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Ethics DELAYed

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Guest MikeSC

Hell, I'd be more outraged over Tom Delay's problems if he only killed a woman or was a member of the Klan, like some extremely prominent Dems.


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Hell, I'd be more outraged over Tom Delay's problems if he only killed a woman or was a member of the Klan, like some extremely prominent Dems.


Will you be more outraged if perjury is alleged?


Or does the line of bad congressional things go like this



Everything else

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Guest MikeSC
Hell, I'd be more outraged over Tom Delay's problems if he only killed a woman or was a member of the Klan, like some extremely prominent Dems.


Will you be more outraged if perjury is alleged?

Well, as we learned with the previous President, perjury is not THAT big a deal, right? It's all a personal matter, right?




I'd personally be upset about it --- but we already know perjury is not a serious problem. The Democrats (and those twats Shays and Specter) said so.

Or does the line of bad congressional things go like this



Everything else

Well, it's hard to criticize a jaywalker when he's amongst a murderer and a Klansman...


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Well, as we learned with the previous President, perjury is not THAT big a deal, right? It's all a personal matter, right?




I'd personally be upset about it --- but we already know perjury is not a serious problem. The Democrats (and those twats Shays and Specter) said so.


You have such strong convictions, that you're willing to bend them liberally.


"Perjury is bad, but.. um.. the other guys weren't so mad about it, so I guess i'll let it pass"


Of course, you're also making massive assumptions. Like usual.


If Perjury is alleged, is it good, or bad. "BUT CLINTON" isn't an answer.


I think it's a concern if a crime is alleged and action should be taken. Action was taken in the Clinton case, which lead to an acquittal in the United States Senate.


Well, it's hard to criticize a jaywalker when he's amongst a murderer and a Klansman


When was Ted convicted?


just curious about that


(Jaywalker? what a load of horseshit. It's not like Tom DeLay is some innocent roseycheeked Boy Scout)

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Guest MikeSC
Well, as we learned with the previous President, perjury is not THAT big a deal, right? It's all a personal matter, right?




I'd personally be upset about it --- but we already know perjury is not a serious problem. The Democrats (and those twats Shays and Specter) said so.

You have such strong convictions, that you're willing to bend them liberally.


"Perjury is bad, but.. um.. the other guys weren't so mad about it, so I guess i'll let it pass"

No, it's more like "perjury is horrible --- but since it won't be punished, what's the point in griping?"

Of course, you're also making massive assumptions. Like usual.


If Perjury is alleged, is it good, or bad. "BUT CLINTON" isn't an answer.


I think it's a concern if a crime is alleged and action should be taken. Action was taken in the Clinton case, which lead to an acquittal in the United States Senate.

An acquittal IN SPITE of more than a little proof of him actually committing perjury.

Well, it's hard to criticize a jaywalker when he's amongst a murderer and a Klansman

When was Ted convicted?


just curious about that


(Jaywalker? what a load of horseshit. It's not like Tom DeLay is some innocent roseycheeked Boy Scout)

That Ted wasn't convicted of something that would have sent you or me to prison for the rest of our natural life is a crime in and of itself. But the Kennedys own Massachusetts and can, literally, get away with murder.


Tom has, allegedly, done some bad stuff. It's just even CLOSE to, you know, murder or the terrorism of the KKK.


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Guest MikeSC
So he's so guilty that it's a crime that he wasn't guilty.


Why even bother with trials when you can use the MikeSC detector to see how guilty somebody is.



No, he's guilty. But, shockingly, a powerful family in MA was able to avoid prosecution in MA. I'm stunned --- stunned, truly.


So, what part of Ted Kennedy's killing of Mary Jo Kopechne do you dispute? Him leaving her in the car while it was sinking and not calling the authorities for about 8 hours?


...Ted Kennedy: He is SO supportive of women...

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No, he's guilty. But, shockingly, a powerful family in MA was able to avoid prosecution in MA. I'm stunned --- stunned, truly.

I'm pretty sure the only verdict you'd ever accept in that case is guilty.


Jumping to conclusions is not something which is a good idea, especially on something like this.


So, what part of Ted Kennedy's killing of Mary Jo Kopechne do you dispute? Him leaving her in the car while it was sinking and not calling the authorities for about 8 hours?


I doubt there'd be enough evidence to convict him anywhere. First off, it's been over 30 years. Second, there'd have to be a provable account of his actions from someone who was in that area.


