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NFL roster cuts

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Arizona: Ian Allen (OT), Damien Anderson (RB), Bobby Blizzard (TE), Tim Bulman (DT), Rolando Cantu (OG), Matt Fordyce (K), Aaron Golliday (TE), Jermaine Hardy (S), Carlyle Holliday (WR), Isaac Keys (LB), Tyler King (DE), Reggie Newhouse (WR), Lamont Reid (CB), Ernest Shazor (S), Dan Sheldon (WR), Robert Tate (CB), Lester Towns (LB)


Atlanta: Mark Anelli (TE), Brian Bratton (WR), Michael Brown (LB), Kevin Dudley (FB), Shawn Draper (OT), Anthony Herron (DL), Byron Jones (CB), John Leake (LB), Mike Mabry ©, Cole Magner (WR), Michael Moore (OG), Cam Newton (FS), Dave Pearson ©, Jared Peck (OT), Will Pettis (WR), James Thornton (CB), Khaleed Vaughn (DL), Jason Wright (RB)


Baltimore: Bill Alford (CB), Calvin Carlyle (FS), Dante Ellington (OL), Mark Estelle (CB), Phil Hawkins (OL), Alex Haynes (RB), Chris Kelley (S), Joe Maese (OL), Zach Norton (CB), Tellis Redmon (RB), Wade Richey (K), Matt Sinclair (LB), Mike Smith (LB), Trent Smith (TE), Thatcher Szalay (OL), Jamaine Winborne (CB), Matt Zielinski (DT)


Buffalo: Brad Cieslak (TE), Jasen Esposito (OL), Liam Ezekiel (LB), George Gause (DL), Jon Goldsberry (FB), Drew Hadaad (WR), Wendell Hunter (LB), Dylan McFarland (OL), Evan Oglesby (CB), Lawrence Richardson (CB), Constantin Ritzmann (DL), Kevin Thompson (QB), Rod Trafford (TE), Ross Tucker (OG)


Carolina: Lorenzo Alexander (DL), Joe Berger (OL), Aaron Boone (WR), Casey Cramer (FB), Dan Curley (TE), Jon Doty (OL), Atiyyah Ellison (DL), Marcus Floyd (CB), Eddie Freeman (DL), William Hampton (S), Charles Hill (DL), Efrem Hill (WR), Isaac Hilton (DL), Eddie Jackson (CB), Ben Johnson (OT), Bryan Knight (LB), Hugo Lira (WR), Tupe Peko (OL), Tom Rouen (P), Sean Tufts (LB)


Chicago: Zack Abron (RB), Derrick Ballard (LB), Keith Belton (FB), Jeremy Cain (LB), Ryan Dinwiddie (QB), Rob Droege (OT), Antoineo Harris (RB), Ron Johnson (TE), Gabe Lindstrom (P), Todd McMillon (CB), Anthony Oakley (OL), Shurron Pierson (LB), AJ Ricker ©, Darnell Sanders (TE), Leroy Smith (DB), Greg White (DL), LeVar Woods (LB)


Cincy: Patrick Body (CB), Casey Bramlett (QB), Jamaal Broussard (WR), Derek Curry (LB), Ronnie Ghent (FB), Herana-Daze Jones (S), Pete Lougheed (OT), Langston Moore (DT), Dante Ridgeway (WR), Cliff Russell (WR), Carter Warley (K), Brandon Williams (WR), Quincy Wilson (RB)


Cleveland: Richard Alston (WR), Jamal Brooks (LB), Dyshod Carter (CB), Enoch DeMar (OL), Amon Gordon (DL), Michael Grant (S), Josh Harris (QB), Paul Irons (TE), C.J. Jones (WR), Ivory McCoy (LB), Sultan McCullough (RB), Ben Miller (FB), Omar Nazel (LB), J'vonne Parker (DT), Mike Pucillo (OG), Greg Randall (OT), Brandon Rideau (WR), Renaud Williams (LB)


Dallas: Erik Bickerstaff (RB), Leonardo Carson (DT), Rich Coady (S), Tom Crowder (WR), Tony Curtis (TE), Woody Dantzler (S), Keylon Kincade (RB), Nick Novak (K), Keith O'Neil (LB), Jeff Robinson (TE/LS), Sean Ryan (TE), Lynn Scott (S), Matthew Tarullo (OL), Kurt Vollers (OL), Tyson Walter (OL)


