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EVIL~! alkeiper

The Montreal Expos of Washington

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Yeah, I'm late on these. The Expos lost 94 games last season, the result of being pissed on by Major League Baseball. MLB held the Expos from bringing up players during the 2003 Stretch run, and reports are the Expos did not have access to the kind of video technology other teams benefit from. Last season, the Mets signed GM Omar Minaya a week before the season ended. If this happened to another team, you'd never hear the end of it.


Worse, MLB assigned the new Nationals a real winner: Jim Bowden. Bowden's strategy apparently involves signing inferior players to large contracts, and trading young players for expensive veterans of the same quality. Vinny Castilla sucks outside of Coors? Bring him in! Christian Guzman has a .303 OBP? We love outs!! Jose Guillen is a clubhouse cancer? Give him to us! We'll even give you Juan Rivera and Maicer Izturis! We don't need them. We have VETERANS!! We need pitchers? Let's sign Esteban Loaiza, for two years!


Ugh. This team will finish last. Their farm system is the absolute pits, as only Larry Broadway and Mike Hinckley show any real promise. Baseball Prospectus said it best. Jim Bowden's job is to be fired by the new ownership group. Until this team DOES have real owners, they have no hope.

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Guest LooneyTune

Easy pick for last place, unless the Mets crash and burn... again, and even then they won't suck that bad. I'm sorry, but when your #1 starter goes 11-15 the season before, and the rest of the rotation consists of #4/5 starter scrubs, eh...


In the lineup, they have Jose Vidro (.294, 14 HR, 60 RBI), Cristian Guzman (.274, 84 R, 46 RBI), and Jose Guillen (.294, 27 HR, 104 RBI), but the rest of the lineup looks pretty thin. They have Vinny Castilla at third, but I have a theory on players coming over from Colorado... (flushes toilet).


Edit: Correction; they lost 95 games.

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In the lineup, they have Jose Vidro (.294, 14 HR, 60 RBI), Cristian Guzman (.274, 84 R, 46 RBI), and Jose Guillen (.294, 27 HR, 104 RBI), but the rest of the lineup looks pretty thin. They have Vinny Castilla at third, but I have a theory on players coming over from Colorado... (flushes toilet).


Guzman is not an offensive asset, in my view. And Castilla had one foot in the toilet BEFORE he went to Colorado.

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Guest LooneyTune

I was trying to be a little more positive with Guzman, since, to be nice, the Nationals suck, and I didn't want to bash everyone on the team.


Edit: After looking over for different opinions, it seems as if his career is going in a decline now. Oh well, scratch him from the list of people I thought were good enough to mention.

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I'll give the proper players their due. Guillen is a good hitter, as is Brad Wilkerson. Jose Vidro is one of the league's best second baseman. Brian Schneider has a GUN behind the plate, and he might just be one of the most underrated players in baseball. And Livan Hernandez is a horse in the rotation. I have high hopes for Nick Johnson as well. alert readers will note that just one of the above players was acquired by Jim Bowden.

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Guillen is a good hitter

Of course, so is Juan Rivera.


I actually think the Expos have somewhat of a talent base to make a run at .500, but Frank Robinson - god bless him - will manage them straight into the toilet with every Endy Chavez leadoff at bat.

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Guest Mosaicv2

My 2005 MLB NL East standings:


1. Atlanta Braves

2. New York Mets

3. Florida Marlins

4. Washington Nationals

5. Philadelphia Phillies


Anybody who disagrees with me... don't know their BUTT from their wrist.

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Guest LooneyTune

Lindy's Scouting Report picks NY Mets for 4th place... that might be a bit too harsh, but they have the "NY Syndrom" going on where they sign big buck players, and they still suck.

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Guest Mosaicv2
Lindy's Scouting Report picks NY Mets for 4th place... that might be a bit too harsh, but they have the "NY Syndrom" going on where they sign big buck players, and they still suck.

Why do you constanly hate all over the Mets. Do you cheer for the D-Rays?

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Guest LooneyTune

I like everyone... well, that's not true, but the Mets always seem to get everyones hopes up and then failing to make it to the playoffs.

