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Why is Cena.....

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If you go back to Hogan in his prime he's actually a lot better than given credit for. At WM 5 he had a solid match with Macho and I don't particularly think he was carried there. Sure Hogan would make the superhero comeback but his opponents always got a lot of offense against him and Hogan would sell stuff before his comeback. Hogan could also work a crowd during the match much better than Cena.


That said, no way should they put the title on Hogan again. Hogan should just be used as a guest star at this point, a guy brought in to give someone a rub (like tagging with Cena on Raw, made him look important). Since he's too old and won't be around full time, there is no reason to put the title on him.


With Matt I dunno. If Edge got the title via his Money in the Bank thing I can see Matt in a title feud easily enough. He could hopefully use that heat to catapult himself to the upper card for good, but it's tough to say.

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Am I entitled to dislike John Cena? Yes I am. The fact that Cena is over cant hide the fact that he cant work and cant carry somebody. I personally prefer Cena as a heel, but a heel has to lead a match, something which Cena hasnt shown that he can do. You cant deny that he a very weak moveset. HBK gets loud pops which are not respect pops. Everybody shouts you suck at Angle. Jericho is over and is getting nothing of a push like Cena is. What do you watch wrestling for? The promos or the actual matches. I enjoy the soap opera part of it, but I watch it for the matches. And yes, he has got boring. He had like 3 months of promos which the climax of it was calling the other wreslter gay or making a reference to nuts. Getting over with the crowd does not justify you as being the WWE Champion.


I don't think anyone here is saying Cena is the best choice, as I'm sure many here would like to see Jericho or Angle holding the belt. But the fact is having someone who is incredibly over holding the title is generally good business. It creates interest in the title, title feuds, and draws in the casual fan. I found this part of your post particularly interesting...


The fact that Cena is over cant hide the fact that he cant work and cant carry somebody.


There was a guy in the 80's like that... Hulk Hogan, I think. Good thing they never let that guy hold a title ;)


You need to realize that the majority of the PAYING fanbase does like John Cena, and that in business terms, WWE is doing the right thing by keeping the belt on him. If the fans buy his merchandise or watch shows that he's on, Vince would be an idiot to NOT keep him in the spotlight.


First of all, Id just like to apologize for all the Cena hate. Its just that I can stand the fact that they are making Jericho look like a bitch at the moment just to inflate Cena. IMHO, Jericho has no reason to stay in the WWE from a wrestling standpoint. They dont see him as a credible champion as a face (and he is somebody who talk and work) or as a badass heel (always portraying him as a whiney bitch instead).


I personally dont think that Cena needs the title to get even more over than he already is (and I hate to admit it, but he is hugely over at the moment, although I personally dont get it or feel it) or draw interest to him. I understand your point, that people will say oooh WWE Championship, but I think that it could a lot more to somebody else then the little more that it is adding to Cena IMHO. Its sad that the WWE Championship match is ranked 3rd at this point in time for RAW's side of the SummerSlam card (after Hogan-Michaels and Matt-Edge). The WWE Championship should always be the top fued IMHO.


I prefer Hogan's work then than I do Cena's now. Hogan drew punters into his matches, put bums in seats and made heels look credible (Andre the Giant, Randy Savage, Rowdy Roddy Piper anybody?). I dont think the 3 mentioned and others would have been as big as they are or remebered as so if it werent for Hogan. Think about Andre the Giant, what comes to mind, Hogan bodyslamming him at WMIII, think about Savage, what comes to mind, the MegaPowers (oh, yes and a classic with Steamboat :bonk: ), think about Piper, what comes to mind, all the Hogan hate. Brutus Beefcake would have been nothing without Hogan for example.


I think its hard to compare Cena to Hogan, and is very unfair on Cena to do so, cause when talking about Hogan one does retrospectively about a legacy and Cena has only had a few short years in the business. But when the dust settles down the winding road I think Cena will only be a footnote in the echelons of wrestling history. The figures really dont show Cena drawing, ableit his overness.


I don't like Cena at all, yet I am not opposed to him being champion. He's an over character, and by being an over characters it enhances his matches. It makes the matches more exciting and interesting. As over with the crowd as Cena is (or was, if he keeps doing these lame Y2Cheap promos), he should probably be champion.


But why does the belt have to be his gimmick? Isnt that a bit sad to use the belt as so, secondary to a wrestlers.


That said, no way should they put the title on Hogan again.  Hogan should just be used as a guest star at this point, a guy brought in to give someone a rub (like tagging with Cena on Raw, made him look important).  Since he's too old and won't be around full time, there is no reason to put the title on him.


With Matt I dunno.  If Edge got the title via his Money in the Bank thing I can see Matt in a title feud easily enough.  He could hopefully use that heat to catapult himself to the upper card for good, but it's tough to say.


Hell no, you misunderstood me, what I was saying was that they shouldnt give the title to either of them on the basis of being over.


I must admit, Cena did a good grade a class job of tagging with Hogan, he looked geniunely shocked and humbled by being in the ring with him. It was a really nice touch that he left the ring out of respect and encouraged Hogan to keep on posing. If Cena does that more often then I wont mind watching him. He has to learn though IMHO that he doesnt have to simply make fun of other wrestlers, by gay, nuts, cheap, etc... references but improving on the so many little things that he can do so much better, such as working in the ring, carrying somebody, improving his moveset and the subtle touches such as his before and after his match with Hogan.


You could be right with Matt cabbage boy. What better way to spite Edge then taking his first WWE Championship from him.

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