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Matt Young

Fight Night R.2, KOTOR II, and others for $20?

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Your mileage may vary on this deal. I got it from a site I go to that posts amazing cheap video game deals daily.


In GameCrazy's current ad (valid til March 27th) Fight Night Round 2 along with a few other new games including Star Wars KOTOR II and the latest ratchet nd Clank are advertised at $20. Most GC stores have a flyer up in-store that states that those prices are a misprint and they will not honor them.


However, It has been reported that some GC strors will give you the games at that price. Also, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, and Circuit City in most areas will price match if you have a copy of the ad from GC.


I don't have any money right now so I'm screwed on this, but I figured it might help some of you guys out.

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My local GameCrazy already knew about it, but I'll have to see if any of the competitors are willing to bite on the misprint and match the $20 price tag.


C'mon...Fight Night Rd. 2 for $20? I'll take three.

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I knew that was a misprint. Betcha I could get it though. My mom wouldgo in there and throw a fit lol But since Im 22, I can handle this myself, or maybe Ill call my uncle, hes good at these kind of things

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Well, I'm going to try out the deal today if I can find an ad at GameCrazy. I was going to buy a few copies and trad ethem in for a PS2, but since I can only afford to spend $20, I'm not sure if I'll keep Fight Night (heard mixed reviews) or trade it in for a full-price new game or a couple budget titles.

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