Denver: Tyson Clabo (OG), Anthony Clement (OT), Curome Cox (CB), Dorsett Davis (DT), Mario Fatafehi (DT), Quentin Griffin (RB), Aaron Hunt (DE), Jeremy LeSueur (S), Triandos Luke (WR), Matt Mauck (QB), Brandon Miree (RB), Chris Myers (OL), Ben Nowland ©, Anton Palepoi (DE), Erik Pears (OL), Terry Pierce (LB), Jason Sykes (LB), Chris Watton (OL), Zach Wilson (OG)


Detroit: Chris Cash (CB), Jonathan Goddard (DL), Andrew Guman (FS), Paris Hamilton (WR), Tyrone Hopson (OG), Jason Jimenez (OT), Brandon Kennedy (DL), David Kircus (WR), Glenn Martinez (WR), Will Mathews (FB), Todd Mortensen (QB), Rob Murphy (OG), Eric Powell (DL), Jason Randall (TE), Victor Rogers (OT), Jeff Sanchez (CB), Scottie Vines (WR), Jamel White (RB)


Green Bay: Brad Bedell (OT), Craig Bragg (WR), Sam Breeden (WR), Chris Day (CB), Joe Hayes (OT), Cletidus Hunt (DL), Corey Jenkins (LB), Jamal Jones (WR), Vonta Leach (FB), James Lee (DL), Sean McHugh (TE), Nick McNeil (LB), J.T. O'Sullivan (QB), Raynoch Thompson (LB), Andrae Thurman (WR), Leigh Torrence (CB), R-Kal Truluck (DL), Seante Williams (DL), Walter Williams (RB)


Houston: Chad Beasley (OG), Tim Brown (OT), Frank Chamberlin (LB), Jason Davis (DL), Anthony Dunn (LB), Brandon Evans (OG), Aaron Halterman (TE), Jammal Lord (S), Alfred Malone (DL), Adam Matthews (RB), Chris McKenzie (CB), Zeke Moreno (LB), Donovan Morgan (WR), Preston Parsons (QB), Jon Pendergrass (CB), Kenneth Pettway (LB), Chris Snyder (K), Cody Scates (P), Reggie Swinton (WR), B.J. Symons (QB), Sloan Thomas (WR), Jerron Wishom (CB)


Indianapolis: Tom Arth (QB), Justin Brown (DE), Willie Ford (CB), Sean Guthrie (DL), Nick Hannah (LB), Trevor Hutton (OG), Chris Laslowski (LB), Josh Mallard (DE), Jermaine Mays (CB), Jim Newton (OL), Vashon Pearson (RB), David Porter (OT), Andre Sommersell (LB), Marcus Spears (OL), John Standeford (WR), J.T. Wall (FB)


Jacksonville: Rich Alexis (RB), David Allen (RB), Martin Chase (DT), Jim Davis (DE), Derrick Fletcher (OG), Chris Fuamatu-Ma'afala (RB), Omari Hand (DE), Kelvin Kight (WR), Jimmy McClain (LB), Brett Romberg (OC), Joe Tate (OG), Bernard Thomas (DE), Kiwaukee Thomas (CB), Chris Thompson (CB), Nate Wayne (LB), Tony Williams (DT), Mark Wood (TE)


Kansas City: Ashley Ambrose (CB), Thomas Barnett (OT), John Booth (WR), Dee Brown (RB), Scott Connott (SS), Arrion Dixon (DL), Alphonso Hodge (CB), Aaron Johnson (OG), James Kilian (QB), Jeris McIntyre (WR), Clint Mitchell (DL), Freddie Mitchell (WR), Jonathan Quinn (QB), Montique Sharpe (DL), McKenzi Smith (RB), Edwin Thompson (TE), Craphonso Thorpe (WR), Zach Ville (DL),


Miami (probable): Tony Bua (S), Larry Chester (DT), Damion Cook (OG), DeAndre Eiland (S), Lamar Gordon (RB), Jack Hunt (S), Donnie Jones (P), Donald Lee (TE), Jamar Martin (FB), Maurice Mann (WR), John Owens (TE), Jason Rader (TE), Rodney Reed (OL), Reggie Rhodes (DT), Dario Romero (DT), Winston Taylor (LB), Jason Thomas (OL), Matt Walters (DE), Taylor Whitley (OG), Eric Wilson (OG)


Minnesota: Richard Angulo (TE), Sean Berton (TE), Earl Cochran (DE), T.J. Cottrell (TE), Travis Dorsch (P), Ukee Dozier (CB), Adimchinobe Echemandu (RB), Aaron Elling (K), Heath Farwell (LB), Ryan Hoag (WR), William Hunter (S), Chris Jahnke (OG), Chris Jones (WR), ReShard Lee (RB), Matt Mitrione (DT), Brandon Newton (OG), Shannon Snell (OT), Butchie Wallace (RB), Adrian Ward (CB)


New England: Eric Alexander (LB), Rodney Bailey (DL), Kory Chapman (RB), Brandon Childress (WR), Kyle Eckel (FB), Joel Jacobs (TE), Victor Leyva (OL), Gene Mruczkowski (OL), Jeff Roehl (OL), P.K. Sam (WR), Grant Steen (LB), Tom Sverchek (DL), David Terrell (WR), Andre Torrey (LB), Ray Ventrone (S), Jed Weaver (TE), Billy Yates (OL)


New Orleans: Anders Akerstrom (DE), Mike Banks (TE), Fred Booker (CB), Matthew Clark (CB), Levar Fisher (LB), Talman Gardner (WR), Howard Green (DT), Keron Henry (WR), Augie Hoffman (OG), Keith Joseph (RB), Dwayne Ledford (OG), Ike Ndukwe (OL), Nate Poole (WR), Cabel Rohloff (LB), Nate Schurman (FB), Chad Setterstrom (OG), Chris Vance (WR), Jimmy Verdon (DE), Jimmy Williams (CB)


New York Giants: Curry Burns (SS), Ataveus Cash (WR), Mike Cloud (RB), Ryan Grant (RB), T.J. Hollowell (LB), Michael Jennings (WR), Lewis Kelly (OG), Kevin Lewis (LB), Wayne Lucier ©, James Maxwell (LB), Raheem Orr (DL), Jesse Palmer (QB), Morgan Pears (OG), Jonas Seawright (DL), Myniya Smith (OT), Darius Williams (TE), Brandon Winey (OT)


New York Jets: Atari Bigby (S), Terry Butler (RB), Kevin Eakin (QB), Joey Evans (LB), Aaron Francisco (SS), Little John Flowers (FB), Chas Gessner (WR), Dennis Haley (DL), Brandon Haw (CB), Mike King (OT), James Kinney (LB), Mike Kracalik (OT), Radell Lockhart (DL), Tim McGill (DL), Charles Missant (OC), Austine Nwabuisi (FB), Terrence Stubbs (WR), Harry Williams (WR), Jovan Witherspoon (WR)


Oakland: James Adkisson (WR), Calvin Branch (FS), Cedric Bonner (WR), C.J. Brooks (OL), Vince Carter ©, Rickey Dudley (TE), Bret Engemann (QB), Jay Foreman (LB), Akbar Gbaja-Biamila (LB), DeJuan Green (RB), Anttaj Hawthorne (DT), Jordan Hicks (DE), Robert Hicks (OT), Teyo Johnson (TE), Brad Lekkerkerker (OT), Lorn Mayers (DT), J.R. Niklos (RB), Marquis Smith (SS), Edward Thomas (LB)


Philadelphia: Hugh Douglas (DL), Dominic Furio ©, Michael Gasperson (WR), Jamaal Green (DE), Andrew Hall (QB), Norman Heuer (DL), Jamaal Jackson ©, Sean Landeta (P), Keyonta Marshall (DL), Martin Patterson (LB), Carlos Perez (WR), Jon Ritchie (FB), Steve Sciullo (OG), Linj Shell (CB), Chauncey Stovall (WR), Andy Thorn (TE), Scott Young (OG), Aric Williams (CB)


Pittsburgh: Mike Barr (P), Ulish Booker (OT), Ben Claxton ©, Chris Collins (WR), Andre Frazier (LB), Fred Gibson (WR), Alonzo Jackson (LB), Jim Jones (OG), John Kuhn (RB), Shaun Nua (DE), Janssen Patton (CB), Walter Rasby (TE), Dedrick Roper (LB), Mike Schenck (LS), Brian St. Pierre (QB), Ronald Stanley (LB), Russell Stuvaints (S), Eric Taylor (DE)


St. Louis: Darnell Alford (OL), Jeremy Calahan (DL), Jeremy Carter (WR), Toby Cecil (OL), Kevin Garrett (CB), Joey Goodspeed (FB), Dusty McGrorty (RB), John Parrella (DL), Jeff Smoker (QB), Michael Stone (S), Dominique Thompson (WR), Larry Turner (OL)


San Diego: Phil Archer (LB), Ryon Bingham (DT), Wesley Britt (OT), Robb Butler (S), Jemelle Cage (DT), Greg Camarillo (WR), Jonathan Cox (CB), Marcus Curry (CB), Robby Farmer (LB), Malcolm Floyd (WR), Gabe Franklin (CB), Ahmaad Galloway (RB), Cory Lekkerkerker (OT), Ruvell Martin (WR), Carl Morris (WR), Ray Perkins (RB), Robert Pollard (DE), Duncan Reid (TE), Isaiah Ross ©, Wes Sims (OG), Danny Young (TE)


San Francisco: Allan Amundson (CB), Tony Brown (DE), Brendan Darby (OT), Tony Ficklin (FB), Daven Holly (CB), Norm Katnik ©, Marcus Maxwell (WR), Willie Middlebrooks (CB), Scott Peters (OG), Tim Provost (OT), Bobby Purify (RB), Rayshun Reed (CB), Scott Scharff (DL), Richard Seigler (LB), Raymond Wells (LB), Max Yates (LB)


Seattle: Terreal Bierria (FS), Kerry Carter (RB), Brock Edwards (TE), Kevin Emanuel (DL), Gibran Hamdan (QB), Michael Harden (CB), William Henry (OT), Tony Jackson (TE), Andy King (OG), Chris Kluwe (P), Omare Lowe (SS), Christian Moore (DL), Rashad Moore (DL), Doug Nienhuis (OT), Jerome Pathon (WR), Cleveland Pinkney (DL), Terrence Robinson (LB), Bobby Shaw (WR), B.J. Tucker (CB), Taco Wallace (WR), Marquis Weeks (RB), Tracy White (LB), Cornelius Wortham (LB)


Tampa Bay: Harnza Abdullah (S), Josh Buhl (LB), Jonathan Clinkscale (OL), Delbert Cowsette (DE), Derrick Deese (OT), Todd France (K), Matt Grootegoed (LB), Will Heller (TE), Scott Jackson (OC), Sam Lightbody (OT), Derek McCoy (WR), Terrance Metcalf (WR), Kalvin Pearson (S), DeAndrew Rubin (WR), Josh Savage (DE), Bryan Save (DT), Brian Simnjanovski (P), Jermaine Taylor (LB), Derek Watson (RB), Andrew Williams (DE)


Tennessee: Brian Atkinson (LB), Larry Croom (RB), Jimmy Dixon (FB), Robert Douglas (FB), Arturo Freeman (S), Ben Hall (TE), Ben Herrell (OT), Norman LeJeune (S), Sam Massey (S), Jarrett Payton (RB), Marcus Randall (S), Chris Redman (QB), Robert Rodriguez (LB), O.J. Small (WR), Joe Smith (RB), Kenneth Smith (DE), Derrick Strong (DE), Brent Swaggert (OT), Marcus White (S)


Washington: Jon Alston (OL), Brandon Barnes (LB), Rufus Brown (CB), Kevin Dyson (WR), Jamin Elliott (WR), Jimmy Farris (WR), Eric Joyce (CB), Robert Johnson (TE), Aki Jones (DL), Tyler Lenda (OG), Robert McCune (LB), Chris Mohr (P), Rich Parson (WR), Siddeeq Shabazz (SS), Ron Warner (DL), Garnell Wilds (CB), Mark Wilson (OT)

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New Orleans: Anders Akerstrom (DE), Mike Banks (TE), Fred Booker (CB), Matthew Clark (CB), Levar Fisher (LB), Talman Gardner (WR), Howard Green (DT), Keron Henry (WR), Augie Hoffman (OG), Keith Joseph (RB), Dwayne Ledford (OG), Ike Ndukwe (OL), Nate Poole (WR), Cabel Rohloff (LB), Nate Schurman (FB), Chad Setterstrom (OG), Chris Vance (WR), Jimmy Verdon (DE), Jimmy Williams (CB)


Ouch, some of these hurt...


Specifically, Jimmy Williams is an old HS teammate of mine and Howard Green is an area native who played at LSU. Fred Booker played at LSU as well.

