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The Mexicools and Carlito

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BUT Tajiri is on RAW, so...


Yes, but they had said that trades are legal through the month of June. Tajiri would make a nice trade back to SD. At least you back up what creative have said that way.


At least, that's how they've been portrayed so far.  Knowing WWE "creative", that could always change.


Theyll be jobbing by the end of July knowing creative. And yes, I do use the term creative very losely.

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Dumbshit.  Guerrera and Guerrero are two different last names.  You dont just 'play it off'.


Reminds me of the Simpsons episode when Burns thinks that Homer and Richard Nixon are related ..


Smithers: Unlikely, sir. They spell and pronounce their names differently.

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Why is everyone so attached with moving Rey and Eddie back down to the cruiserweight division. People bitch and complain that we dont get any long storylines with good wrestlers, and we have a good storyline here with two of the best. What good does it do to shove them 1) in a feud their not part of, 2) back with the cruiserweights. IT DOES NOTHING OF GOOD!!! They should be elevated, not moved down.


It should be Mexicools and maybe a heel Chavo vs. London, Akio (out of respect), Kidman (face turn, apologizes to London), and maybe Funaki if they go with the 8 man route. No way should Rey/Eddie be brought down in this feud.

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Mexicools Circa 1997


I see both side og getting Eddie and Rey involved in the storyline. Rey SHOULD be IMO for the fact that he will never hold the World Title. As a CW though, he is the divisions #1 face.


Eddie is above CW and a former WWE champ. He should be regularly main eventing and headlining PPV's.


Their is nothing wrond taking Eddie out of the main event scene for a while. But their is a difference between placing him in a high profile, upper midcard fued (like at the moment with Rey) or dropping him down to compete with CW's such as Kidman and Akio.

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Why would Rey Mysterio never hold the World Title? He could be mega over and it would be something fresh and exciting. I don't want to bring Eddie and Rey down to Cruiserweight level but just for once have the Mexicools & Eddie fight Rey and London's group.

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Why would Rey Mysterio never hold the World Title? He could be mega over and it would be something fresh and exciting.


Not in the WWE's eyes. I wouldn't mind Rey winning a major title but he will NEVER win the WWE World Heavyweight title. He is too small. Who would he face? He would he defend it against? JBL? Batista? It's not believable and WWE will never let it happen.

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Just if in case Ive been misinterpreted and to clarify. The only time I would have Eddie face CWs is either in a 6 Man Lucha Libra Match (Eddie, Juvi and Chavo/Psi/Crazy vs Rey, London and Akio) or in a 10 (Eddie, Chavo and the Mexicools vs Rey, London, Akio, Kidman and somebody else, maybe a traded Tajiri or Nunzio as a hired hand?) Classic Surviour Series Elimination Match. Ive always wanted to such see a CW style match in the E.


Eddie is not interested in the CWC and is not being booked as so. He has attacked CWs though because (a) the E uses them as cannon fodder and (b) because they remind him of Rey. This means that CWs have beef with Eddie (something losely along the lines of Dean Malenko and Chad Collyer IIRC). Eddie and Rey are not feuding for the title. Its a blood vendetta. But CWs are and will get drawn into it. I just think that they should let London for example have a crack at Eddie and use this to drag out Eddie-Rey.


It wouldnt make sense for Eddie to just drop this and go for the SDT (cause at this point, thats what theyve got). If Batista were to go to SD, I wouldnt want to see Eddie in the title picture for a while and I think this is the ticket for him not to be. I think he should have been a post-summer contender vs Cena, and come to think about it I would like to see Eddie vs Orton, cause IMHO Orton is the best bumper their is or Eddie vs Benoit done the only way it should be, for the WHC. I always wanted to see Eddie vs Jericho too. Thats my dream match.


It wouldnt make sense for Rey to go for the SDT/WHC either. I know people here would love to see it, but I cant see the E doing that cause its not realistic and people wouldnt buy into him holding it for a prolonged period of time. IMHO him holding it would result in him looking during and after his reign.


This blood vendetta may be the only way he gets a shot, whereby Eddie wins the SDT/WHC very quickly and surprisingly (cheating to win) and the title is thus drawn into the feud. I can see them doing this with the USC also, to add a little bit of spice to things. But the CWC should never be the focus of the fued. And I dont think it currently is or will be for that matter.

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