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I'm invincible

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So today was bloody terrific day. Hung out with this girl I've been hanging out with every day for the past week or week and a half (it really feels longer than it is, which is awkward) who I have a thing for and has a thing for me (but neither of us want a relationship), and had some great times (nudge nudge, wink wink). We come to an agreement that we are "untitled friends," meaning we're not going out but we're more than friends with benefits, and I think that's awesome because I haven't really had this much of an emotional attraction to somebody since me and Heather first started dating (and she turned out to be quite a bitch, as some of you may recall, later in our relationship).


So we decide to leave her house after our second round, and we're heading out to our friend Kim's so we can hang with her before she (my untitled friend) goes to a party with her older brother, and I go to Club Hell with a few of my pals for Anarchy in the UK night (a special event where all music played was 70's/80's British punk and metal). We're heading down, dooby dooby doo, and I go to change the radio station, taking my eyes off the road for less than a second...and she yells "SHIT!"


I look up, and an airbag pops me in the face. I scream "FUCK, WHAT THE FLYING FUCK, GOD DAMMIT" and then ask her if she's alright. We both get out of the car and I look at the damage: whole hood of my car is folded up, trailer hitch of the car (an Envoy) in front of me that I just rear-ended burst through my radiator and is spilling antifreeze all over the place, and there's two cars in front of the Envoy that were also rear-ended due to the whole chain reaction thing. Turns out that the car in front stopped short, so everybody else did, and I did it just half a second too late.


So I sit here with a sore nose, a busted lip, and a pair of friction burns (one on my left cheek and one on my left wrist), and my untitled friend only has a small bruise on her chest from the impact of the airbag. You wanna talk about lucky?


So now I have to go fill out an accident report tomorrow at the police station, I'm getting a full-time job on Monday (after I just worked everything out so I'd be working my current part-time job from 6am-10am only and then head over to the local Strawberries and start a little after 10 until whenever) because my insurance is gonna go through the roof and I need a new car.


After the crash, my parents came and picked me and my untitled friend up, dropped her off at Kim's, and then we came to our house while they sorta joked about everything (because I was alright and all) and I saw two of my pals that were going to Club Hell, Salina and my buddy Crawford, and my "little sister" (known each other since we were in diapers) Jackie. Told 'em all what happened, and Jackie was in shock for the rest of the night while Salina gave me a couple hugs and Crawford actually choked up a little bit. Later on I went to Kim's and met up with everybody (they all went, too), including my other pal that was going to go to Club Hell tonight, Petone, who LITERALLY broke down crying and hugged me tighter than almost anybody else ever had. For a small Polish man, he sure has a good grip.


Hung around Kim's for a little then went to Crawford's RV and had a few shots of Jager in celebration of me still being alive, and I got home about 40 minutes ago. So yeah, that was my day.

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My girlfriend's cousin died from fussing with the radio for a split second. We really get too distracted with multi-tasking behind the wheel. We have to be more conscious of the task at hand on the road. It's just too sad.

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I just remember about a couple of months ago, I looked down for one moment to grab my drink, I look back up, and a school bus had come to a screeching halt out of nowhere! I hit the brakes fucking fast and stopped right in time. Don't know why it stopped though. No railroad or anything. Maybe some dumbass driver yelling at kids. I don't know.

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^ That's fucking lucky.  Every parent/guardian would have filed a suit if you had rear-ended that bus.


Hell, I was on a bus one time that got rear-ended back in the 9th grade or so. It was raining, road was slippery. Our bus came to a stop to let some traffic by and then turn... some car couldn't stop behind us and BAM! I was in the middle of the bus, so I didn't get hurt or anything. A couple of guys in the back complained about their back, but I think they were alright. No lawsuits from what I saw.

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