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Guest crownofthorns13


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Guest crownofthorns13

I started getting Netflix about 2 months ago. Great way to catch up with old WWE stuff as well as CZW, ECW, and others. My question is this...The Road Warriors DVD is available but the Greatest Stars of the 80's isn't. Has anyone used Netflix or have answers to why this DVD isn't available? Thanks.

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I had no idea netfilx had wrestling DVD's. What all do they have? I might have to get some.


nevermind, found it on the site. They have a lot of PPVs, i may have to purchase a DVD burner.

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Guest crownofthorns13

Tons of WWE stuff, ECW from Pioneer Entertainment (I think), saw stuff like Wrestlepalooza '97 (awesome) and Best of the Dudleys recently(good but nothing I haven't seen). I saw a bunch of CZW DVD's as well which were fun to watch but I would have been irritated to pay $20 for something I want to see once. There are also the Wrestling Gold Series which has some USWA (Lawler, JYD, etc). There is Metzer and Cornette hosted series that are on my list. There is so much. Check out netflix.com and in the search engine put wrestling, wwe, ecw, czw, or wrestlers names to see a complete listing. For anyone who has never tried netflix, I strongly suggest it. The DVD's generally arrive quickly (1 or 2 days) and new releases are readily available. For example, I received Chapelle:Season 2 on Wed when it came out the day before. There is no ROH or TNA though.

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Think if you requested it they'd add some RoH dvd's. i'm interested in seeing them but don't want to buy them outright, but like the id of getting them via netflix

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If they got ROH DVDs, I'd be all over that shit.


Unfortunately, ROH is not a "real" company, in the sense that no real store in North America carries their DVDs, aside from the one or two released by the specialty company.


Netflix will not typically carry DVDs from companies like ROH, but I guess it's worth a try. Just make sure you link the ROH store, because if not, they'll wind up just getting the mass-marketed DVD.

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yeah, good luck with that DVD request thing. Not that it does any good...


It may have worked for me at one point. After a company lost their main distributor, Netflix stopped getting their DVDs after getting them since they opened. I sent an e-mail pointing out that it would be great if they could get them again, pointing out the number for their new distributor, the websites, and then ICBN's for the titles they don't have.

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Guest Dale Earnhardt

I've seen CZW, 3PW and WEW in my local video store so CZW does have mass distribution especially considering that I live as far from the Northeast as you can get.

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Blockbuster has WWE DVDs for online rental too.

Blockbuster has just as many as netflix, including XPW, ECW and CZW. Plus a bunch of random wrestling ones. Blockbuster sounds like the better deal from what i've seen. They are cheaper and give you in store rentals too.

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true, but what Netflix lacks in selection and in-store availability, it makes up for in not being the anti-christ



My cousin is a store manager at a blockbuster, and he takes it all seriously. When referring to blockbuster he always says "we" and netflix and Hollywood Video are the enemy. I'll have to share what you said with him. He'll probably cry.

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