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Hogan History Lesson

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Don't know is this has been brought up yet, but I was flipping through the channels and saw Hogan on MTV Cribs showing his "Wrestling Memories Room." He picked up a pair of boots which he proclaimed to be the most famous boots of all time, explaining that he beat Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania in these boots....and then Andre passed......A COUPLE OF DAYS LATER. Exact quote. He had this solemn look when he said it to. I don't know, but I'm starting to think that Hogan might actually believe that now, because didnt he say something like that on his DVD or in his book?

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I don't think Hogan is capable of telling the truth anymore. He's so used to working, ie: lying, that he can't help but lie, even when there is zero reason to do so, and even when he knows full well that people will easily find out that he's lying. He can't help himself.

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Don't know is this has been brought up yet, but I was flipping through the channels and saw Hogan on MTV Cribs showing his "Wrestling Memories Room." He picked up a pair of boots which he proclaimed to be the most famous boots of all time, explaining that he beat Andre The Giant at Wrestlemania in these boots....and then Andre passed......A COUPLE OF DAYS LATER. Exact quote. He had this solemn look when he said it to. I don't know, but I'm starting to think that Hogan might actually believe that now, because didnt he say something like that on his DVD or in his book?

I mentioned this in the "Wrestling Misconceptions" thread! Hogan first mentions it (or as far as I can tell) in that A&E Wrestling documentary about 8-9 years ago but I think he said "soon after"


You know, its quite possible after the cameras stopped rolling Hogan realized he said days and corrected himself. Having never seen cribs, I doubt there is much editing going on that its all just "off the cuff" and considering how "out of it" the producers must be they never bothered to double check and "reshoot"



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Guest krazykat72

I *Highly* Recommend reading Dave Meltzer's review of Hogan's book in the Observer a few years back. I believe it's in December of 2002.

It's absolute gold in regards of seeing Hogan diverge from the truth.



-Paul Jacobi-

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You know, its quite possible after the cameras stopped rolling Hogan realized he said days and corrected himself.  Having never seen cribs, I doubt there is much editing going on that its all just "off the cuff" and considering how "out of it" the producers must be they never bothered to double check and "reshoot"

Hogan has said similar things about Andre dying in previous interviews, with Andre dying anywhere from three years later to later that year to, as in this case, just days later. He's never corrected himself over any of those interviews. I doubt Hogan really thinks Andre died days later, but I'd say Hogan thinks it makes a nice story, and telling a story, especially one that his total fiction, is something he's made a career of.


It's the same with any interview he gives. He likes to tell what the thinks makes a good story, regardless of whether what he's saying is true or not.

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It's just really annoying. I'd love to say that or pull some more bs out on in interview or something and have the interviewer call him on it.

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I think what makes it especiially offensive is that he battles Andre again at Wrestlemania IV a year later. And thats not exactly a well kept secret.

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Guest E_Dubyah
I think what makes it especiially offensive is that he battles Andre again at Wrestlemania IV a year later. And thats not exactly a well kept secret.

To be fair...he didn't actually mention which Wrestlemania he fought him at....just at 'Wrestlemania'.

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Guest Stunt Granny

It's possible that there may have been more than one Andre? Like how there were more than one Ultimate Warriors? I wonder which Andre is Big Show's dad?

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Guest wayzing
It's possible that there may have been more than one Andre? Like how there were more than one Ultimate Warriors? I wonder which Andre is Big Show's dad?

I'm not sure which one is Big Show's dad but it's well known that the Andre that lost the tag titles at WrestleMania VI was Kerry von Erich.

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Guest JerichosHi-Lite

Hogan's been saying that for years. He seems to really believe that. Thing is, he fought Andre later that same year and a few times afterwards. They seem to have just 'slipped his mind'

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Guest Stunt Granny

Hogan also once said Andre weighed 700 pounds when he bodyslammed him. The man has no clue what reality is like anymore.

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Guest Brian

Hogan's a complete carny, and that's the only way to look at this thing. He sold and bought his image so many times that vhe knows nothing other than that.


Though, the guy does manage to work everyone and come back for the big runs, so you have to wonder just how divorced from reality he is. Including alot of us.

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