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1. Christian Guzman SS

2. Jose Vidro 2B

3. Brad Wilkerson CF

4. Jose Guillen RF

5. Vinnie Castilla 3B

6. Nick Johnson 1B

7. Terrmel Sledge LF

8. Brian Schneider C




1. L. Hernandez

2. T. Armas

3. E. Loaiza

4. T. Ohka

5. Z. Day


I have an interesting relationship with the Nationals. Most Orioles fans from Balltimore are appalled/offended that MLB would break their "territory" into 2 by putting another team in the area. Most DC area baseball fans, despised the O's already for not being "their team" mostly because of the hostile overtures of Peter Angelos to keep a team out of DC all these years.

As for me, hey, it's more baseball. I am no doubt still an Orioles fan first and foremost and originally thought I wouldn't give the light of day about the Nats, but the prospects of seeing Nationally League baseball just a 20 minute Metro ride away is pretty cool.


Anyway, I agree they'll finish last, but might suprise some people. Lest we forget the Expos finished 2 of the last 3 seasons over .500. The additions they made were not all star worthy (all though argument could be made that Jose Guillen is at that level and for better or for worse, Esteban Loaiza has been selected twice), but they are a solid foundation of moves, plugging some glaring holes in the lineup. Combined with a promising young nucleus already with the likes of Wilkerson, Schneider, Sledge, Johnson and Vidro, and all of a sudden this lineup doesn't look too bad. And their pitching at least when I compare them to the O's is solid. Livan Hernandez is a true ace and underrated every year. Day and Armas are solid, and while Loaiza is way overrated has at least proved he can put together a decent season. And keep your eye out for rising closer Chad Cordero who struck out the side in the 9th in that ST game against the Mets.

One thing that probably can't be measured, but does exist is the enthusiasm. I see it from the long time DC residents who rejected the Orioles and have awaiting the Second Com-....err Third Coming I guess of the Senators. Season tickets are moving and merchandise is second in the nation in sales only to the World Champ Red Sox. And the players are excited too. No more ungodly road trips to Puerto Rico and back, and the long nights and lack of proper rest that comes with it. Players have been quoted in local players just being giddy about putting on their new uniforms or hearing that they have a team song now. They finally feel like a real major league team.

Predicted finish: 5th, but a lot closer to .500 then many think.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I think they can finish 4th at least. I'm sure the Mets will crash and burn yet again this season.

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Guest Mosaicv2
I like everyone... well, that's not true, but the Mets always seem to get everyones hopes up and then failing to make it to the playoffs.

1969 National League and World Champions, season with 100 wins

1973 National League Champions

1986 National League and World Champions, season with 108 wins

1988 National League East Champions, season with over 100 wins

1999 National League Wildcard Champions

2000 National League Champions


disappoinment ;)

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Guest Mosaicv2
I think they can finish 4th at least. I'm sure the Mets will crash and burn yet again this season.

I guess you don't know your BUTT from your wrist.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
I think they can finish 4th at least.  I'm sure the Mets will crash and burn yet again this season.

I guess you don't know your BUTT from your wrist.

I'd call it common sense. The team is old and has no prospects left. Florida and Philly will easily finish ahead of them.


Just because you fall into the trap of buying the Mets hype doesn't mean you know shit about how teams will finish.

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Guest LooneyTune
I like everyone... well, that's not true, but the Mets always seem to get everyones hopes up and then failing to make it to the playoffs.

1969 National League and World Champions, season with 100 wins

1973 National League Champions

1986 National League and World Champions, season with 108 wins

1988 National League East Champions, season with over 100 wins

1999 National League Wildcard Champions

2000 National League Champions


disappoinment ;)

I obviously didn't mean all-time for the NYM. They've had plenty of good teams in the franchises history, but I mean for the last few years.


In 2001, their recorded decline to barely above .500 ball after having a great 2000 season. Their record declined worse in 2002 dropping to around .450, then worse again in 2003 at around .400, and bounced in the .400-.450 range for 2004, all years I thought they had a chance at at least making the playoffs.


