ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005's something I wondered... What are some weird things that you people have thought of when reading an item of news about WWE. The reason I asked this is because, recently when I read about Triple H taking time off, the first thing that I truly thought of was that when he's ready to return, the old "Beautiful Day" packages would be popping up again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Mandarin 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 When the title is a variation of "WWE News and Notes" I usually think "this doesn't sound like important news". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krease 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 The reason I asked this is because, recently when I read about Triple H taking time off, the first thing that I truly thought of was that when he's ready to return, the old "Beautiful Day" packages would be popping up again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It seems this time off is just time off from TV. He's still doing some dark matches and house shows. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Tino Standard 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 What this REALLY is is a thinly veiled excuse to get him off TV so that he can avoid actually having a non-title feud. He'll stay off TV just long enough to get over losing three straight title matches, then come back and get into it with Cena over some half-baked scenario and BOOM, Triple H is right back in the title picture again. Seriously, the man is INCAPABLE of having a non-title feud anymore. It got increasingly worse over the last few years, but it's to the point now where he'll go OFF TV COMPLETELY before he'll feud with somebody without a championship on the line. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrBriggs Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Seriously, the man is INCAPABLE of having a non-title feud anymore. It got increasingly worse over the last few years, but it's to the point now where he'll go OFF TV COMPLETELY before he'll feud with somebody without a championship on the line. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MrBriggs, when reading this statement do you: [ ] Strongly Disagree [ ] Disagree [ ] Don't Care [ ] Agree [x] Strongly Agree Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iggymcfly 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Oh my god. Can HHH do anything without being criticized for it? First, it was that he won't put over new talent. So he loses to Batista at Wrestlemania. Then it was, well, he'll just get his job back isntead of really putting him over. So he loses to him again at Backlash. Then the complaint was that after putting him over, he'll just take the title back again in a month anyway. So he puts Batista over decisively inside HIAC, HHH's personal gimmick match. Then it was that he won't give up his spot, and that he'll continue to hog TV time. So he goes off TV altogether. And you're still complaining?!? I swear, if HHH rescued a bus full of children, you'd say he was being a spotlight hog or breaking character or something. This man can do nothing right with the internet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Amazing Rando 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 While he is TECHNICALLY complaining that he is's not because he is off TV so much that it is the reason behind why. He could have just as easily stayed on television and jumped into another feud to give others a shot at the title and put someone else over. Instead, he stays off television, comes back fresh, and jumps into another title feud in a few weeks. He could do something right, he could have stayed on television and had a feud with...oh, who knows... The Big Show? Angle? Shelton? He has history with Shelton and neither man have titles. Even if HHH won in the end to set up for a title feud, he could have continued to build Shelton up the way he did last year and get Shelton ready for a title feud later this year (maybe December-ish before the Rumble). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Tino Standard 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 While he is TECHNICALLY complaining that he is's not because he is off TV so much that it is the reason behind why. He could have just as easily stayed on television and jumped into another feud to give others a shot at the title and put someone else over. Instead, he stays off television, comes back fresh, and jumps into another title feud in a few weeks. He could do something right, he could have stayed on television and had a feud with...oh, who knows... The Big Show? Angle? Shelton? He has history with Shelton and neither man have titles. Even if HHH won in the end to set up for a title feud, he could have continued to build Shelton up the way he did last year and get Shelton ready for a title feud later this year (maybe December-ish before the Rumble). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, that's pretty it for me. I'd honestly have no problem with him completely burying someone in a non-title feud at this point. He's done a series of jobs and put over Batista as well as he could before shipping him to Smackdown. He's a main eventer. I have no problem with him winning his next feud. I'd just really like him to prove me wrong and go feud with someone over somethign other than a title. It's like a crutch he isn't willing to let go of. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrBriggs Report post Posted July 14, 2005 I'd just really like him to prove me wrong and go feud with someone over somethign other than a title. It's like a crutch he isn't willing to let go of. And it's mostly because the stupid prick is trying to catch up with Flair. As if doing so would even remotely put him in a category with Flair. The fact that he claims Flair would encourage him to break the record and admits that he's TRYING to break the record makes me roll my eyes so hard they fucking hurt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enigma 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Triple H feuded with Eugene and everyone still found things to bitch about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ted the Poster 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Exactly what I was thinking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Amazing Rando 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Had HHH stayed on TV... he could have feuded with Shelton for a few weeks. HHH wins the Shelton feud, finally getting a decisive pin on the guy, but Shelton is strong enough that he could go into a feud with Kurt Angle for a few months. Maybe to Survivor Series. After the Series, which Shelton could win and NOT make Angle look bad, Shelton could then go back after the champion or make the Rumble his big thing, and though he could probably win it by then and have it look credible, I'd keep him away from the title until NEXT Summerslam, and see him take one of the two belts, even for two months. Edit: The only real beef I had with the Eugene thing was how much of a genius HHH tried to portray himself as because he was able to OUTSMART A RETARD. