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Chuck Woolery


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"I would just like to fucking remind everyone that my fucking booking is not only fucking solid and generally received as fucking brilliant, but also, for the most part, fucking unin-fucking-formed. If you have a fucking angle you want me to support, you have got to fucking tell me the fuck about it. Otherwise, I will apply fucking logic to my fucking booking and you will see things like the fucking Tag Team Champions defending against the fucking team they fucking lost to on the previous fucking show. Why? Because it fucking makes fucking sense.


Further, if you have a fucking problem with my fucking booking, send me a fucking PM instead of throwing a fucking tantrum and pulling the fucking "Okay, I'm no-showing" maneuver, which is quite fucking reminiscent of taking your fucking ball and going the fuck home.


If you're this fucking unhappy with the fucking booking, consider informing Creative fucking Control as to your fucking desires and we will try damn fucking hard to fulfill them. As I recall, Martial Law fucking requested Wild and Dangerous several fucking times when Wild and Dangerous held the titles, and you may understand why it is now fucking confusing and fucking frustrating that you don't want to fucking write against them.


I fucking swear, some of you are so fucking unhappy about the fucking booking that I wish you'd fucking retire so I wouldn't have to fucking hear it anymore, except that so many of the fucking retirees hang out to fucking fight with the fucking writers.


I hope my fucking frustration is fucking clear.





I'm with Tom on this one, and I'm sure you all realize that Tom's post doesn't apply to everyone -- there's a few exceptions and we're aware and we hope that you are too, and that you don't quit because of all the bullshit you see. Jesus Christ, people, I feel like I'm one of the most emotionally mature one here and I'm only sixteen.

Edited by Chuck Woolery

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Yes, this is the seventh sin: Being a little RP bitch. :-P




Everyone, take a step back. If you are in this for some sort of way to push yourself being better on someone else, perhaps you've chosen the wrong medium. This is for fun. It shouldn't be about win percentage, or how many times you've beaten so and so. It should be about writing something good. Win, lose, or draw, that's all it's about. Having a decent time.


Is that really so hard? Does it have to be some sort of battle all the time? Man...


Oh, and I deleted Spike's post, if he wanted to direct bitching at anyone.

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I ran one of these things for six years. Trust me, there are people with huge egos about this stuff.


I think we're all writing to win (if not, then our stuff's going to suck and it isn't any fun). But if you're faced with working against the same people for a few weeks straight, it's not that big a deal. It's called "a program". Trust me, I didn't like having four matches in a month with Arch Griffon since I wasn't comfortable writing for that character, but I still had fun writing the matches.


Just have fun with it, guys.

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Honestly, I'd guess this is partially aimed at me... but seeing as I've been a rather man about town for my stay here, I don't know how my reputation could be that tarnished.



Outside of Mike hating me.

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