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Exslade ZX

Doom the Movie

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You should. The Rundown and Be Cool are pretty fucking good movies.



Edit: I am surprised, however, that they didn't hire idiot Uwe Boll to do this movie..

Come on, it's Doom--easily one of the top 5 most influencial games (as far as mainstream attention) of the past 15 years.


Sounds more like something up PWSA's alley. At least his movies tend to pull in a respectable profit.


Non-gamers likely never heard of the AitD or HotD games, but Doom? Of course they have.

Mainstreamers have heard of Myst... doesn't mean that a Myst movie will be worth a shit or make any money. Super Mario Bros. and Street Fighter both proved that one.

That's a good reason why they shouldn't make VG movies, but my point was that getting Boll to do a film pretty much guarantees failure. Most of the bigger-name video game films are handed to people who couldn't churn out a decent film anyway, but at least they haven't delivered bomb after bomb already.

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Oh, and this is rather scary--I checked out the money made by some of these other VG moves on BoxOfficeMojo...


Street Fighter: The Movie was actually a profitable film. A production budget of 35 million bucks (not including marketing) and it grossed worldwide nearly 100 million dollars.


Mortal Kombat grossed, worldwide, 122 million dollars, on a budget smaller than SF I believe.


Resident Evil? Just over 100 million dollars.


Resident Evil Apocalypse-- nearly 130 million dollars!!


So *this* is why these movies continue being made.


Sure, Boll's movies, Mario, Double Dragon, etc are bombs, but studios figure a big-name license, like Doom, will rake in the cash.

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On the other hand, HOTD only made 13M, so at least movie goers have some taste

It did worse than that, actually--


Production Budget: $12 million


Marketing Costs: $10 million


Domestic: $10,249,719 74.2%

+ Overseas: $3,568,462 25.8%




= Worldwide: $13,818,181


It was still an 8 million dollar loss, not counting home video.


Bloodrayne is budgeted at $30 million, but considering how well AitD is doing, I doubt it'll even break even.

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The Rock is a bigger star than anybody in those 2 movies. The movie of DOOM~ will be #1 for 3 weeks straight.

You're insane.

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Except that with the movie, instead of hellspawn (a staple of Doom from Day 1) they're fighting mutants, a rather large deviation

That's just making it safe to show in the Red States.

Stocking up on huge guns and blowing away demons from hell wouldn't appeal to "red staters?"


Come on, that's crazy talk. Besides, why the casting of a Heinz-57 minority like Rock who is just getting off playing a gay character then?


The film probably would double in revenue if they'd have cast Will Smith in it though. Although he probably would want 15-25 million for it (owning and maintaining those private islands don't come cheap).

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I was considering buying/renting The Rundown

It's worth a rental at least. I'm usually not the action type, but I've watched it twice on HBO. It's an enjoyable movie.

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