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Steve J. Rogers

Whats the record for comeback after "retirement"

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Basically "Loser Leaves Town," "Loser never seen on TV" ect.


I'm thinking its Ric Flair and the WWF from loosing the "Loser Leaves Town" match against Perfect to his buying the company in 2001.


Of course when Mr. Perfect returned for a brief nostaliga run early in 2002 it was nevr brought up (or even their history in WCW)


So is that the longest a wrestler actually went keeping his (or her as the case might be) promise before breaking it?



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Guest Ransome

Before a 1998 Raw match with Duane Gill, Marc Mero said he'd never wrestle again in the WWF if he lost, which he did, and hasn't been seen since. Does this count?

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Looser Leaves WCW on one of the Clashes in 1995 I believe. Kevin Sullivan did beat Mick Foley and I think Foley never showed up in WCW again. I guess that doesnt count though since Foley never returned again.

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Before a 1998 Raw match with Duane Gill, Marc Mero said he'd never wrestle again in the WWF if he lost, which he did, and hasn't been seen since. Does this count?

Actually Marc Mero went on to wrestle the following weekend at the UK only PPV Capital Carnage. They actually showed a clip of him saying that he would never again wrestle in the WWF if he lost and then a clip of him losing, just before the match. Jim Ross explained that he was carrying out his contractual obligations.

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Foley didn't even last a fucking month.


LOL, I was refering to WM 2000 though since going by technicality he was wrestling as himself and not Cactus Jack.


Hennig came back the following night on Nitro after losing that "retirement match"



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Hennig came back the following night on Nitro after losing that "retirement match"




Background: Russo (a.k.a. The Powers That Be) had problems with both Buff Bagwell and Hennig...therefore, he pits them together in a career match so he'd get rid of one of them. Hennig lost.


The next night on Nitro, Hennig was to make his retirement speech. However, after taking the mic, he never actually speaks and went back to the locker room looking all down. Later that night, he costs Buff his match and reveals he has now decided to align with Russo and Creative Control.


It's sad that I know so much about the disaster known as late 1999 Nitro.

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they might have


but he meant Marc Mero


Speaking of Sullivan, he lost a Loser Leaves WCW to Benoit in 97ish and shows up without explaination with the new Varsity Club after Benoit jumps to the WWF in 2000!




Actually, the Varsity Club redebuted at Starrcade 99 where they turned on Jim Duggan. On that same card, Benoit beat Jarrett in a very good ladder match for the U.S. title. Benoit left the following month.


Why do I remember late 1999 WCW? That brain space can be used to store important info!

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Ah yeah...the return of the Varsity Club. That one was came totally out of left field. "The return of the wrestling group no one really remembered or was asking for, or expected."


I kind of liked it, since I was into old NWA tapes at the time, and Rotunda and Williams were actually still decent workers when they came back.

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