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Warner Bros. Gangsters Collection

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I picked up this collection at Sam's Club tonight for 43.53 (46.80 after tax). For those who maybe unaware, this collection features 6 gangster pictures from the 30's (and one from 1949). Back during the 30's Warner Bros. was known for its gangster pictures (much like MGM was identified for musicals, Universal for horror films and Columbia for comedies). The stars highlighted in this collection include Edward G. Robinson, James Cagney and Humphrey Bogart (who share billing in 2 of the films.


The collection includes:


Little Ceaser

The Public Enemy

The Petrified Forrest

Angels With Dirty Faces

The Roaring Twenties

White Heat


This equals, after tax, to 7.90 a film. And each one has historian commentaries, featurettes totalling nearly 2hrs, cartoons, newsreels, shorts, trailers and a couple of radio adaptations. Being a film geek this was a steal. If you have any interest in these films (especially if you're a Sam's Club member) do not hesitate to pick these up.

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I didn't know about Sam's but I got totally screwed on this thing....ended up getting it at Best Buy for about 65.00. I looked on the site and it said it was about 55.00 too...so it actually jumped 10.00 when I got to the store! I was so pissed.


Anyway I ended up making my dad copies of all 6 and he gave me 20.00 for my efforts, haha.


Am I the only one who thinks Roaring 20s is the best of all these?

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