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WWE Employees and free Tickets?

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My cousin plays baseball for the Brewers and whenever I go to U.S.A he always gets lots of free Tickets for me and whoever I go with even though he's just a rookie. I was wondering if WWE gives free tickets to all their employees too?they have over 70 wrestlers not counting the people behind the scenes who are also important...so I was wondering how many tickets do they get per employee? even if it's just 2 per person imagine like at a big show like Wrestlemania where they take a lot of guests...that would be like over 200 people that went in free.


Hopw you got my question...english is not my language.

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Most wrestlers don't get two free tickets every show. Occasionally guys will have them and randomly hand them to a fan at a bar or the gym.


Generally 200 people, even to WM, isn't a huge problem. It's well over that when you consider the number of generla comps the arena does.

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Usually the wrestlers just have to ask the agents for some compped tickets, WWE always holds back seats for that purpose, that's why it's nearly impossible to purchase Row A Floor Seats from the box office, they just aren't made available most of the time.

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My buddy is friends with Mysterio, who usually hooks up my buddy and his roommates with tickets to just about any show in the midwest. I'm already angling for WM tickets for next year in Chi-town.

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Guest stylz

They definitely get tickets...my buddy got tix (and stayed at the Sheraton for free) for Mania, plus tix to the HOF. Plus we get hooked up when they're at the ACC. We're actually going to be hanging out with Randy Orton when he's in town for the Indy this weekend.



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