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrBriggs Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Triple H feuded with Eugene and everyone still found things to bitch about. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tell me something, S_D. What can you find about a Eugene/HHH feud that is NOT to bitch about? I think Eugene is easily the most ridiculous, atrocious and embarassing WWE gimmicks of all time. The type of shit that you're so embarassed you're afraid somebody will walk into the room and catch you watching it. And HHH is HHH. EDIT: And while we're on the subject of Eugene, I really really hope he turns heel shortly after his return. He needs to drop the retard gimmick, it's was funny for about a week. Amazing how well Dinsmore pulls it off considering how awful the gimmick is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Amazing Rando 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 The gimmick was his idea. That's why he pulls it off so well. I'm about 90% certain he will eventually turn heel and proclaim it all a ruse. That will be the only gratifying ending to the Eugene saga. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ted the Poster 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Playing a retard isn't difficult at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrBriggs Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Playing a retard isn't difficult at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dont think I could pull it off. He has the whole finger chewing and retard eyes down pat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Amazing Rando 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Playing a retard isn't difficult at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dont think I could pull it off. He has the whole finger chewing and retard eyes down pat. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can't chew your fingers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrBriggs Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Playing a retard isn't difficult at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dont think I could pull it off. He has the whole finger chewing and retard eyes down pat. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can't chew your fingers? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You know what I meant. Dont fucking antagonize me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Amazing Rando 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Well, you DO have the smile down. /joke Back on topic... wait... what was the topic again? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Tino Standard 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Triple H feuded with Eugene and everyone still found things to bitch about. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was an entire year ago. and it's why I said this has been getting increasingly worse over the last few years. He hasn't done ANYTHING not title-related since. We've hit rock bottom with this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fökai 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 HHH/Angle would overshadow Cena/Jericho, and not just from a "HHH will hog the screentime" point-of-view. The character sorely needed a break, while in the meantime, you have the top of the card open to establish those who the company needs (Cena, Jericho, HBK, Carlito, Shelton), so when Helmsley comes back, you have a whole new slate of programs to work off of Even if Helmsley is taking on Cena, HBK or Benjamin when he comes back, the others will be primed to share the spotlight with him. Predictably, the company isn't enamored with their current stars, so they decide that HBK/Hogan is good for the "future" of the company. EDIT: WHY NOT HAVE HBK/CENA? HBK/JERICHO? HBK/SHELTON? HBK/ANYONE WITH BOTH HIPS? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter's Torn Quad 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 The character sorely needed a break, while in the meantime, you have the top of the card open to establish those who the company needs (Cena, Jericho, HBK, Carlito, Shelton), so when Helmsley comes back, you have a whole new slate of programs to work off of Even if Helmsley is taking on Cena, HBK or Benjamin when he comes back, the others will be primed to share the spotlight with him. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The character needs a longer break than just a few months. He needs a break of a few years. When he comes back in a few months, it will still be Triple H v Cena/Angle, etc, as the main program, which we've had almost six-years of. Hunter was stale in 2002-3, and that was with his seven-month layoff due to injury. Does Hunter have value at the top of the card? Yes, and he always will do to some degree, but that value is almost non-existant because he's been around at the top for far too long. Sure, Hunter v Batista had a lot of juice until right near the end of their WM XXI build-up, but that was because Hunter was actually putting him over and wasn't cutting his legs off which is what happens in virtually all of Hunter's programs, which itself is why he got stale so quickly, because almost every Hunter program ended with him making the other guy look like a fool, and the other guy got sent back down to the midcard, and you can't keep doing that, especially when it's the heel always coming out on top. And that line about Hunter sharing the spotlight was priceless. EDIT: WHY NOT HAVE HBK/CENA? HBK/JERICHO? HBK/SHELTON? HBK/ANYONE WITH BOTH HIPS? They would be fine for an upper-midcard program to make