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Shit, meet the Fan

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It might be more practical for the Democrats to let him go ahead and become a Supreme Court Justice, then use whatever unpopular anti-abortion, pro-business decisions he issues as an albatross to hand around the necks of Republicans in the next election.

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I have yet to see the shit hit the fan. Sure, a couple of those extreme lefty groups are going crazy, but for the most part, reaction is ho hum. The Dems know they are in a no-win situtation.


The Dems can't Bork this guy. The Republicans have the 55 votes, and if the Dems go for the fillibuster, the Repubs will just use the nuke card.

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In one of those little "nobody would other read this except it needs to be acknowledged to be believed" categories, partisan conservative blogger at PowerLine thinks the Democrats are starting some kind of shadow propaganda campaign that claims that Roberts is gay because of the color of pants he wore in public one day. The evidence? Well, a lefty blog makes similar implications about it.


And this, friends, is why Guys With Blogs will not replace the media, because they're wrong even MORE often than the media is.

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I also wanted to add that the force of nature known as Al Sharpton also keeps me a Democrat. Dude's way too outspoken and doesn't give a fuck. I love 'im.

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Wouldn't the leftists not care if he was gay at all, not even in the "haha, you guys don't like gay dudes, but you just nominated one" way?


Remember the Mary Cheney incident?

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