Or, to put it another way "Kennedy's big evil lawyers would use their powers to get him off"


(random note: the most that I'd imagine Kennedy being tried for is manslaughter. But, i'm sure it's fair to lump in anybody suspected of that with first degree murderers and such. That's what counts. :D )


At least it's nice to know you set such high standards for your Republican politicians, with the "no racism/no killing" thing

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Guest MikeSC
No, he's guilty. But, shockingly, a powerful family in MA was able to avoid prosecution in MA. I'm stunned --- stunned, truly.

I'm pretty sure the only verdict you'd ever accept in that case is guilty.


Jumping to conclusions is not something which is a good idea, especially on something like this.

Well, when a guy leaves a woman to drown in a car and doesn't call for help until the next day -- yeah, guilty is a pretty obvious conclusion.

So, what part of Ted Kennedy's killing of Mary Jo Kopechne do you dispute? Him leaving her in the car while it was sinking and not calling the authorities for about 8 hours?

I doubt there'd be enough evidence to convict him anywhere. First off, it's been over 30 years. Second, there'd have to be a provable account of his actions from someone who was in that area.

TED doesn't dispute any part of the story. Not a single aspect. The story is pretty well known and not a single fact (yes, fact) is disputed by anybody.

Or, to put it another way "Kennedy's big evil lawyers would use their powers to get him off"


(random note: the most that I'd imagine Kennedy being tried for is manslaughter. But, i'm sure it's fair to lump in anybody suspected of that with first degree murderers and such. That's what counts.  :D )

Bill Frist having his family on the gov't payroll is horrible. Ted Kennedy leaving a woman to die in his car and not calling for help until the next day is not a big deal. :rolleyes:

At least it's nice to know you set such high standards for your Republican politicians, with the "no racism/no killing" thing

Actually, it's really sad that you don't hold similar demands for, you know, Democrats.


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Bill Frist having his family on the gov't payroll is horrible. Ted Kennedy leaving a woman to die in his car and not calling for help until the next day is not a big deal.


I'm pretty sure DeLay was the one who had relatives who recieved 500K from one of his PACs.


Admirable jump to conclusions there though.


Actually, it's really sad that you don't hold similar demands for, you know, Democrats.


Since i'm not joining a pitchforked mob that jumps to conclusions, I guess that's bad.


Robert Byrd made a mistake when he was in the Klan back in the 1940s. Ted Kennedy made a mistake at Chappaquidick.


Mike's response if he were angrier: "BUT.. YOU MUST KICK THEM ALL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"


I guess when it comes to some people, there's no such thing as forgiveness for sins and mistakes.

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Guest MikeSC
Bill Frist having his family on the gov't payroll is horrible. Ted Kennedy leaving a woman to die in his car and not calling for help until the next day is not a big deal.


I'm pretty sure DeLay was the one who had relatives who recieved 500K from one of his PACs.


Admirable jump to conclusions there though.



I guess when it comes to some people, there's no such thing as forgiveness for sins and mistakes.

Which is, apparently, worse than leaving a woman to die.


Nice "morality" ya got going there.

Actually, it's really sad that you don't hold similar demands for, you know, Democrats.

Since i'm not joining a pitchforked mob that jumps to conclusions, I guess that's bad.


Robert Byrd made a mistake when he was in the Klan back in the 1940s. Ted Kennedy made a mistake at Chappaquidick.


Mike's response if he were angrier: "BUT.. YOU MUST KICK THEM ALL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!"

A "mistake"?


Being a HIGH-RANKING KLANSMAN is a "mistake"?


Leaving a woman to drown is a "mistake"?


Wow, that is some impressive justification for acts of pure, unmitigated evil.


But allegedly taking money from a PAC --- now that's some bad shit.


I can't even imagine a worldview like yours. It's like every stereotype of the left rolled up in a single person.


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Being a HIGH-RANKING KLANSMAN is a "mistake"?


The concept of not holding a really bad move against somebody forever seems lost on you.


Leaving a woman to drown is a "mistake"?


You, of course, know that it's easy to rescue somebody after driving your car off of a bridge.


Wow, that is some impressive justification for acts of pure, unmitigated evil.


Yes, we should put all the people who accidentally kill others and join racist groups, and put them in a tower. That'll show them.


But allegedly taking money from a PAC --- now that's some bad shit.


Actually, I think a DeLay-run PAC paid the 500K to DeLay's family members or something of that sort.


So, is "ever" a very strong word to you?


I can't even imagine a worldview like yours. It's like every stereotype of the left rolled up in a single person.


Every stereotype of yours, of course.


But, I don't really go though life caring about what you think either.

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Being a HIGH-RANKING KLANSMAN is a "mistake"?

Suddenly Byrd's not just a Klansman, but a "high ranking" Klansman.