While signing Pedro Martinez and Carlos Beltran were both big moves, their starting pitching isn't that great, with Tom Glavine steadily declining, Kris Benson being average, and I've never been big fans for Victor Zambrano and Steve Traschel. As for their relievers... who in their right mind would sign/trade for Felix Heredia?


In the lineup, Mike Piazza is getting worse every year, and his fielding behind the plate is not too great. Kaz Matsui was probably the biggest disappoint in 2004 (my fantasy teams should know), but hopefully he can improve, which isn't out of the question. Jason Phillps and Miguel Cairo fill some spots in the infield, but neither have that great of a bat, but could be very useful on defense.


In the outfield, of course there's Carlos Beltran, but you have a the often-injured and declining Cliff Floyd, and a good power hitter in Mike Cameron.


I know this isn't the Mets topic, but really... they are a hard team to pick for this season in terms of placements in the NL East. If they play great, they can probably be 2nd, but I won't leave out the possibility of another crap year, so I'll compromise and say 3rd place.

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I've posted this several times before, why do the Mets have a label as "All Time Losers" when they have won 2 world championships and 4 National League pennants in 43 Years. I will say this again, the Houston Astros started the same year the Mets did, 1962, and have won 1 playoff series. Yet I don't hear anyone proclaiming them "All time losers"

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I think they can finish 4th at least.  I'm sure the Mets will crash and burn yet again this season.

I guess you don't know your BUTT from your wrist.

I'd call it common sense. The team is old and has no prospects left. Florida and Philly will easily finish ahead of them.


Just because you fall into the trap of buying the Mets hype doesn't mean you know shit about how teams will finish.

Carlos Beltran, David Wright, and Jose Reyes are not old. They are a team with some older players, not an old team. You could say that in a year or 2 their pitchers will be too old

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But then they'll have Yusimeiro Petit on the club.


My 2005 MLB NL East standings:


1. Atlanta Braves

2. New York Mets

3. Florida Marlins

4. Washington Nationals

5. Philadelphia Phillies


Anybody who disagrees with me... don't know their BUTT from their wrist.


I would honestly like to hear your rational for picking the Phillies last.

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Guest LooneyTune

If I had to make a list for 1-5 for the NL East, it would be like this...


1. Atlanta Braves

2. Florida Marlins

3. Philadelphia Phillies

4. New York Mets

5. Washington Nationals


Sorry, but I don't trust the Mets in a league where three teams are clearly better than them. They could still pull off 3rd, but I honestly don't know. Maybe if it was the NL Central they might, but the East looks good for the top 3 teams.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
I think they can finish 4th at least.  I'm sure the Mets will crash and burn yet again this season.

I guess you don't know your BUTT from your wrist.

I'd call it common sense. The team is old and has no prospects left. Florida and Philly will easily finish ahead of them.


Just because you fall into the trap of buying the Mets hype doesn't mean you know shit about how teams will finish.

Carlos Beltran, David Wright, and Jose Reyes are not old. They are a team with some older players, not an old team. You could say that in a year or 2 their pitchers will be too old

I'd say their pitching staff is old. Their youngest starter will be turning 30 by the end of the season. It's an older group of overpriced players that they've gutted their farm system for. Think of the prospects they gave up for average Kris Benson and below average Victor Zambrano. There's also no depth as there's no one to call up if they suffer injuries.

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Guest Mosaicv2
I think they can finish 4th at least.  I'm sure the Mets will crash and burn yet again this season.

I guess you don't know your BUTT from your wrist.

I'd call it common sense. The team is old and has no prospects left. Florida and Philly will easily finish ahead of them.


Just because you fall into the trap of buying the Mets hype doesn't mean you know shit about how teams will finish.

And you like the Reds and Browns :huh: HIPPOCRAT!!

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Guest Mosaicv2
But then they'll have Yusimeiro Petit on the club.


My 2005 MLB NL East standings:


1. Atlanta Braves

2. New York Mets

3. Florida Marlins

4. Washington Nationals

5. Philadelphia Phillies


Anybody who disagrees with me... don't know their BUTT from their wrist.


I would honestly like to hear your rational for picking the Phillies last.

Because Philadelphia is a city of underachiever and New York isn't. Nuff said.

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