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Why HHH will cool off.

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Kyliejunge: (tears quad)

Kyliejunge: That's the best gag ever./

Zeus Rambo: I agree.

Zeus Rambo: It would hurt.

Kyliejunge: Especially when Kevin Nash did it./

Kyliejunge: First match back!

Kyliejunge: (rip!)

Zeus Rambo: Vince's was better.

Kyliejunge: Yeah, because he took it like a MAN.

Kyliejunge: I dunno, HHH's was pretty manly.

Kyliejunge: He took the Walls on the table.

Zeus Rambo: True. He's still my nigga.

Kyliejunge: I know, man.

Kyliejunge: I think he's gonna cool off.

Kyliejunge: Know why?

Zeus Rambo: Why?

Kyliejunge: He's a 10-time champ, now.

Kyliejunge: I don't know how much you've watched.

Zeus Rambo: Pretty much none. I watch old stuff.

Kyliejunge: Okay.

Kyliejunge: HHH is a 10-time champion right now.

Kyliejunge: He's not the champion, but he holds up ten with his fingers every time he's out there.

Kyliejunge: Says how he'll be champion again because it's an eventuality.

Kyliejunge: Smarks go nuts because they think he's making a shoot comment that isn't supposed to be a... you know how it goes.

Kyliejunge: I think he's just gonna cling to that 10-time champion thing and keep losing.

Kyliejunge: Until he turns face, then it'll turn into a "old veteran wants one more reign!" thing.

Zeus Rambo: True... he can't hold up 11 fingers.

Kyliejunge: Because he won't turn face for a while.

Kyliejunge: See?

Zeus Rambo: Yeah, I see what you mean.

Kyliejunge: We should post this.

Kyliejunge: On the General Wrestling board.

Kyliejunge: Because then they'll believe we do like wrestling.

Zeus Rambo: I know man. Fuckers be saying I don't like wrestling! Sheeit...

Kyliejunge: I know.

Kyliejunge: Post it~

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Guest This Thread Is Ghey


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is it me or does their Instant Message banter have them both come off as 15 year olds schmucks while their forum banner has them coming off as older and somewhat more intelligent?

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What's the chick in "This thread is ghey"'s avatar saying. I always wonder that whenever I see her. Well, when I'm not staring at her boobs anyway.

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What's the chick in "This thread is ghey"'s avatar saying. I always wonder that whenever I see her. Well, when I'm not staring at her boobs anyway.

as far as I can tell, just by lip reading... she's saying "But, they're mine."

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Maybe he just wanted to get more than Austin and Rock, and now he's done winning it.




I can dream.

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That part of the conversation is finished, Niskie. You should have been here yesterday.

I edited my comment ... hopefully it's a bit more applicable.


And, Slayer, you should be stoked: a nickname that you originated is starting to take off.

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