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Guest wrestling365

WWE Creative Addition, Hogan Possible for Rumble!!

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Am I the only one worried about KEVIN SULLIVAN COMING IN?!

No, you can count me in among the worried.


Sullivan was politicking and holding down since before it was cool.

It's said his beef with Benoit is dropped, so hopefully hes a changed man, and wont pull that shit in the WWE.

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For some reason I find Hogan's Manipulations with his daughter even more distasteful than his manipulations to stay in the top spots in WCW. Hogan seems to be riding on his Little girl's coat tails to keep himself active in the public eye. I haven't heard Brooke Sing or anything, but let the girl either stand or Fail on her own merits, not because of Hulk's involvement that might taint whatever result comes to Brooke's Career.

Hogan just realizes what everyone who watched last year's Cup final can bear witness to: his daughter can't carry a tune in a bucket, and will fail miserably unless he personally steps in and makes her career work.


As for Hogan in the Rumble, meh. As long as he doesn't win.

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Kevin Sullivan on the damn creative team.....now this is just wonderful...all we need now is Kevin Nash and we have 1998-99 all over again...


If he starts to suck up and become Triple H's favorite he will probaly move up to Steph's assistant creative director..

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Guest Archibald Mutombo
Wrestling365 is the greatest parody poster in the WWE folder ever. Even better than Nunzio Cardozo was.


I think so too!



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Let's turn this into a game.  If Hogan IS in the Rumble, you can continue posting these newsbits.  But if he isn't, we'll agree that your rumour filled posts are getting slightly old, and ban you from posting them.


Okay how about I meet you half-way... if Hogan doesn't show in Fresno (i.e. doesn't appear on the PPV or isn't seen backstage) I give my word I'll never post another news-bit again. I'll comment on others, but never post one myself... shake???


Yeah, okay.


HTQ - You'd almost think that was the reason for the bet.

Pwned :lol:

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