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Guest Trivia247

Bubba Ray Speaks

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Guest Trivia247

Bubba Ray Dudley Speaks On ECW PPV, WWE, More

Posted By Ashish on 01.06.05


One half of those damn Dudleyz speaks out....


Recap of Bubba Ray Dudley on Between the Ropes

by Richard Trionfo



This week on Between the Ropes, Fritz, Dickerman, and Vito DeNucci were joined by WWE superstar Bubba Ray Dudley to talk about his work in the WWE, his career in ECW, and the upcoming Smackdown brand shows in Orlando.




The interview began with talk about how many times Bubba has been a tag team champion. He said that he has been a tag team champion 18 times, and the only WWE, WCW, and ECW tag team champion. Bubba said that he is proud to be compared to the Road Warriors on that level because they are one of his favorite teams. Bubba was asked if he would be involved in the house show this weekend, and he said that a surprise visit from the Dudleys cannot be ruled out. Bubba does not know when he will be back on television, but he said that it was time for a hiatus, and it helps when Big Show choke slams you through a table. Bubba said that he has never had a vacation in wrestling since September 1995. He feels the time off will help the Dudleys because they have been around so much. Bubba talks about how people have been able to come back fresh, mostly from injuries. Bubba says that when the Dudleys get hurt in the ring, they tape things up and get back in the ring.




Bubba was asked if it was hard to keep the tag team fresh over a long time period. He says that it is tough only because of the lack of tag teams. He feels that when you are not with people on the same level as you or better than you it is tough. He says that it might be harder to click with those teams. Now the Dudleys are in the role of being the teachers. He talks about La Résistance, and Billy Kidman and Paul London. Bubba talked about the ‘glory days’ of tag team wrestling and he said that he would be working against teams just as good as the Dudleys and they would be able to hang with the Dudleys.




Bubba was asked about what it is like to work in a company that does not focus too much on tag teams. He said that they feel like the Last of the Mohicans, and that the Dudleys are the last of the great tag teams. He does not see any teams coming up now. He does see one team that has caught his eye, and that is America’s Most Wanted. Bubba asked if the hosts felt the teams could click, and they feel that it would work after a few matches so they could understand each others. He talks about how you don’t need an ego. He says that tag team wrestling has fewer road blocks, and if you can get together with a guy who you work well with and want to stay together as a team it will work.




Bubba talked about growing up loving tag team wrestling, and it has not always been a focus in the WWE. He suggests that Vince got a bit lucky with the Dudleys, Edge and Christian, and the Hardys at the same time.




Bubba said that fans do not want to see the Hardys in singles matches. With Edge and Christian, they gelled together, but they can shine individually. Bubba thinks that Christian has gotten the short end of the stick and gets a lot of heel heat. Bubba said that nobody wants to see the Dudleys wrestle separately. He said that he did not want to see Hawk or Animal wrestle separately.



Talk moved on to the rumor of an ‘ECW’ Reunion pay per view. Bubba says that he has heard about it, but it is only a rumor. He says that it might not be too far off. He brought up the phenomenal sales of the ECW DVD, and he suggests that it could become the number one DVD ever for the WWE. Bubba says that this shows what the fans wanted, and a one night only pay per view would probably do as well or better than the DVD.




Bubba was asked if it would have the same feel as ECW if it was run by the WWE. Bubba feels that in order for it to be just like they remembered ECW, they would need to lay off everything and ‘let the inmates run the asylum’. He does not know if WWE would let them do that with an ECW pay per view. Bubba mentioned that some of the problems with Paul are brought on by himself. Bubba calls Paul one of the greatest wrestling minds he has ever worked with, but his mouth gets in the way because people mistake his passion for other things. Bubba and the hosts talk about how some musicians who were considered to be crazy were categorized as ‘geniuses’. Bubba thinks an ECW pay per view could work, and says that it would not be the same without the Dudleys. Bubba feels that a riot is what is needed with the Dudleys. He talked about how they destroyed a venue in Orlando when ECW worked there.




Bubba was asked if he thinks the WWE would bring in any non-contracted talent for the show. He brings up Sabu, Sandman, Shane Douglas, and Raven who would be necessary for the show. Bubba talked about the first night he worked in ECW and how the dressing room was set up and he sees a guy who looks 50 and was a cross between a German beer drinker, a biker, and someone from the Village People. Bubba thought it was nice to see ECW let some older guys get a chance, and that person was Hack Myers, who was only 22 years old at the time. Bubba said that Hack Myers was a guy who the fans loved to see, and he always put on a good match.




Bubba was asked about his thoughts on the DVD. He has no complaints about the DVD. He has not watched the matches on the second DVD, but the documentary was amazing. The first time he watched it, he was mad. The second time, he was glad to see the company get its due. Bubba talked about how the music sucked on the DVD, and it would have been nice to hear the music associated with the wrestlers. Bubba said that he wished he could hear opinions from people like Raven, Sandman, or Shane Douglas. It was the same guys on the DVD. He would have liked to hear other opinions because you would get some interesting comments from those people. Bubba thought it would be interesting to have a roundtable discussion with all of the guys from ECW. Bubba talked about the time he left for the WWE and his comments when Paul would not offer them $1 more. He said that he knew that ECW was where the WWE cultivated its talent. He said that he went to Paul and talked about the deal. He said that they did not want to go because they believed in ECW because he was involved behind the scenes more than he was in the ring. Bubba said that he had pride in what he did and with ECW. When Paul said he can’t, he knew the reality. Bubba said that Mick Foley and Steve Austin knew they were going to the WWE when they were in ECW. Bubba mentioned that Steve Austin used ‘that’s the bottom line’ for the first time in ECW.




Bubba said that they got a combination of heel heat, and babyface cheers on their last night in ECW. Bubba said that he knew what they had with the fans because they were able to do so many things with the fans. He said that they were able to talk to Paul after their match and talk about what worked and what did not work. The hosts talked about what it was like to see Bubba react with the fans and Bubba said that it was all real. Bubba said that it is great to work for the WWE, but it is a different type of fun. It is a tailored fun. It was compared to a band that goes from a small venue to an arena.




Bubba was asked about the wrestlers who went to WCW. He said that it was like a girlfriend who wanted to leave. It was an ‘us against them’ mentality. Bubba said that even though they knew Paul might have been involved with Vince, Paul hated Eric Bischoff. He says that ECW was a wrestling revolution. If a wrestler left for money, there was some hatred, but at the end, it was understood that you were doing it to take care of your family.




People want to see the Dudleys hit the 3-D or put people through a table. Things are not the same when they are not working as a team. Bubba said that he loves the industry, and considers himself an old school guy. He wants to be able to pass down the art of tag team wrestling to the next generation of wrestlers and see a new growth in tag team wrestling. He said that they are ready to come back and tear the house down.




Bubba asked the hosts what they like about wrestling these days. They talked about their favorites like Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Christian. Bubba says that it is so much fun to wrestle Christian because he is a heel and he knows what his job to do in the match is. They like the concept of psychology to get the fans involved in the match to care about the match. It does not need to be a spot fest for it to be a good match.




Between the Ropes airs every Wednesday from 10:00 p.m. until Midnight on 740 The Team in Orlando, Florida with Brian Fritz, Dickerman, and Vito DeNucci. Check out http://www.betweentheropes.com/ to listen to the live stream of the show every week. Archives of past interviews with Paul Heyman, Mick Foley, Ric Flair, A.J. Styles, Bobby Heenan, Steve Corino, Elix Skipper, and many more people in the world of professional wrestling can also be found on http://www.betweentheropes.com/.

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Guest Hass of Pain

To even mention the Dudley Boys in the same breath as The Road Warriors is an insult, and NWA, WWF and AWA tag team title reigns (as well as being top draws in America and selling out Japan for nearly a decade) are a hell of a lot more impressive than WWE and ECW title reigns along with WCW title reigns that don't even count in my eyes since they were throwaway titles won in a WWE ring.


On the other hand, it's cool to see Bubba giving huge props to Christian and calling America's Most Wanted the only other good team in wrestling. I can never decide if I like Bubba or hate him...

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Guest Coffey

I like the Dudley Boyz. I have for quite some time now. Actually, they're pretty much one of two reasons why I kept watching ECW. The other reason being Rob Van Dam. The first PPV that I ordered what Living Dangerously 1999. I saw RVD Vs. Jerry Lynn and the Dudley Death Drop for the first time. I was hooked.


In fact, next to the Fabulous Freebirds, I'd say that the Dudley Boyz are my second favorite tag team of all-time. They just complement each other so well. Neither of them would get over as a solo wrestler, but in a tag team, they excell.


A lot of people are bored with them though. They think they got bland and whatnot. Hell, I don't even notice because I spend the whole match waiting in anticipation for a 3D. They still make me mark out.


I like the little things. Like how one is black and one is white. How the fat guy is the one that jumps for the finisher. Shit like that.


Not to mention they were some of the best heels I've seen in years. At least in ECW...but they were allowed to cuss.

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Guest jumpingbombangel

If the WWE knew what the hell they were doing they'd use the return of the Dudley Boyz as the riotous, outrageous lot they were in ECW. Damn it I'd love to see WWE push the envelope the RIGHT way again.

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Guest Trivia247

Sorry if it was old, I saw the thing at 411 and checked the forum saw that it was a good read and no one had it up so what the hell its still in that 5 year WWE folder range heh

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