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WWE to start steroid testing

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WWE announces new stringent steroid testing policy (Business Wire)


STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 31, 2005--WWE Chairman Vincent K. McMahon announced what would appear to be a revolutionary change in his company's attitude toward the growth-enhancing substances that have been such a part of sports news over recent months; with the BALCO scandal that has affected major league baseball, with such superstars as Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds caught up in its wake; a scandal that is now potentially set to affect the National Football League with the revelations that members of the Carolina Panthers had filled steroid prescriptions during the 2003 NFL playoffs.


This scandal, followed by the news that the US House Committee on Government Reform announced yesterday that it would call representatives from the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS, NCAA, USA Track and Field and possibly other sports associations to outline their league's steroid policies; and is considering whether to propose a single, stringent steroids policy for all athletics in the United States.


In light of these events, McMahon, representing his World Wrestling Entertainment company, announced today that his sports entertainment company would be instituting comprehensive, universal, and random testing for growth-enhancing substances among all his company's performers.


McMahon stated that he had contemplated such a move for some time, but that the time spent in recovery after his injury suffered at a recent PPV event, where he seriously injured a quadricep muscle; allowed him to make the decision that he acknowledged might well have an effect on his business and force changes in the manner in which it is presented.


McMahon stated that "this new testing policy may well force us to take a look at the manner in which we present our Superstars. But we feel, as the premier company within our industry, that our ability to create new characters and to create dramatic and entertaining storylines will overcome any short-term concerns that this policy might create."


McMahon continued "Where better than the weekend that celebrates sports entertainment, Wrestlemania weekend; and in the media center of entertainment, Hollywood, that we announce a revolutionary change in our company, one that we believe will allow our artform to go forward and to grow; with less burden on our Superstars to maintain artificial standards of body image and the temptation to use growth-enhancing substances to achieve this standard."


Details on the new program were not provided, but unconfirmed reports suggest that WWE may join The National Football League, United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), and the University of Utah in the development of their new new Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory at the University; which will conduct state-of-the-art research on new means of detection of growth-enhancing substances.


Additional information on World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. can be found at wwe.com and corporate.wwe.com.


Trademarks: The names of all World Wrestling Entertainment televised and live programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans and wrestling moves and all World Wrestling Entertainment logos are trademarks which are the exclusive property of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

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Guest Shadow

Smart Move here by vince; even if he doesn't actually do it, he's showing unlike the other leagues, HE's making the move and not being told to.


I'm 100% certain this is a simple media ploy so dont read into it that much.

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They won't test the top tier guys so already this policy is BS.


Imagine they did test a Triple H or a Batista while they held the title. Imagine the test came back positive. Do you really think they'd strip them of the title or kill a push because they were juiced up? Hell, no!

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McMahon stated that he had contemplated such a move for some time, but that the time spent in recovery after his injury suffered at a recent PPV event, where he seriously injured a quadricep muscle;


"Our performers need to get off the juice, look what it did to me. I tore two quads getting in the ring"

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they should start testing, there is no need for steroids in wrestling, who cares how their bodies are built we are watching for wrestling, if we cared about builds, then we probably all would be gay liek everyone who isnt a fan thinks

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It had to be a joke...it's too well written. No one would REALLY put that much information and effort into a press release.


Vince should hire him to write them, that was informative.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered
But alf gets great credit for a real looking press release



he took it off a website moron.

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