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WWE Fantasy Season Five is available

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Trish, who I had, also is listed as zero points (I believe when I checked someone else's roster, Conway was also listed as zero). It sounds like anyone that lost a match is listed as being a zero (but if you check the point breakdown, everything was scored... their week overall is just a zero). I e-mailed them about this.


One thing that made me happy last night was that even though Benjamin lost, he lost to Carlito, who I picked. Then when I checked the scores, I realized that I THOUGHT about picking Carlito but went with Matt Hardy for an even 4-4 from each brand (Trish/Kane/Angle/Masters and Matt/Rey/Batista/Someone else I can't remember). I thought I did pretty good considering I had a small window to change my roster while out of town and didn't even know Angle/Masters were teaming in the main event.


Edit: While checking the page to see who my fourth SD guy that I couldn't remember was (Bob Lashley), I noticed my score did go up by 14 points and rank was unlisted, so I guess they are now in the process of fixing everything.

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Eddie Guerrero was on my team for this week. :( Damn you early deadline.

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OOps I picked my team last sunday and forgot about the ppv so I didnt pick angle or cena oh well.


I think I have show and kane, hbk, trish, lashley, rey plus someone else I forget IIRC

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Hrm, making my roster now, and I notice there's TWO Smackdowns listed for the week.


Is there both the live Tuesday special AND the regular Friday edition this week?

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Wow, just noticed.


Even though I accidentally left $4 million on the table, I STILL managed to be the top scoring team in the league last week?


(for the record, I would have spent that money on Masters, and I could have SWORN I did. Damn, I fucked myself out of 42 more points.)

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The new Smart Marks POWER 25 after the colossal week 8 (in conjunction with The Academy of Wrestling Arts & Sciences):


1. never kissed a girl - 1951

2. New York Hitmen - 1941

3. Fazzle - 1872

4. Foot Clan - 1813

5. Venkman's Victors - 1754

6. PW Illustrated - 1721

7. Mailbox Heads Alliance - 1706

8. God Bless Eddie Guerrero - 1636

9. Tino - 1566

10. Palumboners - 1557

11. African Americans - 1555

12. CanadianChick - 1548

13. Dok's Office - 1541

14. Team Simon - 1508

15. The Amazing Ones - 1495

16. Jobbers for Trips - 1471

17. WeWantLesnar - 1448

18. MarkforSubmission - 1440

19. The Scrobinites - 1437

20. York Foundation 6-Man Tag Champs - 1427

21. Kahran Ramsus - 1382

22. HBK is my god - 1338

23. TeamCrossface - 1310

24. Cuban Cigars - 1284

25. The Italian Connection - 1273

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I stuck with the same team as last weeks (show,kane,benoit,rey,HBK,Trish,Orton,Lashley) and got like my best non-PPV week ever with a total of 316 points!


dang still in 2nd by only 10. I cant decide for this week, the team I have already is pretty good (i think benoit will win m atch 3 right? and show and kane have been everywhere lately


alot to think about here

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I just decided to sell Shawn(is his knee hurt or is that fake? either way whatever), and buy Boogeyman (maybe another match this week, at elast an app or two) and MISTERRRRRRRRRRR Kennedy. I had 500 grand left so I bought Torries dog Chloe for the hell of it.

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wait so the show raw tape din afghanistan is going to air the monday after this coming one? Oh good, cuz I thought I had made a booboo and missed another deadline. cool


so who ya gonna pick for the final week with the ppv and all?


I think ill stick with Randy, as I would think since he is supposed to be getting a title push in the next year that hell beat Taker in HIAC. show/kane vs rey/tista? not sure who I should stick with but for now Im sticking with show and kane and rey on my team, as well as mnm(tag defense vs mexicools on ppv, i bet they retain here), not sure if benoit/book will be on the ppv but youd have to think so. Ill prob change my team again by monday



anyhow I got a whole whopping 85 points on raw after such a great week last week, this week looks bad, considering I stupidly picked up boogeyman and kennedy (who promptly got hurt).

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Ok I got 83 points for sd with Rey(36), Lashley (20),boogie (15) and Orton (12) Kennedy being hurt ruined my week and I now am still behind in 2nd place. hopefully this final week with the ppv will carry me to victory but Im not counting on it or anything

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actually I wound up with 24 points for boogey this week. my grand total was a mere 186



my team for the final week 10 is :::: Rey, Orton, Lashley, Boogey,Kane, Show,Benoit, nitro and mercury, and chloe the dog


COME ON get me a big week I want that league title! lol

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have they posted the scoring for the ppv yet? damn. I should have picked Kash. but I asssume Randy wound up with more points then taker this week despit elosing (thanks to the copius amounts of weapon shots on sd)

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ok they updated it, but now for some reason my total points is at 0? wtf. even our league ranks are screwed up stupid wwe!




my scores for the final week, #10














Grand total for week 10 is 438


Damn I could have done so much better


Hopefully they fix the scores so we know the final league ranks

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The final Smart Marks POWER 25 for season 5


1. never kissed a girl - 2664 (46th overall)

2. New York Hitmen - 2565

3. Fazzle - 2461

4. Foot Clan - 2425

5. Mailbox Heads Alliance - 2327

6. PW Illustrated - 2248

7. Venkman's Victors - 2244

8. Don't Ruin Boogeyman - 2237

9. Palumboners - 2183

10. African Americans - 2061

11. Dok's Office - 2020

12. CanadianChick - 1976

13. Jobbers for Trips - 1950

14. Team Simon - 1941

15. Tino - 1922

16. The Amazing Ones - 1905

17. WeWantLesnar - 1848

18. MarkforSubmission - 1830

19. The Scrobinites - 1789

20. York Foundation 6-Man Tag Champs - 1732

21. ElGranOrgo - 1725

22. Kahran Ramsus - 1700

23. TeamCrossface - 1696

24. The Evil Clowns - 1626

25. HBK is my god - 1596


Winner and once again Smart Marks Fantasy Champion: ORTONSAULT~!

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The final Smart Marks POWER 25 for season 5


1. never kissed a girl - 2664 (46th overall)

2. New York Hitmen - 2565

3. Fazzle - 2461

4. Foot Clan - 2425

5. Mailbox Heads Alliance - 2327

6. PW Illustrated - 2248

7. Venkman's Victors - 2244

8. Don't Ruin Boogeyman - 2237

9. Palumboners - 2183

10. African Americans - 2061

11. Dok's Office - 2020

12. CanadianChick - 1976

13. Jobbers for Trips - 1950

14. Team Simon - 1941

15. Tino - 1922

16. The Amazing Ones - 1905

17. WeWantLesnar - 1848

18. MarkforSubmission - 1830

19. The Scrobinites - 1789

20. York Foundation 6-Man Tag Champs - 1732

21. ElGranOrgo - 1725

22. Kahran Ramsus - 1700

23. TeamCrossface - 1696

24. The Evil Clowns - 1626

25. HBK is my god - 1596


Winner and once again Smart Marks Fantasy Champion: ORTONSAULT~!


Congrats Ortonsault.


#8 ain't bad at all. I can't remember where I came in at the end of Season Four, but I'm sure it was lower.


Hah, my buddy made it in at #25 without changing his roster all season. Fantastic.

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The final Smart Marks POWER 25 for season 5


1. never kissed a girl - 2664 (46th overall)

2. New York Hitmen - 2565

3. Fazzle - 2461

4. Foot Clan - 2425

5. Mailbox Heads Alliance - 2327

6. PW Illustrated - 2248

7. Venkman's Victors - 2244

8. Don't Ruin Boogeyman - 2237

9. Palumboners - 2183

10. African Americans - 2061

11. Dok's Office - 2020

12. CanadianChick - 1976

13. Jobbers for Trips - 1950

14. Team Simon - 1941

15. Tino - 1922

16. The Amazing Ones - 1905

17. WeWantLesnar - 1848

18. MarkforSubmission - 1830

19. The Scrobinites - 1789

20. York Foundation 6-Man Tag Champs - 1732

21. ElGranOrgo - 1725

22. Kahran Ramsus - 1700

23. TeamCrossface - 1696

24. The Evil Clowns - 1626

25. HBK is my god - 1596


Winner and once again Smart Marks Fantasy Champion: ORTONSAULT~!

dang it, just came up short. not bad though


congrats ortonsault.

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Well, hopefully someone can knockoff Ortonsault next session. However, congrats to Ortonsault with the great overall finish.

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