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WWE Wrestlemania 21

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What's up, Commish? I've been wanting to get a game going with you, but I haven't been on Live much and when I am, you're playing something else. I'm pretty sure I'm trading in ESPN MLB 2K5, also, due to having MVP already and I can't think of anything else I'd want to give up to get $20 off WrestleMania. But send me a PM or e-mail if you want to play something else.


As for a league for WM21, we're setting one up here as far as I know which you should join. if you're doing a separate one, I'll help. We need to get people and create a site on our own if we go that route, though, since there are no "official" leagues.


And to Commish and everyone else- I couldn't get GamingRing Radio to work, but upposedly, the reviewers gave the game a 7/10. That's pretty good considering the guys (at least Mike) have played practically every wrestling game out there. Pretty much all the info can be found in the first post of this thread:




That's basically all you could want to know about WrestleMania 21.

Yea ever since the baseball league fell apart I been playing mostly mc3 or doom 3 but I know I am selling some of those games to get wrestlemania for the xbox. I really hope this isn't a dissappointement. I am really wanted a wrestling game for the xbox. My gamertage is commissionerhbk for anyone who is setup leagues just send an invite. I was thinking about making a league but I don't know. When does this game come out?

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I wonder if there have the ecw ppv on june 12 in the game. I remember seeing an arena that looks like the Hammerstein Ballroom. Is that still in there? Also with the list of things you can do in this game, how easy you think it will be to create other superstars that is either not in the game or in another company? Also for the custom music is that only for caws? Sorry if this was asked already.

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The game comes out tomorrow or Thursday.


No, I sincerely doubt that the ECW PPV arena will be in. The CAW system looks to be very in-depth, and custom music is indeed only for CAWs.

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I can't help but laugh my ass off at that.

I just find it kind of weird..


Considering everywhere else it's like 9+. XBM gave it a 9. Gamerankings gave it a 9, etc.


And keep in mind, I believe IGN gave RAW, and RAW2 9.1's each ;) . At least that's what I just read.

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IGN proves their stupidity yet again..


The most positive aspect of this game is the potential that lies within. A wrestling game with the looks and online options of WrestleMania 21 and the gameplay of SmackDown! vs. Raw could easily make a run for the title. Unfortunately, this is not that game.


I guess they really liked those chop battles, stare downs, shoving matches, and other stupid shit..

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1. IGN are idiots when it comes to rating games.


2. Please oh God please let it come out on Weds.

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I have the game paid off thanks to trading in $10 games from EB for $30 GameRush credit. I also only had to pay $30 total for the game.


IGN's review... fuck it. The scores for Raw 2 were already mentioned. I don't trust IGN, and I truly am skeptical of 99% of wrestling game reviews since the people reviewing them aren't even wrestling fans half the time.


Unfortunately, GR isn't getting the game in til Friday supposedly. I guess that's good in a way, because if it's really is truly horrible, I can pick up another new release instead. I doubt I will, though.

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I guess they really liked those chop battles, stare downs, shoving matches, and other stupid shit..

Yah, because something that may appear during one-30th of a match is really going to be a factor.


HCTP/SvR's gameplay is poor, but that has nothing to do with why.

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I was at Best Buy today and asked about the game (I was there to buy something else, but thought I'd ask anyway). The guy I spoke with looked it up on the computer and it said it was due out April 20th (which is today). He checked the stock in back and said they didn't have it in yet, but it should be in "within the next week or so." Um, OK.

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Eb games and gamestop or should we game gamestop monopoly now will have the game tomorrow thurs the 21. Usually the ups guy comes around 1 or 2. I am real cool with the manager so i know. So anyone who live in nyc you can get it tomorrow. Plus what matt spoke on, I could care less what ign says i am a wrestling fan for life and so i am hype for tomorrow. I like raw and i like raw 2. I know there going to be some things that will suck but hey you can't always get everything.

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Not sure if y'all are aware but apparently there is some huge problem right now and no one can get online with the game.




So far I'm not hearing a lot of good things from my IRC pals... long load times, this thing about XBL, I'm assuming a linear story mode with no branching, "skipping", someone on GameFAqs is complaining about a glitch where an invisible wrestler is beating them up...


But then the IRC folks I talk to say the gameplay is great once you learn it. It sounds like it's a good first try and I look forward to playing it against people online (hopefully).

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I was just about to post that. Word is that they won't have the servers up and running til Friday, but regardless, this is just inexcusable on the part of SG and MS.


Also, Team Xbox put up their review. They gave it a 6.8.




I haven't read it yet, but Team Xbox seems pretty reputable. I'll edit or reply with thoughts later.

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*shrugs* so the game won't be online when its released later today, who cares just gives us more time to create someone and tweak him or her out till we feel comfortable with playing online with that CAW. Got the S.G.'s today at the store, holy shit there's a lot of things to buy.

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Here want I don't understand there is a rumor going around saying that there is no online feature for this game. Is there any truth to that? Or is the problem that the servers are not just up because I know many games that as xbl whos severes take at least a day to run correctly for people to play, so i don't know why people are complaining.

