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EVIL~! alkeiper

Cubs Fans Rejoice

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That was the general consesus even before most of the scapegoats were shipped off. I do think anything less than a World Series Championship is going to turn the remaining Dusty faithful against him. He's moved out everyone he didn't get along with and in the process, even surely had a say in the new commentating schmucks. It's going to be an interesting season.

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I have a feeling it'll be just a matter of time before Stone and Caray are back. I for one don't even care about watching the Cubs on WGN unless Stone and a Caray of some sort are announcing.


Reciting Farnsworth's career stats is futile, they don't truly measure his level of suck. It seemed like every time I saw a Cubs game this year he was walking the bases loaded, giving up a 4 run lead, letting the other team get an extra run, etc. And he also hurt himself trying to kick an electric fan's ass.

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I have a feeling it'll be just a matter of time before Stone and Caray are back. I for one don't even care about watching the Cubs on WGN unless Stone and a Caray of some sort are announcing.


Reciting Farnsworth's career stats is futile, they don't truly measure his level of suck. It seemed like every time I saw a Cubs game this year he was walking the bases loaded, giving up a 4 run lead, letting the other team get an extra run, etc. And he also hurt himself trying to kick an electric fan's ass.

Chip Caray was no great shakes (got too excited about big plays by the other team), but he was still our guy. Steve Stone absolutely has to be in the booth though. Not Bob Brenly. Screw Bob Brenly. It just won't be the same, and I really hope WGN comes to their senses on this one and realizes that after these last two years, the Cubs fanbase cares infinitely more about retaining Steve Stone than Dusty Baker.

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