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Epic Reine

Video Game series that went on way too long

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Mario should stay away from sports games.

Mario Tennis is addicting with a group of friends. Mario Golf I can live without.


They should really stop making Metal Gear Solid. Metal Gear on PS1 was awesome, but two bombed (Raiden is not a good character) and three (more movie than game) was unplayable.


MGS2 was more of a movie than MGS3 was. At least the cutscenes in MGS3 were a bit interactive (moving the camera around, looking in first person) & there were just less of them as opposed to MGS2.

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I'm surprised no one mentioned Rainbow 6. If anything has seriously had WAY too many expansion packs and useless plots, it that. It peaked out at Rogue Spear (Which has a plot better than the original book, in my honest opinion).

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If you don't like the cut-scenes in Metal Gear, then skip them.


Exactly. I can understand complaining about Xenosaga or the later Final Fantasy games for this reason since you can't skip them, but in all the MGS games you can skip everything to do with the storyline including the Codec conversations.

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