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Guest ant_7000

Lakers vs. kings

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

The team who has shot the mos FTS has won every game.

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Guest El Satanico

intentional or not it was clearly a foul and there's a good chance it would've been called intentional if it was the regular season...or if someone other then Kobe did it. I mean jesus imagine if someone had hit Kobe with a elbow like that they would've been tossed then the nba would try to crucify them.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Was there ever a shadow of a doubt that the Lakers would win though?

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Guest El Satanico

Well if you mean the game itself, then yes there was a "shadow of a doubt" that the Lakers would lose. It's not as if they dominated the entire game, majority of the game was played within 5 or 6 points of each other. If a close game doesn't qualify as a "shadow of a doubt" on a team winning then i don't know what would.


However if you mean was there a shadow of a doubt that the NBA was getting a game 7 out of these teams, then no there was no doubt. But just because it's expected doesn't mean we have to like it.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

That's why I mentioned the FTs. With everyone talking about the officiating, don't you think it's a bit strange that team that gets the most FTs has won each game? None of the players is going to mention that though because they'll get fined.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Almost all the fouls called on Sacramento in the 4th where fouls. The refs could probably call that many fouls the entire game they just called all the fouls in the 4th quarter.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

The fact that they waited is incriminating. Am I the only one who is fearful of seeing a flop-fest tonight? The officials are going to determine this game bcause either they will have Shaq in foul trouble or he will score 40 points.

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Guest Human Fly

I'm afraid we're going to et a mess of a game tonight. Players flopping all over the place doing anything they can do to get fouls called. The refs need to set the tone early in the game of what they are going to call a foul on. Let's face it Game 6 refs didn't call the greatest game in the world. Sports writers have written about it, Talk shows have commented on it. There was no way the Kings were going to win a close Game 6 in LA to eliminate the Lakers. Will the refs tonight feel the owe the Kings some favorable calls after the way the refs called that crap game on Friday? It will be interesting, and hopefully the refs won't decide the outcome of this game.

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Guest JHawk



But would somebody wearing stripes watch Kobe's elbow when he's driving to the hoop?  It wouldn't bother me if he'd drive without throwing the elbow once in a while, but he does it every time.

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Guest Flyboy

Lakers win!  Lakers win!


Heh.. I was cheering for them.. am I the only one who likes them?  :P

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Guest Ripper

Damn fine game, damn fine officiating in comparison to many of the games.  The big no call on Bibbys drive will be remembered, but overall, no team got the benifit of the doubt on the calls.  


At the same time...this game had no business happening.  While this is going to be remembered as a great series, but I will always remember game 6.  The Laker won the seventh game and played great...but they had no business being in the seventh game.

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Guest JHawk
Heh.. I was cheering for them.. am I the only one who likes them?  


Probably. :)


It isn't so much that I'm anti-Laker, but the non-call in game 6 is a prime example of why I don't root for them unless I really hate the other team.  Kobe threw the elbow all series, and the only time I saw it called was in game 5.  The fact that they didn't call one in game 6 that would have been flagrant in the regular season just adds to my displeasure with the NBA.


I was the same way against Chicago when the Bulls had their run.  Because Michael Jordan was Michael Jordan, he'd be allowed to stop dribbling at the three point line to dunk.  Granted, he was jumping from the foul line a lot of times, but even hen he wasn't there'd never be a traveling call.


I know the NBA (and most other sports) live and die by the TV ratings, but I honestly feel like they compromise the integrity of the sport in order to up them.  Well, I refuse to watch the NBA Finals, and not just because I'm sick of the bullshit, but also because the Nets have no shot in hell of beating the Lakers even without the bullshit.


That being said, would somebody explain to the Kings what a free throw means and how they can help you win?  No bitches about game 7 from me, they still had the Lakers beat and they choked.

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Guest Human Fly

Well, I think the NBA finals will be good. I'm pulling for the Nets, I'm a big K-Mart mark, and LA has no one who can run with Jason Kidd.

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Guest Vern Gagne
Well, I think the NBA finals will be good. I'm pulling for the Nets, I'm a big K-Mart mark, and LA has no one who can run with Jason Kidd.

The Nets don't have anyone that can stop Shaq or Kobe. I say either 5 or 6 games.


I was rooting for the Lakers.

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Guest Crazy Dan

Well my hat is off for the Lakers, they proved they were the better team in this series.  I think the Lakers will three peat, but I don't think the Nets will keel over and die.  They have talent, and the best point guard in the game.  But the Lakers will have too much Kobe and Shaq.  


But I do think that this lost for the Kings will help them out for next year.  Especially if the Kings sign Bibby (Which I think will happen judging by what the Maloof Bros. said after the game).  I think that the Kings learned much from this series and what it takes to go to the next level.  I think that we are seeing the birth of the next great NBA rivalary.  


Overall a great series.  Very entertaining and one in which I am disapointed the Kings lost, but not mad or anything, because I just saw a series which reminds me why I love playoff basketball.

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Guest Dangerous A

Now that the series is over, I have some points to just spout off and for you to ponder.


1) Realistically, there shouldn't have been a game 7. If the refs would've called a consistent game in game 6 the Lakers would've lost. But the league handed it to them on a silver platter. Not just the Bibby call, but the officiating the entire fourth quarter.


2) The Kings have no one to blame but themselves in regards to losing game 7. They choked. Confident teams don't shoot 50% from the foul line. Confident teams don't have jumpers carom way off.(Christie and Stojakovic) Confident teams have 5 players who wouldn't mind having the ball during crunch time, not just one.


3)  In my opinion, the Horry three play to win game 4 was not luck. Luck is when preparation meets oppurtunity. The Lakers prepared themselves throughout to get to within striking distance and then the oppurtunity arose and Horry made the best of it. The ball just happening to come straight to him was a gift. I still contend that the league wanted the Lakers to win the series, but game 4 was intended for the Kings to win. The Lakers just happened to steal it. I think the league was going for the story of the champs being down 3-1 in a series and having to come back from insurmountable odds.


4)  This is not a rivalry. In my opinion, a rivalry is when both opponents have beaten each other (I mean in a series, not just games within a series) on a playoff level. The Kings havent proven shit. And I am a Kings fan. They have to beat the Lakers for this to be a real rivalry. Until that happens the Kings are just chasing the Champs and talking shit.

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Guest Human Fly

The Lakers have gotten, and unless the Nets win, will probably get a lot of calls. I don't know how many of you saw the Bulls beat the Lakers this year, but it was like the refs were looking for ways to have the Lakers win.


Free throws were horrible for the Kings. If they would've made half of the ones they missed we would've been looking at an entirely different game. Christie shouldn't have even been in the game in the last part of the game. The way his confidence was rattled his offensive liability didn't compensate for his defensive prowess.


You know Game 4 is in a lot of the Kings' minds right now. That has to sting.


The Kings missed a lot of good chances but I see them being just as good next year. This experience will help, but will they get some players who want the ball besides Bibby and sometimes Webber?

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I stopped being a Laker hater last year when the league decided that he Sixers would be the NBA darlings. I cheered for the Lakers to beat the Sixers last year and I found the Lakers to not be so bad. I cheered for the Lakers and the Nets in the playoffs this year, but I don't know who I want to win the Finals. I am wondering when Phil Jackson will get his respect as a coach. He is four games away from getting his ninth ring. He has won 8 rings in his past ten seasons and is working on 9 rings in 11 seasons. Please give the guy his respect. I hope people don't start complaining about the referees and al of that stuff now. The Kings could have won game 7, but they didn't get the job done. People might say that there shouldn't have been a game 7, but there was and the Kings choked. Chris Webber asked to guard Shaq, but that only made Shaq a go-to guy. With the exception of Bibby, the Kings were afraid to take shots late in the game while Shaq was knocking down free throws all game. Who wanted the game more? Shaq is a career 53% free throw shooter, but during this series, he did what he had to do. The Kings didn't and they could have. I'm glad Divac isn't going to be in the NBA Finals this year because I can't stand a player that is so dependant on the referees. Play the game and stop acting.

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Guest The Man in Blak

The Kings, free-throw percentage, Doug Christie, and all, blew game seven.  I will happily admit that - the Lakers deserved to win tonight.


What frustrates me is that there shouldn't have even been a game seven.  But that's a dead horse now.


It's all over now and all that's left is just watching the Nets get their clock cleaned, 'cause that's what's going to happen.  You can say "who's gonna guard Kidd" all you want, but what I want to know is who the hell is going to guard Shaq and Kobe, especially with the zebras all eating out of David Stern's feedbag.

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Guest Ripper

Anybody want to dare Kobe to say they can't guard me.  Ask Paul Pierce where that can get you.  The Nets can shut down perimeter players, but Shaq is a entirely different beast.  



And with the Kings...In theory people can say that if they hit free throws blah blah blah.  The only free throws that count are in the 4th quarter, where they only missed 2 I do believe.  In theory, if they hadn't counted Samaki Walkers late 3 in game 4 the Kings should have won, but it doesn't work that way.  The game would have been completely different, and there is no way to tell what would have happened.  You are going to miss shots, you are going to miss free throws...that part of the game.


Yeah, the lakers won, but there is no way you can call them the better team out of this. The Kings outplayed them 4 out of the seven games and SHOULD have won 4 out of the 7 games.  Games 2,3,5,6 were all games the the Kings won or in game 6's case, got stolen from them.  


Laker fan or not, if you are honestly trying to say that it wasn't a obvious effort from the refs to get the Lakers to game 7, you are blind.  That game was disgusting to watch for long time NBA fans.  Getting the benefit of the doubt is one thing, that was horrible.  But its over now and the Lakers have moved on.  I think game 6 will stick in the minds of the kings alot longer than game 4 will, though.


At the begaining of the playoffs in the thread that asked who you thought would win, I said I didn't think anyone could take the Nets 4 times in a series and I stand by it.

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Excuse me while I lay down the facts on my Lakers:


The big no call on Bibbys drive will be remembered, but overall, no team got the benifit of the doubt on the calls.


So will the foul on Bryant during the closing seconds of the 4th. All you bitter Kings fans and Laker-haters have been complaining about how the officials shouldn't decide the game.  Well, putting Bibby on the line at the end of the game is as close as it gets.  If I may quote someone from a previous post in regards to Bobby Jackson's raping of Kobe at the end of Game 5:

Well you know how the refs are when it comes to the final seconds of a game they won't call anything.

Except if you're Mike Bibby with 10.4 seconds left in the fourth quarter of Game 7.


The Laker won the seventh game and played great...but they had no business being in the seventh game.


I could say the same thing about Games 2 and 5 (Game 2 would be stretching it but definitely Game 5).  I could say the Kings probably wouldn't have won Game 2 if they hadn't have had a 23-5 free throw attempt advantage at halftime.  I could say the Lakers would have won Game 5 if the refs hadn't fouled out Shaq and had called a foul on Jackson at the end of the game.  The Lakers completely deserved to be in the seventh game, they won it, they deserve to play in the finals.  


The Kings outplayed them 4 out of the seven games and SHOULD have won 4 out of the 7 games.


Should have won, but didn't.  The Lakers did.  The Lakers are the better team.  They won the 7 games series.  


Laker fan or not, if you are honestly trying to say that it wasn't a obvious effort from the refs to get the Lakers to game 7, you are blind.  That game was disgusting to watch for long time NBA fans.


What about Game 2?  What about Game 5?  That game was not disgusting to watch if you are a true long time Laker or NBA fan.  It was only disgusting if you are a bitter devout Kings fan or Laker-hater.


