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Bruce Blank

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Well since no one else seems to have started one I’ll kick this off


By saying: I can’t believe I actually won :o and in my first main event too :o


Good show – well 99% good




Que pasa my partner? :huh:


It would seem that Landon’s misgivings about the W&D Vs TKO match were for nothing (and that I was right *happy dance*)


And finally we get the break up of Wild and Dangerous – I kept looking for a barber shop window to pop up :D but maybe that’ll be the stip for a potentially awesome PPV match.


In closing



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Well that's so nice


Hollywood Spike Jenkins Vs El Luchadore Magnifico


the only PPV world title shot LESS anticipated than Big Show Vs Big Boss Man


bleh color me totally unimpressed.

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GOdrea's Comments of Something Or Other:


Opening Match - Haffy v Ordonez

- Good match from a new writer, or should that be young lady in a pretty dress? Sorry, but that's the only definition I know of for debutant(e).

- This may just be me, but I don't like seeing comparisons to other real wrestlers/federations.


Promo - WC and Johnny Dangerous Don't Make Out

- I'm shocked that they didn't, honestly.

- Hey, look, it's a Fasaki that stayed around!


Promo - Max King and his Fake/Pretend Girlfriend, Kelly Connelly

- Broke his body? As in every bone, even those tiny ear bones?

- "I'm going to kick your ass on the PPV five months from now! You better watch out for when that PPV rolls around!"


Match Match - Kaibatsu v Ward

- This was a very good match. Nice psychology, good storytelling. The Divine Wind really came out of nowhere.

- I do have one complaint, though, and that is the match dragged a little bit, right after they got into the ring. But other than that, a fine match.


Tag Match - Manson/Cortez v Johnson/Hawke

- Kinda weird that the quickest guy in the stable is the enforcer. Also, I wonder if Jimmy the Doom were heel if he could join Cucaracha Internacional. Gotta have that...uh...what part of the world is Doomtopia in, anyway?

- Hawke disrobing? Nekkid rasslin'! Yee haw!

- You know, if I read each show all the way through instead of once every six months, I'd know why JJ might be angerful towars Todd. But, meh.

- I remember one time I had a match against Manson, so I made up a bunch of things for people from Colorado to be called. Like Coloradish, Coloradio, Coloradian, etc. The match lost, though.

- Everything is chagrined in this match.

- Todd didn't tap out. He submitted by nodding. He nodded out.

- This was a good match, even though with my complete lack of knowledge in regards to mat wrestling and the like, I was at a loss a few times.


Promo - Bruce Blank is a Big Silly Goose

- So three Spikes are mentioned in this promo. Or something.

- And Bruce is racist to boot! Good for him, or you know, not.


Tag Match - Wild and Dangerous v TKO

- Bone-to-Bone, the most devastating finisher in the history of the IGNWF/SWF.

- No, wait, it was called the Bone's Edge.

- But, yeah, a very good match, and finally, after eight thousand promos and six years of waiting/teasing it, W&D is broken up.


Promo - Johnny Dangerous is the Jerkiest Jerk that Ever Jerked

- I like how Ben says, "Now just a second, Johnny Dangerous". In my mind, it's that voice people use to make you think they're talking to someone famous, but they really aren't. "Hey there, JOSEPH STALIN, what are you doing later today, JOSEPH STALIN?"

- So WC went soft because he perhaps had regular sex with a woman? OH NOES! Johnny Dangerous can't have that happen!

- Uh...yeah...ponies are like horsies, only smaller.


Main Event - Blank v Jenkins

- I know (Or, at least I think I know) it's the European-ish thing to use a decimal instead of a comma in thousands, millions, etc., but I still read it as 'fourteen point oh oh oh people'. Good thing it wasn't 14590 people. "How can you have fifty-nine percent of a person?

- Glurgh, once more with the other fed references. I guess if you're going to use 'em, use the Oat Toast.

- Who's Jesh? The Danish equivalent to Jebus?

- Bruce is both a male and female cow? Weird.

- This is just my preference, so, whatever, but I always seperate the dialogue. I never have two characters talking in the same paragraph. And stuff.

- King doesn't smell an upset. He smells Bruce's musk.

- Good match and such, though. Yayz.


Other Match - Doom v Skull


- Also, sorry to The Crimson Skull for this short and crappy match, but, meh.



So, uh...yeah. Please note that pretty much all of my comments, if taken seriously, means you are not very smart. Thank you.

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Well that's so nice


Hollywood Spike Jenkins Vs El Luchadore Magnifico


the only PPV world title shot LESS anticipated than Big Show Vs Big Boss Man


bleh color me totally unimpressed.



I'm sorry I'm not impressing you. That was my goal, too. From the very beginning, I was like, "Man, I want to impress Bruce Blank. He's a really cool guy and I really care about his opinion."



Wait till some more promos come out, douche.

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Wow - you're not only a lazy bastard you're also a beligerent tool


the total asshole package aren't you?


considering I've seen you do nothing but lose, bitch and be HANDED (not earn) a PPV main event I'm not really ready to hold my breath and wait on anything you do


and promos? I thought this was a match writing fed - nothing you can do or say would ever get me to give a crap.


stupid me huh? I could just have been an arrogant ass like you and risen in the fed without actually doing shit all


in conclusion: must have been something HUGE that crawled up your ass and died.

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Do you ever shut up?



If I wasn't running the angle I am, I would of outwritten you. Between you and me, it's not a competition. I hate to sound like this, but you are a joke. So shut your damn mouth because nobody cares what you think or how you win matches by no-shows.

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at least I put in an effort instead of just bitching


which I could see would make me a joke - yes really


and as for shutting up - the irony of your statement is so ironic


and yeah of course you'd win - you're teh awezome!

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Promo - Bruce Blank is a Big Silly Goose

- And Bruce is racist to boot!  Good for him, or you know, not.

1) Yes he is - althought I'd replace silly with smelly... although both works


but racist? :huh: Other than him being a redneck from a Trailer park in Alabama I haven't intentionally put anything racist in it


or anything race related at all... I think

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So what does calling KOJI an "Oriental rice muncher"? mean?

a statement of fact? since he is oriental, he does munch on rice


it's stereotypical yeah but not racist.


No more racist than to say that all Brits have bad teeth and drink tea

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Yeah. Go on. You better not be starting shit, because when someone starts it, I finish it, and then you'll be left quivering and crying, knowing you just got taken down hard by MANSONOSITY, and then what? Then what'll you do? I'm gonna tell you what you'll do. Nothing. That's right. You'll do nothing but go home, sit on your couch in the dark, broken and hunched over with tears still in your eyes, wishing you hadn't run across me, and gaining a beating and an enemy you don't want, punk.

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