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WWE news from WO.com

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--James Whale, who does the talkSPORT evening show in the U.K. was scheduled to have HHH do a phone interview to promote his book last night. Whale was constantly promoting the interview until late in the show when he said HHH had pulled out for some unknown reason and "decided he couldn't do it." Whale then ripped on the book, said it wasn't worth buying and threw a copy in the garbage can on the air. He said because of HHH's actions, he would never have another wrestler on his show again, which is a big deal because every wrestler sent to the U.K. for promotional work is usually booked on his show. Whale said he was offered Chris Benoit on the show and had turned Benoit down because he didn't want two wrestling guests on the same show. (thanks to Stu Wilson)


--Benoit ended up on the graveyard show on the network hosted by Mike Mendoza at 5 a.m. instead, and only got nine minutes, having to answer questions like, "Is wrestling real?"


--There is an excellent Benoit interview up at www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2003560001-2005042323,00.html.

He talks about watching Stu Hart making muscleheads scream in pain who had no respect for wrestling, and why he never did it to Benoit. He talked about why he considered Dynamite Kid the greatest wrestler ever and how he and Chris Jericho think Tiger Mask vs. Dynamite Kid are "timeless" matches in that they wouldn't have to change a thing and would still work today. He also talked about Bret Hart (and had the best take on the real situation as ayone), Kurt Angle ("our Michael Jordan"), his most physically demanding match (which will surprise you, but it was the Pittsbrugh match with HHH), being compared with Bryan Danielson, and being announced from Atlanta.


--HMV stores in Canada already have the RVD DVD,which will be officially released on Tuesday.


--Last night's Smackdown did a 3.8 overnight rating based on 55 of the top 56 markets (Richmond, VA not included), putting it in 5th place for the night, ahead of only WB. It's right at what the show has been averaging in recent weeks.


--No Way Out will air on regular Sky Sports 1 in the U.K. and not on PPV. (thanks to Ian Hamilton and Paul Clay)


--Speaking of No Way Out, in Canadian movie theaters, they are already running ads, featuring interviews, buiding up No Way Out and announcing champion JBL vs Big Show in a barbed wire match as the main event. That's quality control for you. (thanks to Milan Simnovec)


--Joey Yung (who is actually a hot looking woman), who is one of Hong Kong's biggest stars, wore a WWE title belt over her ballroom dress while presenting awards at the HK Music Awards this past week.


Credit - WO.com

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--Speaking of No Way Out, in Canadian movie theaters, they are already running ads, featuring interviews, buiding up No Way Out and announcing champion JBL vs Big Show in a barbed wire match as the main event. That's quality control for you. (thanks to Milan Simnovec)

Yeah, I read about this in this month's "Power Slam" magazine. According to the magazine the event is to be held in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania which have an offical ban on barbed wire matches. Makes me wonder if it will happen or maybe they'll break out the rubber barbed wire.

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--Speaking of No Way Out, in Canadian movie theaters, they are already running ads, featuring interviews, buiding up No Way Out and announcing champion JBL vs Big Show in a barbed wire match as the main event. That's quality control for you. (thanks to Milan Simnovec)

Yeah, I read about this in this month's "Power Slam" magazine. According to the magazine the event is to be held in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania which have an offical ban on barbed wire matches. Makes me wonder if it will happen or maybe they'll break out the rubber barbed wire.

Back of a moving semi - live via satellite.

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Guest Dazed
I wonder what the storyline reason for the barbed wire will be.


I love how Foley / Orton was built up so much that the match necessitated weapons we'd not seen in WWE before, and they're trying to make a throwaway two month feud between JBL and Show seem just as epic. In reality, it just seems... forced.

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--James Whale, who does the talkSPORT evening show in the U.K. was scheduled to have HHH do a phone interview to promote his book last night. Whale was constantly promoting the interview until late in the show when he said HHH had pulled out for some unknown reason and "decided he couldn't do it." Whale then ripped on the book, said it wasn't worth buying and threw a copy in the garbage can on the air.



