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What if the WWE was to relocate a brand to the UK?

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Excuse my poor post as I am currently rather evicerated.... Do you think moving a WWE brand for example Smackdown to the UK for a year would improve ratings? If they moved a few young guys such as London, Tajiri, Benjamin etc to that paticular brand for a year I believe the hot crowds could actually make them perceived as superstars leading to a British Wrestlemania then an extremely hot return when they all returned to the US replacing the old guard as they retire. Am I completely fucked or is this a good idea?

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There's not enough fans for it to work, and not enough arenas of WWE size.


There's the arenas is Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Nottingham, a few in London and off the top of my head that's about it in terms of 10,000 or so seaters. And the WWE wouldn't "lower themselves" to put on shows in the smaller places that the FWA book.


The WWE easilly sell out there tours here because people are starved of action and it's possible to travel to all the shows they do on one tour because of the size of the country which I know some people do. If there was a brand over here then people would get burned out very quickly. I mean, if there was a show in your home town every month would you go to every one? Probably not.


So for that the the reasons above it would a) never happen, and b) not work.

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They didn't even sell out both nights at their last TV tapings over here (Raw was sold out, Smackdown still had seats available the day of the show) so a long term stay here wouldn't work. I thought they were better off a few years back when they came over once a year for a UK PPV/glorified TV show and a few house shows. Those would always sell out. Now with their more frequent trips a lot of the appeal of going to the shows has worn off.

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example of too many shows killing an area is to look at all WWF/E shows in the greater NYC area. Within an hour or so of the Garden, they have Bridgeport, Hartford, M Sun, Long Island, Albany, Meddowlands, and Atlantic City. They come on this tour atleast 3 to 6 times a year. The crowds in this area are burned out because it is too much of a (good/bad) thing.


If they were to go to England, they would be doing the same thing as this Northeast leg of its tour. And the crowds will be as dead as if they are in Long Island.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Not a year, maybe a few weeks though. Remember when WCW went on that elongated Austrailia tour and had packed houses throughout?




Yeah but we were so starved of wrestling that we would've watched anything. Even now, on the Aussie tour the bulk of the crowds cheer for stuff that fans in the US/UK/Canada would likely shit on.

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Not a year, maybe a few weeks though. Remember when WCW went on that elongated Austrailia tour and had packed houses throughout?




Yeah but we were so starved of wrestling that we would've watched anything. Even now, on the Aussie tour the bulk of the crowds cheer for stuff that fans in the US/UK/Canada would likely shit on.


Thats settled it then. Pack your bags Steph, were going down under.

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The WWE have come to Nottingham several times. I've never been once, because I know that I'll never see anything INTERESTING. When they start doing title changes abroad or actually advance a fucking storyline or something, THEN I'd go.


That being said, if they relocated a brand here they'd HAVE to do that. Still can't see it working though.

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Guest Samantha

I don't think there are enough fans in the UK to warrant it to be honest. Yeah the shows that we do get sell out but every week... I don't think they would sell a whole lot of tickets.

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