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Exploding bras

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Stuffed with explosives



By Gary Jones


WOMEN suicide bombers wearing exploding bras could strike at airports, police intelligence experts fear.


Scotland Yard has sent details of the bombs - which are primed to go off as the wearer is frisked by security staff - to all the major airports, including busy Heathrow and Gatwick.


The memo warns one suicide bomber in Colombo, Sri Lanka, killed herself and four police officers. "The device exploded as the attacker was being searched by two female constables," it says.


"The police have determined she was wearing an improvised explosives-laden bra wired to detonate if tampered with."




Millions of Britons will be jetting off on sunshine breaks this summer.


One anti-terrorist officer said: "It may sound a little silly but you can't take anything for granted these days."


The bombers lull officers into a false sense of security by showing their bare midriff to prove they are not wearing a "bomb jacket" - but then the bra explodes.


In 2002 Ayat al-Akhrass, 15, stuffed her bra with Semtex and detonated the bomb in a supermarket in Jerusalem, killing herself and two shoppers .

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Guest MikeSC

Man, that IS a religion of peace and not a cult of death.


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I'm waiting for all the lawsuits resulting from the strip searching they'll have to do at the airports. You know, because getting money for hurt feelings is more important than whether I feel safe getting on a plane.

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