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Guest DonWestMark03

Favorite Wrestlers

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For the sake of including everyone, I added an extra choice or two to each list. With that, here is my list of current favorites, in order...


6. Carlito (mostly for everything NOT associated with his ringwork).

5. Angle.

4. Benjamin.

3. Benoit.

2. JBL.

1. Eddie.


...and of all time...


11 - 6. (in no order here): Angle, Benoit, Foley, Hennig, Lesnar and Piper.

5. Flair.

4. Bret.

3. Eddie.

2. Rock.

1. Austin.


Referee: Mike Chioda.

Announce team: Monsoon, Heenan and Piper (man, they kicked all sorts of ass together).

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Current Favourites


5. Flair

4. Carlito

3. Rey

2. Batista

1. Benoit


All Time


5. Hogan

4. Taker

3. Sting

2. Rock

1. Flair



Sting and Taker have always been two of my all-time favourites because of the awesomeness of their gimmicks (Crow Sting in 1997 was gimmick perfection), but I didn't really appreciate Hogan, Flair and Rock until well after everyone else and well after their primes. I only got the Hogan love when he came back in 2002 , only realised how brilliant The Rock was in 2003 when he had his final heel run, and Flair I loved ever since his magical return to Nitro where the Horsemen reformed.

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All Time (American Only):

5) Undertaker

4) Hogan

3) Shawn Michaels

2) Flair

1) Austin



5) Hogan

4) HBK

3) Flair

2) Angle

1) Christian

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1. Jeff Jarrett

2. Chris Jericho

3. AJ Styles

4. Kurt Angle

5. Triple H

6. Muhammad Hassan

7. Ric Flair

8. Chris Benoit

9. Monty Brown

10. Christian




1. The Rock

2. Steve Austin

3. Mick Foley

4. Steve Austin

5. Disco Inferno

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In no particular order, currently...


- Genki Horiguchi

- Raven

- Christopher Daniels

- Samoa Joe

- Christian

- Chris Benoit


- Katsuyori Shibata

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