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Why would there be a Xbox Live server when the game hasn't been offically released yet? Give them at least a day or so, since it is a wrestling game, Live will probably be hit hard for it.

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Guest DVD Spree
I guess they really liked those chop battles, stare downs, shoving matches, and other stupid shit..

Yah, because something that may appear during one-30th of a match is really going to be a factor.


HCTP/SvR's gameplay is poor, but that has nothing to do with why.

Though I totally hate the SmackDown! games I bought SvsR just to stay current, and I actually found those among the only enjoyable parts of my experience.


On a related note, I just scored some comps to WrestleMania Revenge on Monday from one of the PS2 mags. Cheers, THQ!

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Well...apparently (like HCTP) the first batch of games seemingly has a bunch of glitches. :(. I dont care, I'm still going to pick it up today.


But there's talk of people wanting/guessing there will be, a recall. AS there are problems with some...in the ladder match, and problems with freezing etc. Which sucks IMo, because all the beta testing games and stuff didn't have any of these problems.


Weird how the beta games are fine (well, there were still glitches) but then the final version comes out with glitches that were't in the beta versions...odd.

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Guest DVD Spree
Weird how the beta games are fine (well, there were still glitches) but then the final version comes out with glitches that were't in the beta versions...odd. 

390 A-lines is NOT fine…

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Weird how the beta games are fine (well, there were still glitches) but then the final version comes out with glitches that were't in the beta versions...odd. 

390 A-lines is NOT fine…

Ok, so you're right, not fine. But I was saying, for instance Gamingring had the 80-90% done version, and it seemingly worked fine, barring a few glitches such as not being able to buy a few things. But they made vids of the ladder matches, and all the other problems up now, and they weren't problems at all. Now the final versions have problems that weren't in the 80-90 version, so I just found that weird.


But I guess it's understandable...

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As far as glitches go, is this LOW: Showdown bad or not?

No, it's not that bad. I just got the game today, and I've been playing for about an hour or two. (only matches though, and created one belt) And I can see where some pleople may say it's glitchy, but it's really not that bad.


What's seems to be...umm, not right I guess, is that it seems like one of the WM21 logos that appears during a certain loading screen is like...too good for the console if you know what I mean :/. It seems to slowdown when it appears. And also at the end of the match, it shows a replay of something earlier that happened in the match (like a finishing move) and that's when there seems to be a problem. Like it's really struggling to get that replay, so the screen gets jerky for a few moments, and the sound also. But then eventually it plays the replay.


so, no it doesn't run as smoothly as one would guess on the Xbox, but it also is not that bad. At least what I've experienced so far.




Oh, but I will say as far as gameplay, it's not easy. (well, compared to the SD series.) The pro reversal system thing for example, although I didn't really believe it, and thought it would be just like Smackdown, is definitely not about luck, but rather timing. You have to hit it at the precise moment this little graphic/circle comes up on the screen (dont worry, it's not annoying) or else..you just don't reverse. And add into the fact that even on Amateur, the computer's very good it at it will probaly make some matches a lot harder.


But it is cool being able to reverse pretty much any move.

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The game isn't to bad thus far... my only gripes about it so far is this...


1. The AI well smarter than Raw 2, is still not all that brilliant.


2. During the tag matches you can't control your partner when you tag him in or beckon him or her to come tag you.


3. Tough time to get to your feet, you can roll around the mat pretty easy but its take a bit to get up.


4. The computer will throw so many submission moves at you, it isn't even funny.


5. Slow load times.


6. (and maybe I'm wrong), but if you wanna go back and change your CAW's name and maybe what he looks like, you really can't. You can change his costume, moves, and enterance after you create him, but you can't go back and change the name or his/her actual body.


7. I think I have to buy each of the "Superstar's" music before I get to use it for a CAW.


otherwise, the game isn't to bad, a improvement over Raw 2, and not bad for the new company's first wrestling game, but could be a slight better.

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I just called GameRush since my sleep was permanently interrupted, and apparently they don't have the courtesy GameCrazy would to call the customers who preordered (I normally go there, Scroby, but GameRush had a deal where I could trade in 2 games and get a new release for $30, plus I get to put the credit for the trades toward that $30), because the game's in. I'm leaving to pick it up in a minute. I'll post thoughts later on tonight.


It seems like the reviewers are shitting on the game, but the wrestling fans enjoy it, so I will probably like it. If it's even a decent game, I'll have fun with it, especially once online play is fixed.

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Guest MikeSC

It is, yet again, a wrestling game on the XBox that DESPERATELY needed some more QA work. It is buggy as hell.


And the AI is atrocious.


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I am enjoying the game i think wrestling fans would like this game. My only problem is this xbl thing. I don't know what to do. Are they addressing the problem or we not going to be able to play online. I would still keep the game anyway because I enjoy it so I am not losing anything out of this but it will be a shame now to have it online. Does anyone know the status so far of the whole online thing? Gamefaqs board is ruin too many trolls over there and you don't what the hell is going on. Here the thing I am strange about I bought my copy and eb and they know me pretty well and we was talking about the whole online situation and he was saying no one came back and took the game back so i don't understand.

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