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Kayfabe Explainations For Unexplained Things

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OK...I thought this might have made an interesting topic:


There have been some things in wrestling that have been unexplained...stories or actions that didn't make sense at all.


So, here on General Wrestling for TSM, I'm going to start this thread for some of us to try to make Kayfabe explainations for these things.


I'll start with two:


Why Undertaker Wanted Stephanie


This was back in 1999. If Vince were the higher power, why would Undertaker go after Stephanie? It would torment his higher power, wouldn't it?


My explaination, in Kayfabe terms:


The Undertaker had a vision...via a dream or something...of the McMahon-Helmsley era that was about to come up. He knew things would get dark for the WWF (which it was at the time) if this era were to come about, and the best way to deal with it was to keep Stephanie from marrying Triple H.


So, he devised a plan...he would stalk Stephanie...hunt her down. Then, by marrying her in a darkside wedding, he would keep the McMahon-Helmsley era from happening.


However, due to the fact that no one else would believe him, and they thought Stephanie was innocent...they stopped it, and sealed the future.


How Could Shane McMahon Stand Toe-To-Toe With Kane


Here's an easy one, IMO, to explain.


Kane, as a regular wrestler, had to go in night in and night out, competing, getting hurt possibly. His body sore, possibly racked with pain. Thus, while he's strong, he's still got the pain.


Shane, on the other hand, hadn't had a match since Survivor Series 01. He was well rested...his body had time to heal up, and no nagging injuries or soreness at all in his body. Plus, the adrennaline flowing from wanting to defend his mother gave him some extra strength in this matter.


Comments? Anyone want to offer something for me to try to explain along these lines?

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the undertaker thing was actually explained.


but i like your idea. though it is supernatural and many people wouldn't buy it. Undertaker could explain the dream to test and to everyone before the wedding. Then when it happened they would still think that HHH just got the idea from the undertaker and still sympathize with steph. Then when she turns Undertakers "vision" would be complete and now only he can stop HHH/McMahon. He would be babyface against Heel HHH. But wasn't Undertaker hurt when McMahon-HHH took over?

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the undertaker thing was actually explained.


but i like your idea. though it is supernatural and many people wouldn't buy it. Undertaker could explain the dream to test and to everyone before the wedding. Then when it happened they would still think that HHH just got the idea from the undertaker and still sympathize with steph. Then when she turns Undertakers "vision" would be complete and now only he can stop HHH/McMahon. He would be babyface against Heel HHH. But wasn't Undertaker hurt when McMahon-HHH took over?

Yeah, he was.


But that would have been an interesting storyline, wouldn't you say?


Would also explain, like I said, why Taker tried to marry Stephanie.

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Yes the marriage itself...was never explained. Why wouldn't he simply just kidnap her like he did many times. Or just beat the shit out of her.


Yes it would explain the marriage at least better than they did.

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the undertaker thing was actually explained.


but i like your idea. though it is supernatural and many people wouldn't buy it. Undertaker could explain the dream to test and to everyone before the wedding. Then when it happened they would still think that HHH just got the idea from the undertaker and still sympathize with steph. Then when she turns Undertakers "vision" would be complete and now only he can stop HHH/McMahon. He would be babyface against Heel HHH. But wasn't Undertaker hurt when McMahon-HHH took over?

Yeah, he was.


But that would have been an interesting storyline, wouldn't you say?


Would also explain, like I said, why Taker tried to marry Stephanie.

If the marrige was part of the whole Vince plot, and Stephanie hooked up with HHH because she was angry at her dad for having her kidnapped and nearly married, than didn't the whole ceremony more or less cause the very event that Taker was trying to prevent?

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but the marriage itself was never explained. Why marriage? Like i said why not just another kidnapping or a beating.


Or maybe?? Was it part of the deal? Did vince agree that UT could marry Steph as long as he could get back at Austin?


I don't remember.

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but the marriage itself was never explained. Why marriage? Like i said why not just another kidnapping or a beating.


Or maybe?? Was it part of the deal? Did vince agree that UT could marry Steph as long as he could get back at Austin?


I don't remember.

I always assumed marrige because (prior to Vince revealing himself as the higher power) Taker's character was a sick fuck who wanted to take away the innocence of a defenseless girl.


After the higher power stuff, the kayfabe reason I had was that Taker and Vince knew marrige was the only thing serious enough to bring Austin out to save her.


Just my guess though.

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the undertaker thing was actually explained.


but i like your idea. though it is supernatural and many people wouldn't buy it. Undertaker could explain the dream to test and to everyone before the wedding. Then when it happened they would still think that HHH just got the idea from the undertaker and still sympathize with steph. Then when she turns Undertakers "vision" would be complete and now only he can stop HHH/McMahon. He would be babyface against Heel HHH. But wasn't Undertaker hurt when McMahon-HHH took over?

Yeah, he was.


But that would have been an interesting storyline, wouldn't you say?


Would also explain, like I said, why Taker tried to marry Stephanie.

If the marrige was part of the whole Vince plot, and Stephanie hooked up with HHH because she was angry at her dad for having her kinapped and nearly married, than didn't he whole ceremony more or less cause the very event that Taker was trying to prevent?