a new guy a star, but not for the main event. New people need to be in the main event, so that fans can get used to, and accept, seeing them there, so that they can eventually draw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fökai 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 The character needs a longer break than just a few months. He needs a break of a few years. When he comes back in a few months, it will still be Triple H v Cena/Angle, etc, as the main program, which we've had almost six-years of. Hunter was stale in 2002-3, and that was with his seven-month layoff due to injury. Well, to play fantasy booker for a second - how do you book his time off? How about when he comes back? Even if guys are brought up to his level, will the fans believe that these wrestlers are on HHH's "level"? And that line about Hunter sharing the spotlight was priceless. I didn't mean it in that way, per se. "Sharing the spotlight" meaning that even if HHH is the challenger, people won't be so inclined to believe that he's automatically taking the title. Yes, there is that little fact that he's married to the head writer, but the paying customer need to believe that he can lose on any given night, or that people can beat him cleanly and move up to his level as a recognized superstar. Additionally, he needs a reality check on how to cement a star. When he loses to the next man, he needs to admit to the crowd that that wrestler was the better man. If he doesn't do that, he makes both the challenger and himself look terrible. They would be fine for an upper-midcard program to make a new guy a star, but not for the main event. New people need to be in the main event, so that fans can get used to, and accept, seeing them there, so that they can eventually draw. So you have faith in the company to book the Cena/Jericho match stronger than they would the HBK/Hogan match? Just asking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter's Torn Quad 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 *snip* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, to play fantasy booker for a second - how do you book his time off? How about when he comes back? Even if guys are brought up to his level, will the fans believe that these wrestlers are on HHH's "level"? I'd probably do something that plays off of his quad tear, because that's been burned into the fans brains. Run some major angle where a heel starting to catch fire lays out Hunter and damages his previously torn quad. Play it up huge, complete with doctor's interviews, etc, and talk about how he had to have surgery. Then I'd have them just drop his name entirely, like they did when it happened for real, until about 8 or 9 months have passed, and then announce that Hunter has been allowed to leave rehab to come to Raw and address the fans, and when Hunter comes out for that, on crutches with a brace, have the heel who attacked him before atttack Hunter again, and, after Hunter tries to fend him off with the crutch, the heel again lays Hunter out. Hunter then gets carried out, and the next week he's announced as needing 4-5 months more rehab because of what happened, and they could also have a short interview with Hunter saying he came back to address the fans because he missed the rush of being in the ring, and while he knew that his quad was still weak, it was something he had to do because of the fire in his heart. Hunter goes away for 5 months, leaving the heel to get the super push, and Hunter comes back after 5 months, making his time away being pretty much 14-months, and we've got a new top babyface to program with the heel. I didn't mean it in that way, per se. "Sharing the spotlight" meaning that even if HHH is the challenger, people won't be so inclined to believe that he's automatically taking the title. Yes, there is that little fact that he's married to the head writer, but marks need to believe that he can lose on any given night, or that people can beat him cleanly and move up to his level as a recognized superstar. The people know and/or believe Hunter is going to take the title, no matter what happens. It's about the only consistent factor on Raw over the past six-years. Yes, he did the thing with Batista, but that's just one time, and it doesn't make up for everything else. The fans don't believe he can lose on any given night, because he rarely does, and he doesn't lose enough to where the people don't know for sure if he's going to win. For a top babyface, that might not be so bad, but he's the top heel, and people should be pretty sure the top heel is going to lose, not pretty sure he's going to win. That all comes down to good booking though, and with WWE, they don't typically come through on that side of things. So you have faith in the company to book the Cena/Jericho match stronger than they would the HBK/Hogan match? Just asking. I have faith that they won't totally bury any program Cena is in before he gets into his angle with Hunter. After that, it will probably be business as usual. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zyn081 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Playing a retard isn't difficult at all. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I dont think I could pull it off. He has the whole finger chewing and retard eyes down pat. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He played it to a T. Even my parents used to like watching him and they hate wrestling. HHH/Angle would overshadow Cena/Jericho, and not just from a "HHH will hog the screentime" point-of-view. The character sorely needed a break, while in the meantime, you have the top of the card open to establish those who the company needs (Cena, Jericho, HBK, Carlito, Shelton), so when Helmsley comes back, you have a whole new slate of programs to work off of Even if Helmsley is taking on Cena, HBK or Benjamin when he comes back, the others will be primed to share the spotlight with him. Predictably, the company isn't enamored with their current stars, so they decide that HBK/Hogan is good for the "future" of the company. EDIT: WHY NOT HAVE HBK/CENA? HBK/JERICHO? HBK/SHELTON? HBK/ANYONE WITH BOTH HIPS? