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Guest John Dub

Learn me some Briscoes

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Guest John Dub

Just saw my first matches with the Briscoes (Both as singles matches, unfortunately) but was really impressed. I was wondering if anyone can give me a quick rundown. What are some of their signature moves/spots, their finishers and all that jazz? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Guest JebusNassedar

Jay Briscoe uses a Butterfly Piledriver, the Jay Driller, as his finisher. It was unbeatable until last July when Punk kicked out of it. From time to time, Jay also used a NICE senton, referred to as the Cannonball. Jay has had a really unique development, in that after pretty much every loss he's had, he's started using a new trick. Post getting destroyed by Joe in a cage match last March (AMAZING match), he started using the Face Wash in tag matches. It's just little things like that that make Jay great.


Mark is not as talented, but he wrestles a completely different style, and is pretty much one of the best tag workers out there. He has a unique charisma to him as well, and a highflying moveset. His two big finishers are a crossarmed Burning Hammer, called the Cutthroat Suplex for reasons I can't determine, and a decent SSP. It's not Quance's or anything, but it's pretty good.


As a tag team, they tend to use either a spike Jay Driller or a Doomsday Device as finishers.


It's also worth noting that both are some of the best brawlers in America, and certainly some of the most expressive wrestlers out there today. Where most 'brother' teams seem to be just like normal teams (Bashams, for example) you can tell that Jay and Mark are brothers, as they react very expressively with each other in ring, to an extent that puts them both that much further above most independant tag teams. The only thing to really hold against them is promo skills, but you know, they're such incredible wrestlers that it doesn't really matter.

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Guest John Dub

Thank you so much. Anything else in the way of moves? I'm trying to create them in Day of Reckoning for Gamecube and some basics would be great.


Also, any reccomendations for best matches? Tag matches specifically?


Thank you for your help.

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Guest JebusNassedar

I've got nothing for basic moves.


Their best matches are all of their matches. I might sound like a fanboy, but I do not believe they've ever had a bad match. any match of theirs you can get is worth watching.

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Jay likes to bust out the Ace Crusher a fair bit if I recall correctly.

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Fuck any of their ROH or CZW matches. You NEEEEEEEEED to see their one-on-one NWA Wildside match with each other. It easily blows away ANY of their other one-on-one matches. As for tag team matches - check out the 4/24 ROH show vs. Punk & Cabana, or get one of their compilation tapes that RF Video sells (or get it from a bootlegger).

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I actually voted Mark vs Jay at ROH Invades Boston as match of the year (cant remember what year it was though). Awesome match. Jay vs Samoa Joe in the cage was also great as well as their series as a tag team against Red and AJ.

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