Which would make it even better. Taker tries to prevent the marriage from happening, but in doing some, triggers a chain of events which leads to said event taking place. Nice.

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Here's another one. If Rikishi was hired by HHH to run over Austin, the why precisly did Rikishi:


A. Act like Mr. Happy Go Lucky dancing guy?


B. Often challenge HHH, the very guy who had hired not months before?

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Here's another one. If Rikishi was hired by HHH to run over Austin, the why precisly did Rikishi:


A. Act like Mr. Happy Go Lucky dancing guy?


B. Often challenge HHH, the very guy who had hired not months before?

A. To draw attention away from that fact, making it seem like he wouldn't be someone who'd do something like that.


B. To keep the illusion up that they weren't in cahoots, so to further suspicion from themselves.

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Here's another one. If Rikishi was hired by HHH to run over Austin, the why precisly did Rikishi:


A. Act like Mr. Happy Go Lucky dancing guy?


B. Often challenge HHH, the very guy who had hired not months before?

B. To keep the illusion up that they weren't in cahoots, so to further suspicion from themselves.

Or cause he wanted a world title shot.

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Here's another one. If Rikishi was hired by HHH to run over Austin, the why precisly did Rikishi:


A. Act like Mr. Happy Go Lucky dancing guy?


B. Often challenge HHH, the very guy who had hired not months before?

B. To keep the illusion up that they weren't in cahoots, so to further suspicion from themselves.

Or cause he wanted a world title shot.

That too.

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Here's another one. If Rikishi was hired by HHH to run over Austin, the why precisly did Rikishi:


A. Act like Mr. Happy Go Lucky dancing guy?


B. Often challenge HHH, the very guy who had hired not months before?

B. To keep the illusion up that they weren't in cahoots, so to further suspicion from themselves.

Or cause he wanted a world title shot.

That too.

And I guess it makes sense that HHH never got in his face about it, otherwise he would have risked it either being found out or Rikishi getting pissed and telling everybody himself.


Additional thought: The whole Undertaker scenario could have explained why he left in September, as he knew what was coming didn't feel like having to deal with the crap Mankind, Rock, and Big Show would get from Stephanie and HHH, and also realized that he would have to change he who was in order to take them on, IE BikerTaker.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

Why is Lita happy kissing the man who raped her, and put a demon baby in her vagina?

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Why is Lita happy kissing the man who raped her, and put a demon baby in her vagina?

That's an easy one.


It's because she's a whore.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
Why is Lita happy kissing the man who raped her, and put a demon baby in her vagina?

That's an easy one.


It's because she's a whore.

No doubt about it. But she can't really be a babyface kayfabe whore, although that would be cool.

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Guest Fook

Why can't she? Remember, this is the WWE, where virgins and prudes are booed out of the building every single night.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
Why can't she? Remember, this is the WWE, where virgins and prudes are booed out of the building every single night.

It would be cool, if they did embrace the fact that she's a whore, on TV. She should come out with a different guy every night. Some nights she should appear to be drunk. And she can randomly turn on the guy she comes out with. Like during a match between Kane and Christian, she can low-blow Kane, and be like "Meh, Christian bought me dinner, earlier today. Hey look, is that Randy Orton?"

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Why can't she? Remember, this is the WWE, where virgins and prudes are booed out of the building every single night.

It would be cool, if they did embrace the fact that she's a whore, on TV. She should come out with a different guy every night. Some nights she should appear to be drunk. And she can randomly turn on the guy she comes out with. Like during a match between Kane and Christian, she can low-blow Kane, and be like "Meh, Christian bought me dinner, earlier today. Hey look, is that Randy Orton?"

Isn't that basically the character that all of the faces are acusing Trish of being though?

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
Isn't that basically the character that all of the faces are acusing Trish of being though?

Kind of, but not as a babyface character.

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Guest LooneyTune

Kayfabe: Because he was a snake, and should be trusted by no one, anywhere, any time.


Real Reason: Warrior ditched the promotion the day after Summerslam, so WWF filmed a "Reception" to explain why Roberts is gonig after Savage all of a sudden. (this was obviously not on the PPV, but was put on the Coliseum Video)

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Guest LooneyTune

Randy and Elizabeth are opening their presents, and inside one is a (very fake) snake. Out of nowhere, Undertaker urn-shots Savage, then Roberts torments Liz with the "snake" until Sid Justice scares them off with a chair.


Nothing was really explained though on why he did this... maybe he just felt like it.

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Maybe this was explained. Why did Jake the Snake attack Macho Man at his wedding to Miss Elizabeth?

I read somewhere that shortly after Roberts turned heel, he tried to attend Savage's bachelor party on PTW but Savage had him thrown out.

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Guest LooneyTune
Maybe this was explained. Why did Jake the Snake attack Macho Man at his wedding to Miss Elizabeth?

I read somewhere that shortly after Roberts turned heel, he tried to attend Savage's bachelor party on PTW but Savage had him thrown out.

This sounds familiar, but since it was on PTW, I'm blanking on the subject since I rarely saw the show back then. Sounds pretty lame, though.

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Guest JerichosHi-Lite

If, as we discovered in 2003, the fire that "burned" Kane never actually happened, why did Undertaker and Paul Bearer confirm it in 1998?



Still haven't worked that one out.

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