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Does HBK really need establishing? No, its not, but its good for 1 off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fartsauce 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 wow, efnet #wrestling really is starting to invade the board. Venkman, S_D, Briggs, spman, whoever else. Anyways, Triple H and Eugene feuding was because Eugene had cost Triple H the iron man match against Benoit which was for the title. I'm really wondering when Triple H will have a non-title feud with someone without the reasoning being the world title. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nl5xsk1 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Hunter goes away for 5 months, leaving the heel to get the super push, and Hunter comes back after 5 months, making his time away being pretty much 14-months, and we've got a new top babyface to program with the heel. HTQ, Do you really think someone would give up a year+ of their career? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter's Torn Quad 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 Hunter goes away for 5 months, leaving the heel to get the super push, and Hunter comes back after 5 months, making his time away being pretty much 14-months, and we've got a new top babyface to program with the heel. HTQ, Do you really think someone would give up a year+ of their career? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Normally, I'd say no. However, Hunter may be a special case. Even though his thinking since his rise to the top has been almost exclusively short term, in that he's tended to squash virtually anybody who he has felt has threatened his spot, and thereby squandered any money that could have been made, if Hunter is thinking long term, he'd realise that going away for a year isn't the worst thing he could do. For one thing, he'd give his body time to properly heal up, which is something he hasn't tended to do over the past few years. This would prolong his ability to at least put in the physical effort, because even though Hunter will be in the top spot until the day he dies, the more wear and tear on his body there is, the less chance there is of him being physically able to put on the best performance he can. Second, it would give the likes of Cena, Benjamin, etc, a potentially easier time to rise to superstar status, because the shadow of Hunter wouldn't be looming over them. Granted, this part of the equation relies on WWE 'creative' not dropping the ball, but at least without Hunter's ego to satiate, the chances of them reaching the top level would be increased a little. Third, it's not like Hunter would be risking his spot by staying out for so long. He's never leaving the top spot no matter what happens, so even if Hunter were to leave for two-years, he'd come right back into the main event scene. That alone should, even though it likely won't, assure him that he can quite easily take a break of a year or so and not lose his spot, because Hunter is in the top spot until he dies. Basically, it all boils down to Hunter being willing and able to think long term, and realise that with his lock on the top spot assured for life, he can afford to do the kinds of things that are beneficial to business that other wrestlers wouldn't be able to do. If Hunter wants his legacy in the business to be for something other than his political games, which have often been to the detriment of the business, he might realise that taking an extended break is an option to consider. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nl5xsk1 0 Report post Posted July 14, 2005 HTQ, I agree with your reasoning ... but don't see how someone as HHH would ever agree to do so. Even if someone he knew and trusted sat him down and went over your points I think he's too self-absorbed to comprehend them. In my opinion, in his mind he's doing the best thing for the sport by doing what he's doing. I really don't think that he does what he does because he's malicious or a prick or is just out for himself. I really do think that he believes the crap he spits out each week as being the truth. What we need is for him to knock Stephanie up, and hopefully take more time to be with her and their spawn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zyn081 0 Report post Posted July 15, 2005 HTQ, I agree with your reasoning ... but don't see how someone as HHH would ever agree to do so. Even if someone he knew and trusted sat him down and went over your points I think he's too self-absorbed to comprehend them. In my opinion, in his mind he's doing the best thing for the sport by doing what he's doing. I really don't think that he does what he does because he's malicious or a prick or is just out for himself. I really do think that he believes the crap he spits out each week as being the truth. What we need is for him to knock Stephanie up, and hopefully take more time to be with her and their spawn. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Plan B then. If he listens to nobody, have Steph choke it into him, cause I think he doesnt even listen to daddy-in-law. I agree with your nl5xsk1. I dont think hes going out of his way to be an ass. I really liked what HTQ said: "Basically, it all boils down to Hunter being willing and able to think long term, and realise that with his lock on the top spot assured for life, he can afford to do the kinds of things that are beneficial to business that other wrestlers wouldn't be able to do." I think he has a lot to offer the business apart from being in the top spot. Despite what people think here, I think that HHH is one of the better workers in the WWE when he puts his mind to it. I think it would be beneficial for him just watch development and lower card talent train and work in the ring. Give them tips and the sort. People cant deny the fact that he has one of the better bodies in the company (and please dont start a roid debate) cause he looks after himself. He could pass his knowledge of working out and eating right to others. Id like him to go to OVW and RoH, just watch the talent, take it out and scout. Let him attend booking meetings but he doesnt say a word. He just watches and listens. Maybe give him a pet project so that he just focused on getting this wrestler over, but his ideas can be squashed, make him wary of that fact. I think it would have a positive effect on development and lower card talent at RoH and especially OVW to know that somebody with Hunter's stature is watching them. I know that people are laughing their heads off after reading that paragraph, but I see HHH as having so much potential. It will never happen though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites