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Guest jackie fargo

Brock Lesnar withdraws from negotations..

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I was almost positive McMahon's announcement, after he mentioned "bringing back stars that stabbed him in the back", would be Lesnar referring the Michaels/Hogan match at SummerSlam.


Little did I know it was just to bring back lower carder Matt Hardy.


I thought the same. :(

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Ditto, Brian.


WWE.com is way too wishy-washy with their stance on kayfabe. One day they break it and the next they have columns that bash fans who use "insider terms" and whatnot.


As for this latest pile of shit: just announce that he signed the fucking contract already. It's not like Brock Lesnar's suprise return is going to skyrocket ratings through the roof. Vince McMahon actually thinks that the mainstream public cares THAT much about wrestling? Give me a break.

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I don't visit a site that openly and arrogantly insults my intelligence, then expects me to pay for their product that further insults my intelligence.


Now, before the smart ass answers of "why are you on TSM then?" I'm talking about WWE.com. Worked shoots are a horrible idea, unless they feature Bret Hart, because I guess the internet support is wide enough that a newsbit about him can crash their server.


Not too worried about it, though. WWE will fail at fooling the smart fans to follow kayfabe again, just like they have for the last eight years. You can always rely on their bad television to do it. How many people are now looking forward to Hardy-Edge? Or seeing Rhodes book WWE? Or seeing Tatanka again? Or hearing the "media" storm about Brock?

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The funny thing is, if Brock doesn't show up everyone is gonig to be pissed at the WWE for not signing him, and if he does everyone will be pissed at the WWE for being so "predictable"

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