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Guest bigm350
--James Whale, who does the talkSPORT evening show in the U.K. was scheduled to have HHH do a phone interview to promote his book last night. Whale was constantly promoting the interview until late in the show when he said HHH had pulled out for some unknown reason and "decided he couldn't do it." Whale then ripped on the book, said it wasn't worth buying and threw a copy in the garbage can on the air.



In all honesty, who in their right mind would buy that book? I work out all the time, but I don't need to read HHH's "advice". Maybe if I want to how to inject a needle in my asscheek, then it might be good. Unless he curiously omitted that chapter.

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I wonder what the storyline reason for the barbed wire will be.


I love how Foley / Orton was built up so much that the match necessitated weapons we'd not seen in WWE before, and they're trying to make a throwaway two month feud between JBL and Show seem just as epic. In reality, it just seems... forced.

Exactly. Bradshaw is too much of a pussy right now to go near barbed wire. Big Show is too damn big and unstoppable to need any weapons. I guess Teddy Long could make it the stipulation for some reason, leading to more Fun with Carlito, the guy that spits apples as character development. In reality, a Big Show/Bradshaw match should be a cage match to keep Bradshaw in and keep the Cabinet out, and they could always put barbed wire on top, but that would necessitate Bradshaw and Big Show to do an intricate spot in the air.

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--Speaking of No Way Out, in Canadian movie theaters, they are already running ads, featuring interviews, buiding up No Way Out and announcing champion JBL vs Big Show in a barbed wire match as the main event. That's quality control for you. (thanks to Milan Simnovec)

Yeah, I read about this in this month's "Power Slam" magazine. According to the magazine the event is to be held in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania which have an offical ban on barbed wire matches. Makes me wonder if it will happen or maybe they'll break out the rubber barbed wire.

I think the "quality control" issue is that they've effectively given away the outcome of the RR triple threat match.

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I bet the higher ups in WWE won't frown upon HHH, because of that backstage stroke. If it was ANY other person, there would have been an uproar from management.

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Unless I'm mistaken, Mr. Whale had an embarassingly awful interview with Edge last year where he thought he was going to be talking to a member of the band U2, then proceeded to ask stupid questions.


Big loss.

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I think the "quality control" issue is that they've effectively given away the outcome of the RR triple threat match.


You act as if that is anything new. They have been doing it pretty much every PPV since 2002. Such as HHH winning the Elimination Chamber last month. It is the biggest problem in the company as far as I'm concerned, and there are lots of problems with this company.


So I take it from you guys that Whale is not like Michael Lansberg or Greg Sansone as far as doing interviews.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered

We don't know WHY HHH missed the interview, there could be a perfectly reasonable excuse. It's not like he doesn't like doing interviews...

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--Speaking of No Way Out, in Canadian movie theaters, they are already running ads, featuring interviews, buiding up No Way Out and announcing champion JBL vs Big Show in a barbed wire match as the main event. That's quality control for you. (thanks to Milan Simnovec)

Yeah, I read about this in this month's "Power Slam" magazine. According to the magazine the event is to be held in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania which have an offical ban on barbed wire matches. Makes me wonder if it will happen or maybe they'll break out the rubber barbed wire.

I think the "quality control" issue is that they've effectively given away the outcome of the RR triple threat match.

I understand that but I didn't think it was an issue because it seems obivious that JBL isn't going to lose the title.

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We don't know WHY HHH missed the interview, there could be a perfectly reasonable excuse. It's not like he doesn't like doing interviews...

Well, he's no-showed two interviews now and no explantion has been given for either. I don't believe that there is a "perfectly reasonable excuse" for this behaviour. Not that anything will come of it, it is Triple H afterall.

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Yet, if it was Chris Benoit or Eddie Guerrero no-showing these interviews you would all be saying "everyone needs a little time off".

If anyone blew off promotional interviews without a good reason they'd get castigated, and rightfully so. It wouldn't matter who it was.

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