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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Guest Epic Narcissism

I get that part, I've just been struggling with "tell that cunty bitch to quit accusing people of sexism."

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I hope it doesn't end up being a life-long struggle for you to understand why people are actually supporting Barack Obama.

I don't particularly like Barack either. But I do understand the Hillary Hate over the past few weeks. She was clearly so far behind in the polls that she couldn't realistically win, but kept charging mindlessly onwards. And then resorted to some King Of Kong type shenanigans being all like "ok, I know I said That, but that was when I thought I might be winning and now I'm not so instead we're doing This".

I've just been struggling with "tell that cunty bitch to quit accusing people of sexism."

However this is also a valid point.

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Just because the race is now over, why should Hillary have to leave the contest? I'm feeling bad about my sexism.

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I don't think that map is very good. Make Virginia and Colorado blue. Ohio, Michigan, West Virginia, New Mexico (if Richardson isn't VP), Missouri, Louisiana, North Carolina red. 274-264 for the Republicans. No way in hell Obama wins by 100. That's crazy talk. Imagine if Hillary gets the VP? Holy hell. All those states I mentioned would go red. All.


How does one come up with Louisiana going democrat? Looked at the polls there lately?

My thinking is this:

Both the campaign and candidate of the Republican Party are fundamentally flawed. There's a HUGE undecided vote in every single one of those national polls for Obama to tap into. I think the undecides will go 60/40 in Obama's favor just based on the fact he is a better campaigner and has a clearer message to hit the Republicans over the head with.


Make your own map here:





A couple of good articles about the campaign...


Strategy Was Based On Winning Delegates, Not Battlegrounds



Who Did This To Hillary?


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Hey, can I masturbate in here too?



No. I hate clean up duty.

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Guest Epic Narcissism

Well, at least now the Democratic convention doesn't have to be an actual political convention. They can just celebrate themselves, then R.E.M. will play a few songs off their new album, and they'll drop a bunch of balloons and confetti at the place where the Denver Nuggets play. Dodged a bullet there. Might've been interesting.

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I get that part, I've just been struggling with "tell that cunty bitch to quit accusing people of sexism."


But she is a cunty bitch based on her behavior. If she had a penis, she'd be a dickish asshole.


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Well, at least now the Democratic convention doesn't have to be an actual political convention. They can just celebrate themselves, then R.E.M. will play a few songs off their new album, and they'll drop a bunch of balloons and confetti at the place where the Denver Nuggets play. Dodged a bullet there. Might've been interesting.

What are you talking about? Conventions are never interesting. At your party's last convention all the attendees wore purple band-aids and swung sandals in the air yelling "flip-flop, flip-flop". But since you don't agree with the party or their nominee, all of a sudden they have a responsibility to manufacture a competition between two candidates for the next two months even though the race between them is effectively over?

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Guest Epic Narcissism
Well, at least now the Democratic convention doesn't have to be an actual political convention. They can just celebrate themselves, then R.E.M. will play a few songs off their new album, and they'll drop a bunch of balloons and confetti at the place where the Denver Nuggets play. Dodged a bullet there. Might've been interesting.

What are you talking about? Conventions are never interesting. At your party's last convention all the attendees wore purple band-aids and swung sandals in the air yelling "flip-flop, flip-flop". But since you don't agree with the party or their nominee, all of a sudden they have a responsibility to manufacture a competition between two candidates for the next two months even though the race between them is effectively over?

I don't belong to the Republican Party. They're not mine.

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A more accurate question would be: How can you possibly find yourself suddenly so bitter over a process that has taken place at every single party convention since 1984?

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Well, at least now the Democratic convention doesn't have to be an actual political convention. They can just celebrate themselves, then R.E.M. will play a few songs off their new album, and they'll drop a bunch of balloons and confetti at the place where the Denver Nuggets play. Dodged a bullet there. Might've been interesting.


Who gives a shit if they're not picking a candidate at the convention? Roles reversed, you wouldn't be complaining. The whole point of ending it before the convention was to get more time to go head to head against McCain.

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Also, when was the last time it took this long to definitively determine the candidate from either major party? I don't really remember the South Dakota and Montana primaries being closely followed any time recently.

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Whether you love him or hate him, I thought it was simply wonderful in the 232 years that the United States of America has been around that an African-American was chosen to run for the White House. It doesn't matter if he becomes President or not, we've come a long way with this milestone that took place last night and I'm glad I was around to see it happen.

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Also, when was the last time it took this long to definitively determine the candidate from either major party? I don't really remember the South Dakota and Montana primaries being closely followed any time recently.


1980. Teddy Kennedy challenged Carter right up to the convention. Reagan had done the same to Gerald Ford four years earlier. Both challengers hugely overshadowed the incumbents with speeches and behavior at said conventions.


These back-to-back scenarios are why the Dems insisted on ending this year's process well before Denver.

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A lot of other business takes place at conventions besides nominating the national ticket. Conventions are also an opportunity to present the party and candidates to the public mostly unfiltered by the news media, and give exposure to up-and-coming leaders in the party.

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Whether you love him or hate him, I thought it was simply wonderful in the 232 years that the United States of America has been around that an African-American was chosen to run for the White House. It doesn't matter if he becomes President or not, we've come a long way with this milestone that took place last night and I'm glad I was around to see it happen.

Of all the silly things anyone could say...


Oh, I won't even bother to deconstruct this. You fucking idiot.

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No, go ahead, I'd like to read your analysis on why a black man getting the democratic nod is nothing note-worthy.

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No, go ahead, I'd like to read your analysis on why a black man getting the democratic nod is nothing note-worthy.

<bored> First I'll thank you for re-instituting the "one-drop" rule. Goddamn niggers... what size do you take in hoods, brother Knight?

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The brown shirted gay Hillary fanboy was on the Daily Show!


Actual quote:

"I'm a 20 year old guy from Brooklyn, gay as the day is long and I'll be all about McCain if they steal this nomination from Hillary!"


Let's hear it for blind, self-hating revenge votes!

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