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Guest Eric the Eagle

Am I going insane, or was that...

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Guest Eric the Eagle

Just popped in Wrestlemania 7, and the first match is a damn good tag match between the Rockers/Haku and the Barbarian (despite Shawn doing his best to fuck up every spot he's in).


Now, Hacksaw Jim DUggan, of all people, is doing color during this match, since Heenan is ringside...


...and he's GOOD.


No, really!


Why didn't they use him in that position anytime else? I mean, he managed to put over everyone in the match, he could explain rationally what tactics both teams should use and why they worked...


I'm dumbstruck.

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Guest LooneyTune

When comparing Duggans PBP from WM 7 to Lord Alfred Hayes later in the night, Duggan sounds like the second coming of Gordon Solie.

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Guest Eric the Eagle

Of course, compared to Alfred Hayes, Steve McMichael was a good announcer.

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Guest LooneyTune

I think they are about even on the "Suck-Meter", nearly blowing the needle off. Hayes rambles like an idiot and sometimes doesn't even pronounce names rights, while McMichael rambles incoherrently and makes horrible jokes.

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In all fairness to Hayes, when he commentated w/ Monsoon on the MSG shows, he wasn't bad at all. Probably because he could take his time when he spoke and didn't have to find himself stuttering trying to keep up w/ what was going on.

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Guest LooneyTune

My other problem with Hayes: Sometimes he didn't know what the hell he was talking about. what irked me most, in his later years, was the fact he couldn't make up his mind on who to cheer for, and as a "heel", he just flat out sucked and couldn't generate any kind of argument.

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Guest LooneyTune

You never heard Craig DeGeorge and Bruno Sammartino do PBP for UWF Beach Brawl. DeGeorge called every move by the wrong name, and Sammartino was his usual 'self (random tidbits in his thick italian acent and having no idea on half the wrestlers).

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Guest LooneyTune

Only if during the match, the run-in-ees say they are going to run in, like when Edge & Christian did it when they were Tag champs (early in their reign) in the spring of 2000.

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Also...Hayes was an asshole on commentary. Just listen to him. Sometimes it seems like he's shooting.

I don't know why, but I liked Lord Alfred at WrestleMania 2.


I mark for the way he said AVALANCHE

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Also...Hayes was an asshole on commentary. Just listen to him. Sometimes it seems like he's shooting.

I don't know why, but I liked Lord Alfred at WrestleMania 2.


I mark for the way he said AVALANCHE

Ah shit...Hayes was ROTTEN at WM1. He stood like like a nervous little punk. He was all but shaking. Have you ever noticed that his role in the show was pointless? Old Patterson must have liked him...


But yeah, for entertainment purposes, he was great.

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WrestleMania 1, yes he sucked (even Lucious Johnny Valiant commented on that as he was going to the ring)


Mania 2 he was better. Maybe it was because Elvira promised him something after the show.

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