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Non-spoiler Smackdown listings

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Velocity (won't air in US because of Hall of Fame stuff):


1) Akio vs. Nunzio

2) Billy Kidman vs. Mark Jindrak

3) Luther Reigns vs. Biohazard

4) Haas/Holly vs. Jared Steele and Russel Simpson




1) Battle royal for cruiserweight title

2) Eddie Guerrero vs. Doug Basham

3) Booker T vs. Luther Reigns

4) Rey Misterio vs. Danny Basham

5) Akebono vs. Eddie Vegas

6) John Cena vs. Carlito Carribbean Cool

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1) Battle royal for cruiserweight title

-Screw this. Couldn't they do an 8 man tourney and stretch it out 2 or 3 weeks? This is stupid.


2) Eddie Guerrero vs. Doug Basham



3) Booker T vs. Luther Reigns

-I don't care to see this.


4) Rey Misterio vs. Danny Basham

-Why? Seriously, you'd think there was a tag match at Mania.


5) Akebono vs. Eddie Vegas

-What a waste of space on Smackdown. This sumo thing is stupid to begin with.


6) John Cena vs. Carlito Carribbean Cool

-ehh, could be decient, but not great.


More matches really doesn't equal out to a good show

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If they're not going to wait til after WrestleMania to resolve the cruiserweight title situation, why not do it at the show itself? I wanna see Paul London at WM, dammit.

I don't think they care whatsoever about the CW title. Probably hasn't even crossed their minds.

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