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Guest DonVito

The Ring 2...

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I enjoyed it at first, but then after I left the theater, a lot of the holes in the film became obvious to me. But still, that kid (Dorfman) that plays Aidan did a really good job. It's not that it was a bad film, it just didn't live up to the original at all.

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Wow, you guys really hated this movie. As for myself, I enjoyed it. Now, keep in mind that I worship at the feet of the first Ring and still think that it's one of the most terrifying goddamn things I've ever seen, so just hearing that they were making a sequel kinda made my dick shrink. But in the genre of Completely Unnecessary Sequels, this wasn't bad. Ring 2 was kinda like Jaws 2: nowhere near the masterpiece that original was, but not that godawful. The filmmakers were between a rock and a hard place, having to create a sequel to one of the more unique and original horror flicks in existence, and in my opinion they didn't drop the ball nearly as bad as they could've.


A few specific complaints and things I didn't understand:


I didn't understand the deer scene either. It was so terribly out of place, and the computer-animated deer really looked horribly fake. My personal theory is that the studio insisted that the filmmakers had to include another scene of large animals on the rampage, like the one of the horse on the boat in The Ring.


Since when was Samara adopted? In the first movie, her father said "my wife was never supposed to have a child!", which hinted at a lot of interesting possibilities, but as far as I can remember she was supposed to have been their real birth child. Spacek's character could've easily been switched to being Samara's crazy aunt or grandmother or something like that.


I didn't like how Samara was able to kill Max in the standard blue-faced manner despite him never having seen the video, that broke the first movie's internal rules.


The ending... meh. It was just kinda there. It felt like the screenwriter ran out of ideas, or maybe the studio insisted on a happy ending. It was a lot like the ending of The Craft, which taught me that all the unholy supernatural powers in the universe can be defeated with one good kick to the midsection. It was strongly remniscent of the ending to Aliens, too. But Samara did look creepy as hell spider-climbing up the well.

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Actually in the first one they said Anna Morgan was unable to conceive a child. Even though Mr. Morgan (first name escapes me) said the 'wasn't supposed to have a child' line that probably just means she couldn't conceive so he didn't want to adopt one but she did anyways.


Also I agree that it's kinda dumb that Max didn't have to see the tape to die but it makes sense given that Samara had taken over Aidan's body. With the tape deaths she doesn't have a body so yeah.

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