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Oakland: James Adkisson (WR), Calvin Branch (FS), Cedric Bonner (WR), C.J. Brooks (OL), Vince Carter ©, Rickey Dudley (TE), Bret Engemann (QB), Jay Foreman (LB), Akbar Gbaja-Biamila (LB), DeJuan Green (RB), Anttaj Hawthorne (DT), Jordan Hicks (DE), Robert Hicks (OT), Teyo Johnson (TE), Brad Lekkerkerker (OT), Lorn Mayers (DT), J.R. Niklos (RB), Marquis Smith (SS), Edward Thomas (LB)


I am kinda surprised the Raiders cut Hawthorne after picking him up in the draft. Maybe he stole some of Moss's stash.


Foreman looked washed up. Gbaja-Biamila is a bust though.


I heard good things about DeJuan Green but I guess the team had other plans for him.


Teyo Johnson is a loser. He quit on himself and the team. He's like 6'6" but Courtney Anderson took the starting TE job from him. I thought Dudley would be kept on as a back-up to Anderson but I guess that won't be the case now.


Hawthorne's dumping is the only name that caught me by surprise.

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Guest Vitamin X
Green Bay: Brad Bedell (OT), Craig Bragg (WR), Sam Breeden (WR), Chris Day (CB), Joe Hayes (OT), Cletidus Hunt (DL), Corey Jenkins (LB), Jamal Jones (WR), Vonta Leach (FB), James Lee (DL), Sean McHugh (TE), Nick McNeil (LB), J.T. O'Sullivan (QB), Raynoch Thompson (LB), Andrae Thurman (WR), Leigh Torrence (CB), R-Kal Truluck (DL), Seante Williams (DL), Walter Williams (RB)


Very shocked at most of the defensive linemen that were cut here. Even more shocked that Ray Thompson was cut, considering they're going to try to rush Robert Thomas, who they just acquired via trade from St. Louis in as a starter at outside linebacker and throw him the playbook in less than a week.


I'm glad they got rid of that bitch Hunt, though. Never have I seen a player less worthy of the big money he received, and I think that was Sherman's lesson in not to try to throw money at a player to motivate him, but let it be the other way around. The O'Sullivan cut was probably the most painful here, considering that's who they traded for last year, but I'm glad to see the coaching staff is actually trying to keep around the best people possible, instead of trying to develop players.

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New England: Eric Alexander (LB), Rodney Bailey (DL), Kory Chapman (RB), Brandon Childress (WR), Kyle Eckel (FB), Joel Jacobs (TE), Victor Leyva (OL), Gene Mruczkowski (OL), Jeff Roehl (OL), P.K. Sam (WR), Grant Steen (LB), Tom Sverchek (DL), David Terrell (WR), Andre Torrey (LB), Ray Ventrone (S), Jed Weaver (TE), Billy Yates (OL)


Childress would probably have been a good special teams player, but he'll probably be signed to the practice squad as insurance for Bethel Johnson. Terrell barely played in preseason, so they probably were low on him from the start (which is probably why the Davis trade happened). Oh well, they didn't break the bank for him. Alexander played well, and he'll probably go to the practice squad as well.

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Philadelphia: Hugh Douglas (DL), Dominic Furio ©, Michael Gasperson (WR), Jamaal Green (DE), Andrew Hall (QB), Norman Heuer (DL), Jamaal Jackson ©, Sean Landeta (P), Keyonta Marshall (DL), Martin Patterson (LB), Carlos Perez (WR), Jon Ritchie (FB), Steve Sciullo (OG), Linj Shell (CB), Chauncey Stovall (WR), Andy Thorn (TE), Scott Young (OG), Aric Williams (CB)


Some good guys got cut but the Eagles are all about young players. Injuries hurt Douglas and Ritchie. Dirk Johnson coming back meant Landeta wasn't needed anymore.


Bruce Perry was let go to make room for Lamar Gordon.

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This guy had me intrigued. he played hard, made some great reads on punt returns, and he looked like a blonde hippy that would bring in the LAYDEES. I was suprised.

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I expect you people to figure it out on your own....




okay, I forgot to put the guys name....



Cole Magner. He was a receiver from Bowling Green that looked REALLY good in the preseason, but apparently he hurt his ankle and missed the last couple of Atlanta preseason games and they cut him.

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