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Guest Goodear


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Guest Goodear

"Ben Hardy here backstage in Indonesia with the World Heavyweight Champion of the World... Ejiro Fasaki. Ejiro, you have just heard that Lil' Buck will be your first challenger for the World Title next week due to the influence of one P Diddy. What are your thoughts on the whole situation"


Ejiro looks at Ben with a raised eyebrow, "My thoughts on defending the World Title? I don't have thoughts about the World title. Its something I've had before Ben and I know it can be taken from me just like that *snaps fingers*. I know what its like to climb that mountain to be knocked right back down again. So you know what, if Lil' Buck takes this from me next week thats what is going to happen. But it ain't got nothing to do with some rapper who takes real music from real musicians and talks over it about bitches. That ain't got nothing to do with Lil' Buck who sure as hell is going to give me a fight. A fight. Thats all I do Ben. That's what Lil' Buck does too. He came storming into the SWF and put down man after man with malicious glee. So the fact of the matter is I will fight Lil' Buck and it doesn't matter if he's wearing pimp gear or tap shoes... he's going to fight back."


Ben asks, "What were you doing out there during the Toxxic/Spike Jenkins Hardcore match champ?"


"Trying to cripple Toxxic."










"What did you think I was doing? Trying to help Spike? I don't give a damn about Jenkins. No one gives a damn about Spike Jenkins. He's a nonfactor and he might as well realize it. He's the guy Toxxic beats up to make himself feel better. All I do, I do to mangle Toxxic as quickly and effeciently as possible."


"So any comments about what Toxxic had about your situation with him?"


"Huh. Toxxic being all calm and cool and not in a hurry and he's not worried... good. Don't be worried. Don't be concerned. Just go about your regular course of business doing whatever you do the other 3 weeks a year when you're RESTING ON YOUR ASS. Then when you come back, I'll be here. I'll be here waiting. I'll be waiting sharp as ever ready to pummel you once again. Because (and Wildchild can tell you this) I DON'T GET BORED. I will mess with you and yours for YEARRRRRS if I want to. I will gobble up your life one match at a time until you have none left. Cause no matter how young you are or how long you think you're going to be around... its a whole lot different when you get up in the morning with a limp every day. When you can grab that cup of ... whatever strait edge shitheads like you drink in the morning... and you can't hold it because the arthritis in your hand is too much. When you can't look behind you too far because your neck is broken."


"But what about all the injuried Toxxic has caused..."


"To who? Kibagami? Martial Law? Some other guys? I'm not them. I'm not some broken down gimp. I'm not some guys that have never reached their potential. I'm a mean bastard that grinds people into jelly... slowly... and surely. Toxxic thinks he's caused despair? I am despair. I am his god damn shadow. So whenever he stops hiding and taking night after night off... I will be right there behind him again. Because I am better than him... and I've already PROVEN IT."


"One last question... how is Melissa?"


"... I've got a plane to catch..."

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Oh, it's like that is it? Well, don't say I didn't warn yer...

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Guest Goodear

Its ON LIKE NECKBONE!@!@!@! Unless you have something better to do ;)

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This may be late in coming (In fact, I'm sure it is, but I don't care), but he said "gobble".


Who the hell says gobble? I mean, other than turkeys?




Ejiro Fasaki, the Life-Gobbler.



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