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Help Me Out.

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Alright, well, AFTER this all you'll have to do is click things. I'm embarking on a tournament in my livejournal to discover the greatest movie of all time. I have put together a list of nominations that I think is fairly solid, but I require feedback from people (and of course, I will need people to vote). More information clipped right from my Livejournal...


"I will not lie to you, the following idea was rather shamelessly stolen from (guy on my friend's list). However, as I am not a complete android, even on my worst days, I have altered it somewhat and, of course, completely changed the premise. However, I'm almost completely sure he doesn't read my journal anyway and it's not like we share any friends, so I feel quite comfortable in my lack of creativity.


Regardless; what he did was, from a selection of 108 bands, have people on his friends list vote in a tournament until only one champion remained. Awestruck by the brilliance and majesty of this spectacle, I decided I simply must attempt something similar myself. I would like you, the people, to vote and decide upon THE GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME.


As I know I wouldn't get enough suggestions just by asking, I've taken the liberty of making out the list of nominations myself. Four different divisions of 32 films seperated by genre. However, I would feel wrong if I just threw it out there, so I would like to hear as much feedback as possible on what I have, and also hear any suggestions for substitutions. IF you are going to suggest a change, please also tell me what movie should be swapped out, and why, if possible. I would like, and encourage anyone and everyone to participate!"


So come on, help me out.Linkage Here



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I know, I discovered this earlier tonight. You need a LJ account to vote. What a fucking let down. -_-



Edited by realitycheck

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Nevermind, I figured it out. Just comment with your votes on the entry, and I'll add them to the tab. I'll also screen comments so they don't interfere with the voting process.



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