Nice. :rolleyes:



Speaking of Ted Kennedy accidentally driving off a bridge because he was probably drunk...what's Laura Bush's excuse for running that stop sign and killing that guy?


Oh, I see, you're willing to forgive Laura Bush because she's only human and made a mistake and has to live with the guilt of her accident for the rest of her life, but Ted Kennedy must have it mentioned about him every single time his name is brought up because WHY?

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Does it matter how high up he was?

Yes, it matters when you're trying to make a distiction between a youthful mistake and reason to hold a grudge against someone for 60 years.


Besides, if it didn't matter, Mike wouldn't have included it.

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Guest MikeSC
Being a HIGH-RANKING KLANSMAN is a "mistake"?

Suddenly Byrd's not just a Klansman, but a "high ranking" Klansman.




Nice. :rolleyes:

Byrd was a Kleagle --- a recruiter.


Some Byrd gems:

"[i will] never submit to fight beneath that banner [the American flag] with a Negro by my side. Rather would I die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."


"The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth in West Virginia... It is necessary that the order be promoted immediately and in every state in the Union. Will you please inform me as to the possibility of rebuilding the Klan realm of W. Va?"


Byrd's warning in 1997 about joining the KKK: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena." --- man, that sounds pretty damned contrite, don't it?


Do I need to mention his filibuster of the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Odd that Strom's filibuster made him a racist --- but Byrd's didn't.

Speaking of Ted Kennedy accidentally driving off a bridge because he was probably drunk...what's Laura Bush's excuse for running that stop sign and killing that guy? 


Oh, I see, you're willing to forgive Laura Bush because she's only human and made a mistake and has to live with the guilt of her accident for the rest of her life, but Ted Kennedy must have it mentioned about him every single time his name is brought up because WHY?

Bush was 17.


Kennedy was, oh, about 37.


Kennedy LEFT the woman to die and didn't call for help for hours.


Bush was taken to the hospital as well.


Kennedy had NUMEROUS reckless driving problems before this.


Laura didn't.


And the definition of manslaughter in MA:

"Any person who wantonly or in a reckless or grossly negligent manner did that which resulted in the death of a human being was guilty of manslaughter, although he did not contemplate such a result." In other words, negligence in exposing another to injury by doing an act, supplied all the intention the law required to make a defendant responsible for the consequences.

Seems to fit here.

Yes, it matters when you're trying to make a distiction between a youthful mistake and reason to hold a grudge against someone for 60 years.


Besides, if it didn't matter, Mike wouldn't have included it.

I just find it funny that Byrd isn't viewed as a bigot, but Strom was.


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Being a HIGH-RANKING KLANSMAN is a "mistake"?

Suddenly Byrd's not just a Klansman, but a "high ranking" Klansman.




Nice. :rolleyes:

Byrd was a Kleagle --- a recruiter.


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Guest MikeSC
Being a HIGH-RANKING KLANSMAN is a "mistake"?

Suddenly Byrd's not just a Klansman, but a "high ranking" Klansman.




Nice. :rolleyes:

Byrd was a Kleagle --- a recruiter.


He was in his 20's.


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Guest MikeSC
Can't they all just be bigots...they are white after all. :D

Strom was far better about race than Byrd is. But since he doesn't have a "D" by his name, he doesn't get tons of praise from the press.


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Can't they all just be bigots...they are white after all. :D

Strom was far better about race than Byrd is. But since he doesn't have a "D" by his name, he doesn't get tons of praise from the press.


It's because he doesn't have the voice. The voice does it.

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Classic Klan-related quote from Mike


The NAACP is every inch as racist and bigoted today as the KKK was. Not as violent, but every inch as racist.




Good thing Robert Byrd isn't a member of the NAACP, or Mike would have had to bash him for that too, since the NAACP is just as bad as the KKK.

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Guest MikeSC
Classic Klan-related quote from Mike


The NAACP is every inch as racist and bigoted today as the KKK was. Not as violent, but every inch as racist.




Good thing Robert Byrd isn't a member of the NAACP, or Mike would have had to bash him for that too, since the NAACP is just as bad as the KKK.

The NAACP is as bigoted as the KKK. Their comments about ANY Republican are downright offensive. They might not mind being the house slaves to the DNC, but that's their problem.


However, their whole "A vote for a Republican is a vote for church burning" is one of the most patently bigoted and offensive campaigns in recent history.


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Guest MikeSC
Next time the NAACP burns a cross on my yard, I'll call you, Mike.

Ah, so burning a cross is bad, but accusing anybody who disagrees with you as being in favor of church burning or the murder of black men is peachy?


Got it.


Then again, when you have a babbling fool like Kweisi Mfume as the head of a shit organization, it's to be expected.


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