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Out of Style Wrestling Terms

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What are some of the terms that have gone out of style on the net. The vocabulary has changed slightly since I came on the net in 97.



Defunct terms:


So and so wrestler is a "stiff" (been replaced by "hoss")


WWF "lemming" (been replaced with WWE "Apologist")


"Workrate Freak" (very popular term in the mid-late 90s, doesn't seem to get used that often anymore)



"Quarter Hour Breakdowns" ( a product of the Monday Night Wars ending)


"Garbage Wrestling" (went out of style when wrestling changed from brawling over the arena to exclusively inside the ring, also because of the death of ECW)


"Herbe Kunze is an asshole" (self explanatory as Herb gave up on American wrestling and doesn't update anymore)


So and so wrestler is "WALKING!~!" ( because CRZ stopped doing recaps and death of Monday Night Wars)


Think of any others?

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Guest LooneyTune

I never read anywhere where someone used the term "lemming". Must've been a long time ago on Internet Websites far, far away.


I'll add in anyone saying (Blank) of Doom, which is basically a lame joke created by You-Know-Who.

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I never read anywhere where someone used the term "lemming". Must've been a long time ago on Internet Websites far, far away.


I'll add in anyone saying (Blank) of Doom, which is basically a lame joke created by You-Know-Who.

"Lemming" was a chic term used on the net in 98 and 99 when the casual fans were invading WWF's audience. It was definitely used on the sites I visited at that time

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I would say the use of the term ''mark'' in a derogatory manner. When i first hit the boards in the 90's if you were called a mark someone might as well spit in your face and call your mother a whore.

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