Overall a great series.  Very entertaining and one in which I am disapointed the Kings lost, but not mad or anything, because I just saw a series which reminds me why I love playoff basketball.


Crazy Dan, I respect your opinion.  It's nice to see a Kings fan discuss this series honestly with no sour grapes.  I thought this was an incredible series also.  


I can't wait until Wednesday... Go Lakers!!!

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Guest Ripper

You are looking more of a Laker lover that can see no wrong in what happened in the series.  I am a Suns fan...therefore I hate everyone in the Pacific division besides them(the best damn division in basketball BTW :) ) So I hate the Kings and the Lakers.  I was hoping the Mavs or Spurs would be in the finals...but looking with a objective eye, the Lakers were given that game 7.  Game one, the calls were horrible and they gave the Lakers everything..1-0...game 2 the calls were horrible and they gave everything to the Kings...1-1....game 3, the Kings beat them...simple as that....1-2....game 4, the Lakers made a great comeback and won the game and out played the Kings. , although operation body check Mike Bibby begain in this second half of that game, the Kings SHOULD have won but missed free throws and didn't rebound...2-2...game 5, the Kings outplayed the Lakers...bottom line.  Not a single foul on Shaq was a bad call, and seriously, that was not enough contact from jackson to call a foul and you know it.  If you have to look at 2 or 3 slowmo replays to see something, how the hell is the official suppose to see it.  3-2.... Game 6...there are articles all over the internet about this game.  Just like DA said in his article, even casual fans saw it...it was discussed in the pregame...it was just a horrible onesided calling event.  They GAVE the Lakers the game 7...they didn't outplay the kings in game 6, they were given more calls...bottom line.  3-3 GAme 7...teh Lakers beat them, straight up and down.  For every bad call the Kings got, the Lakers got one.  It was a evenly called game and Peja and Christie both had chances to win the game and didn't deliver...the  Laker were the better team on THIS night.  


Don't act like its only Kings fans that saw something fishy in game 6...everyone did.  I know laker fans that were like "Well the did cheat a little, but the champs deserve the calls going there way."  Lets not act like the Laker just came in a beat the kings, they LOST the series in game 6 and had the game handed to them.  


At the end of the day, they still had to play one hell of a game in game 7 to win and more power to them, but they are not the best team coming out of the west...that honor belongs to the Sacramento kings.

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...but they are not the best team coming out of the west...that honor belongs to the Sacramento kings.


Well, you can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first.  The Lakers won the series.  They're better.  That's why it's 7 games, not 1.  All the Kings had to do was rebound Shaq's missed tip-in in Game 4 and they might not have been in this position in the first place.  But the Lakers won and went on to take the series.  In 20 years, no one's going to say, "Back in 2002, the Lakers won their third championship... but the Kings really were the better team."


The fact that you complain about the refs in every single one of your posts about the NBA tells me that you're bitter and that I can't change your opinion, so I won't try.

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Guest Ripper

I didn't say a word about the Lakers making Portland and San Antonio thier biotchs.  The Kings put the beat down on the Jazz and Mavs.  The games were called clean then.  Same way out East.  But when the conference finals rolled around, the officials collectively got blind.  I think it was more trying to make the games competitive to have a good series or what ever.  I don't think the Lakers have the refs in their pockets or something, but in the conference finals the refs helped the Lakers.


Don't act like I am the only one that is saying it.  If it was just me and some bitter Sac fans, then fine you might have a case.  But every sports writer, the games comentators, EVERYONE was talking about what happened in that game.  Being happy your team won is one thing(hell, I long for the day my Suns are good enough again to be in the position any of these teams are) but just looking the other way blindly and saying it didn't happen is reaching a little.  


20 years from now, no noone will look back and say that the Kings were better...but in 20 years people will look at 1999 and say Karl Malone was the best player because he won the MVP, that doesn't make it true.  


I must give credit where it is due..that wish in one hand and crap in the other line was golden.   :)

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