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Linda McMahon has been stunned.

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I always liked Benoit's sell of the Stunner. He just bends over at the waist, not going to his knees, and quickly snaps back onton his back right after impact.


Angle has a decent sell as well. He goes down on one knee and has the look of a boxer that just received a knockout blow as he is rising up and just falls to the mat like jelly.


RVD takes the cake for most balls out sell of the Stunner. RVD completely left his feet, knees, and everything off the mat before and during the impact, taking it like you would a diamond cutter. it looked vicious and real, because nothing was helping him lessen the impact.

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there you go, Benoit's sell is exactly what I was trying to describe...


problem with RVD's sell is that Austin sits directly down...it makes sense to sell a Diamond Cutter/RKO that way because the attacker is lunging forward, feet first and falling down as well...

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I can't remember the last time the Stunner actually looked like a devestating move. Maybe when all the non-wrestlers like Slaughter (who didn't fall to his knees and made the move look brilliant), Vince and maybe Lawler were taking it in 97.

Don't forget he stunned his "best friend" Good Ol' JR during an interview segment.

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Guest *KNK*

How did D'Lo Brown go this long without getting a mention in a "Who sells the stunner better" debate.

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there you go, Benoit's sell is exactly what I was trying to describe...


problem with RVD's sell is that Austin sits directly down...it makes sense to sell a Diamond Cutter/RKO that way because the attacker is lunging forward, feet first and falling down as well...



Oh, I know that RVD's sell would better fit a Diamondcutter. I was just saying that it looked vicious when he did it because he didn't brace himself at all and let his neck take the impact. It was sick.

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Shane did the beer spit sell at Unforgiven 2000.



Anyway I like Angles selling of it a lot. When Vince got his first stunenr it was ok, but it was funny when he was shaking on the mat having convulsions (yknow like how Dvon Sometimes sold getting driven thru a table)

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