaven Match

Anglesault vs The Sole Survivor


OAOAST IC Title {Written by Caboose}

CobainWasMurdered vs Alfdogg


Tourny for Hardcore Title {Written by Sandman}

Winner of Tourny vs. The Sole Survivor


Tourny for Hardcore Title {Written by Sandman}

Winner of Sandman vs Evenflow DDT


Hell in a Cell [Written by TSS}

Angle-plex vs Caboose


Tourny for Hardcore Title {Written by Sandman}

Sandman vs Evenflow DDT

MarioLogan vs Treble Charged


Brock Lesnar vs Jason [Written by MarioLogan}


Pennywise vs Rikishi {Written by MarioLogan}


(Card subject to change at any moment)

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Faces of Fear- Earthquake, Avalanche, The Shark, Golga [How is he going to be all 4?}

There is a hole rip in the Time-Space continum which caused three of them to come to our Universe.

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Guest Tony149

What is a Stairway to Heaven match?



I see there's a Hell In A Cell match with Caboose vs. Angle-Plex. That's mean there two members of the aWo Blue are fighting right?




Angle-Plex, any chance of you doing a quick promo on "The Body Shop"? Caboose is my first guest and I would like for you to cut a very small promo ie. "I'm going to kick your ass, bitch!" or something like that.

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