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I was watching Detroit @ St. Louis and I am sick of seeing so many penalties. There were three Red Wings in the box at the same time because of stupid calls. We were allowed more physical contact in high school roller hockey compared this game.

They need to lighten up with these rules because it is interfering with the flow of the game.

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It's a double-edged sword though. If they were still obstructing and intefering we'd all be chapping their asses about not enforcing these new rules. Maybe the players should learn how to play within the new rules and stop taking such stupid penalties.

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It's a double-edged sword though. If they were still obstructing and intefering we'd all be chapping their asses about not enforcing these new rules. Maybe the players should learn how to play within the new rules and stop taking such stupid penalties.

I'm on this side of the fence. You can have physicality in hockey without all the clutching and grabbing and hooking and holding that made the game die a slow death in the last decade. Once the players figure out where the line is -- and they'll have to soon, for the sake of their jobs -- the game will look a lot better.

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Montreal's real all-time record against Original Six teams (before this season, so add a win to their records against the Bruins and Rangers):


vs Boston, 313-254-103, .544

vs Chicago, 299-147-103, .638

vs Detroit, 269-197-96, .564

vs NY Rangers, 308-178-94, .612

vs Toronto, 314-264-88, .538

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KGB, is that regular season-only, or does it include the post-season?


Just for the regular season.

And this is where I got the records: http://www.shrpsports.com/nhl/result.htm

If you want to find out what the Maple Leafs all-time record is against the Canadiens at home on Saturdays in October (3-1-0), this is the place to find it.

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It's a double-edged sword though. If they were still obstructing and intefering we'd all be chapping their asses about not enforcing these new rules. Maybe the players should learn how to play within the new rules and stop taking such stupid penalties.






I'm on this side of the fence. You can have physicality in hockey without all the clutching and grabbing and hooking and holding that made the game die a slow death in the last decade. Once the players figure out where the line is -- and they'll have to soon, for the sake of their jobs -- the game will look a lot better.


My god, I actually agree with Max about something. Players need to realize that any form of obstruction WILL be called and that the NHL is not gonna slack off this time because it is trying to rebuild its image and create a higher scoring product. By the same token, yes you can play physical. The Lightning-Canes game had only 9 penalties throught the game but with plenty of hitting and good flow. So yes there is a balance that can be met.

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If it makes you feel better, you can say that you agree with Chris and indirectly agree with me. But that's all semantics.




Devils @ Flyers

Thrashers @ Crapitals

Pens @ Canes

Flames @ Jackets

Bolts @ Panthers

Bruins @ Sabres

Sharks @ Blackhawks


A decent schedule for tonight. I'll be watching Bruins @ Sabres obviously, but that Flames/Jackets could be pretty competitive as could Bolts/Panthers.

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'Canes won in the shootout. I dunno, I don't get why people don't like the shootout; it doesn't really hurt anything. Either way, the Pens and Canes get a point; might as well make sure someone gets the W...


Crosby, Lemieux, and Palffy all were an inch or so away from scoring (although, I suppose that's how it always is), and Stillman owned Caron for the winner.


The rookie goalie for the 'Canes, Ward, looked real good, too.

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Bolts lose a goalie duel to the Panthers tonight. The team was sloppy as hell although the Panthers do look improved and have better coaching now. Again John Grahame looks very strong which makes me feel good about the Lightning long term. Sean Burke plays his first game probably tomorrow.

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Guest Rrrsh
I was watching Detroit @ St. Louis and I am sick of seeing so many penalties. There were three Red Wings in the box at the same time because of stupid calls. We were allowed more physical contact in high school roller hockey compared this game.

They need to lighten up with these rules because it is interfering with the flow of the game.


You are sick of the penelties AFTER TWO GAMES. God, let the season develop before you start bitching about the rules.

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Guest Rrrsh
Devils @ Flyers

Thrashers @ Crapitals

Pens @ Canes

Flames @ Jackets

Bolts @ Panthers

Bruins @ Sabres

Sharks @ Blackhawks



Devils-Flyers was good, I think two of the Upper Tier in the East


Thrashers game looked ugly, but hey, at leats Ilya is signed now.


Man the Pens looked ot be oh so close from breaking out into a 9 goal performance


Flames are the most overrated team. There, I said it.


Man, not even the Bolts couldbeat Roberto


Are the Bruins as slowas theylook on the highlights?


I think Ruutu for Chicago will have a massive season.

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Living in Buffalo...where for whatever reason we decide to spend a lot less than the salary cap...


I do have to at the very least commend the organization for having what resembles a plan.


For 2 years (3 including the lockout) we were told to support the team until the new rules and CBA were in place. They built a team for speed and skill based on the idea that it would all change eventually.


I think Boston is a playoff team. But they do look slow...as did the Islanders...because the cheap ass Buffalo brass wanted speed. So far...it's working.


For the first time ever...I'm seeing something out of guys that couldn't cut it with the clutch and grab New Jersey style system.

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The Sabres are looking a lot better than a lot of people thought they would. The game in Ottawa should be mighty entertaining...too bad I didn't get tickets; I'm stuck watching the Habs and the Leafs.

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Devils @ Flyers

Thrashers @ Crapitals

Pens @ Canes

Flames @ Jackets

Bolts @ Panthers

Bruins @ Sabres

Sharks @ Blackhawks



Thrashers game looked ugly, but hey, at leats Ilya is signed now.


They could be for real now. Everyone seems to be forgetting they got a pretty good defenceman out of the Heatley deal in deVries, Bobby Holik simply can't play any worse than he has been, and Bondra, I feel, has someting to prove.

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KGB, is that regular season-only, or does it include the post-season?


Just for the regular season.

And this is where I got the records: http://www.shrpsports.com/nhl/result.htm

If you want to find out what the Maple Leafs all-time record is against the Canadiens at home on Saturdays in October (3-1-0), this is the place to find it.


That link's awesome, man, thanks.


And having watched the B's look pitiful last night (again) I can say that this team is dead if they suffer any long term injuries to one of their core forwards. They look piss-poor as it is, and that's just without Scatchard and Zhamnov.

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Well, the Flames went out there and had a field day. Outshot the Jackets 38-20 in a 3-1 win.


Denis was amazing for CBJ, and Kipper should have had a shutout (if you've seen how the Jackets scored, you know what I mean).

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What Buffalo is going to do for next year, is trying to sign most of the players that are linked to a one-year deal, leaving room for the cap this year.

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Yeah I know.


It was just annoying the way things played out here.


For a few years we were told that we wouldn't spend money to compete...but a cap was coming and it would level the playing field.


Then the cap comes.


Now...the Sabres already had their core team under affordable contracts...so I understand why they didn't go after a bunch of guys...


BUT...it was a little hard to swallow when we get a cap...and we lose our best defensemen and our top goal scorer anyway.


I like our offense. I hate our defense (although I'm very happy to be 2-0 and know that our best defensemen hasn't even played yet). And I'm super shaky on the goaltending.


We're going to lose tonight in Ottawa.

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