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Matt Hardy Promo

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I can't believe how badly they killed Matt Hardy's return to RAWL tonight. Any edge that his character had, that Pillman-like energy, was killed tonight. Some of it was his bad delivery. Some just due to a dead crowd. But for the most part it was just the wrong type of promo. It was important for Hardy to be anti-establishment, even after being hired and they had the perfect opportunity for him to cut a great promo on Vince McMahon.


"Thank you Mr. McMahon for bringing me back to RAWL. Your writers have scripted out a promo for me to explain to everyone what I've gone through in recent months. Granted, I had to explain to them exactly what a wrestling promo was. However, since you were kind enough to give me a live mic, I'd like to handle this without the assistance of creative services, thank you. Adam Copeland - Edge - you are a piece of (beep). Amy Dumas - Lita - you are a skank and a whore. Vince McMahon, you've only brought me back for the opportunity to make a dollar off of my misery. You proved when you fired me that you do not care about my well being regardless of the sacrifices that I've put my body through for your company and for WWE fans. If it wasn't for the fans... those who were too "smart" and realized what a crock of (beep) it was to fire me and push my ex girlfriend and ex best friend in a top storyline, their chants in support of Matt Hardy in arenas across the country, you wouldn't have brought me back. I'd be wrestling for Ring of Honor or in TNA - did you ever hear of them? - rather than standing across the ring from Edge at Summerslam. But thank you for that opportunity. And you won't be disappointed. Since you like cutting your payroll, firing just married couples and pregnant women to clear up roster spots and lessen the payroll, you'll be happy to know that you won't have to pay one cent that you contractually owe Adam Copeland - for his contract and life will effectively end... at Summerslam... And tell Johnny Ace and your "writers" to stay clear of me because this is the Matt Hardy Movement and anyone in my face telling me what to do will just piss me off."


Was that so difficult? You don't tell your television audience that kane and lita were just a TV storyline but you let them know that Matt Hardy was really wronged in some way by Edge, Lita and Vince McMahon. Let them research the specifics on their own. Hardy maintains his credibility with the net fans and the smarts plus tips his hat to the indies.

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This was way too good to be a work, created by WWE creative as it was done masterfully until Hardy's first attack on Edge. Once it went from real-life/net gossip to the hands of WWE creative, the interesting aspects of it have gradually decreased, despite the legit back story. They simply couldn't follow it up. There was no way creative could have done things this good, only to drop the ball so badly within the past three weeks. That's the only reason that I doubt it was a work. I remember thinking that after the first attack on Edge. How masterfully it was played out, with that attack coming on the day his WWE contract expired. I was thinking... 'wow, maybe creative isn't as bad as we thought'. Perhaps they just worked the net! Then it became obvious that they couldn't follow that up with anything substantial so we had the two week repeat attacks and then the disappointment that was tonight. Now, that's WWE creative!

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Guest JMA

The crowd pretty much didn't care about anything tonight (with some exceptions). I kind of felt sorry for all the wrestlers getting no heat (or worse, negative heat). I got the feeling that the show was booked to be light since WWE doesn't see the area as being that important.


And as for Matt, he should've cut his return promo in MSG, rather than an arena with a dead crowd. They really blew their loads too early with him. It might've been cool if they had Matt face Edge in a "Lights Out Match" before he was "officially" hired back.

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Guest hasbeen

Where was Raw, I missed where it was mentioned. And I never want to hear "storylines" or "writers" mentioned on a wrestling broadcast, "real-life" or anything similar either.

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Guest JMA
Where was Raw, I missed where it was mentioned. And I never want to hear "storylines" or "writers" mentioned on a wrestling broadcast, "real-life" or anything similar either.

You didn't like HBK's promo then?

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It was just messed up.... there was no reason to break character at all. Everyone knows the situation.


First of all, Edge wasn't at the arena because he was at home watching Lita. Yet Matt basically says that Kane was never married to Lita and that it was an act. So... that pretty much fucks up Kane and Lita's character doesn't it? Now I'm glad that they killed off that storyline, but you can't say two things about a character and expect the crowd to buy into it. Because what is going on now is not real dispite them using real issues. There did not need to be an explination.


I 100% agree that that "Amy you whore, Adam you piece of shit, and screw you vince for trying to make money off of me" would have worked a whole lot better. Afterall, Vince admited he was pouring gas on the fire so he had that coming to him

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But how would they wrestle each other? Catch 22 - you have some interest in a match, but you kill the interest if you actually have the match. Something like this takes a certain amount of finesse and creativity, so it's not surprising the WWE took such an obvious route.


RRR - had a way to work it.

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When they finally do fight at SS...I best not see ONE fucking wrestling move. I want bloodshed, tears, and two men beating the living SHIT out of each other for like 10 minutes. I want Matt to jump Edge about two steps into his entrance and not let up one bit. I don't even want them to go near the ring really, just take it everywhere.


Fuck, get really creative and let Matt leave Edge lying in a pool of blood and drive off screaming obscenities...it IS PPV.

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Guest JMA
When they finally do fight at SS...I best not see ONE fucking wrestling move. I want bloodshed, tears, and two men beating the living SHIT out of each other for like 10 minutes.  I want Matt to jump Edge about two steps into his entrance and not let up one bit. I don't even want them to go near the ring really, just take it everywhere. 


Fuck, get really creative and let Matt leave Edge lying in a pool of blood and drive off screaming obscenities...it IS PPV.

That's why they needed to do a "Light's Out" match. No rules, no referee, just a fight.

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They should have just made it known that Matt Hardy vs. Edge would happen at the PPV but not announce the actual match. Have Matt say "I've got a ticket for Summerslam and enough money to pay off the security guards" and let everyone fill in the blanks.

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Guest Brian

Well, I'm just watching this all now and they also had Shawn busting out the semi-shoot as well. They're overdoing things.

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I still think Matt should've flipped out Vince. "You Vince, you claim to be such a good businessman. But you are shit as a human being. What's your solution to a scumbag stealing a worker's girlfriend when he's laid up at home with an injury suffered working his ass of for your company? You fire them." And he could've gone on from there.

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Why was Matt posing to the crowd? For a guy who has a 'mind for the business', he probably did the most damage to the angle with that. Why not say your shit and walk out with your head down? Instead, you just killed a considerable portion of heat that revolved around the angle.


It's the little things that'll decide if Matt/Edge works or not. So far, they've fucked it all up since the cage match attack.

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My interest in this Edge/Hardy feud just about died tonight. By this point, for me, it's totally on life support.


I don't mind a shoot every now and then, you know? But when you go to the extreme that Hardy did so tonight, you crossed the line.


Also, was I the only one who was more shocked/offended at Matt Hardy saying he wished Edge would die, get killed, DIE in a car wreck than I was at anything having to do with Hassan?

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I laughed my ass off at him "shooting", then tried to seriously say that he took things into his own hands by attacking Edge backstage, as well as trying to make the upcoming match look real.


Make up your mind WWE, shoot or work.


You can't have it both ways.

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