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This Week in College Football 10/20 - 10/22

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FSN left Baylor vs OU early in the 4th to cut to the beginning of fuckin Cal vs Washington State. Atleast I get to see Auburn vs LSU in OT on ESPN.

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At least for this year. Oklahoma State is serving the role right now.


Shame that Vanderbilt's season hit the wall or you could have had them, Rutgers, and possibly Baylor going to bowl games. Rutgers is just about a lock now and Baylor would be a good bet if they win tonight.

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Guest *KNK*
Baylor beating OU is one of the signs of the Apocalypse isn't it?


EDIT: well, OU won so I guess the world is safe.


OU sucks at sucking. If you are going to suck, go all out.

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KNK, U of L also sucks at sucking. Now that we lost to WVU and the season is for all intents and purposes over watch U of L squash everyone else on the schedule. Just wondering but who starts the conference schedule with 3 straight road games? It's just so infuriating to look at the standings and see total jobbers like Rutgers ahead of U of L. We get them in a couple of weeks here and I can assure everyone it'll be a flat out 55-14 type assrape. Before that however there's a squash of Pitt, or at least I'd hope so.


With Dama being more rational about OU I think I'm now the most bitter, grumpy bastard on this forum.

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You guys act shocked about Baylor hanging with OU. I mean it's obvious OU sucks. I heard the people on TV trying to rationalize it by saying "OU's only lost to Top 25 teams this year!" Yeah well if you watch their other games you can tell they're mediocre. I wouldn't go all out and call OU outright horrible but they're painfully middle of the road and average leaning towards bad.

They'll make a bowl. It might be at 6-5 or 7-4 though! They should beat A&M and OSU but will have trouble with Nebraska and Tech(who will win comfortably).


But Baylor is better this year. But still.....that shouldn't happen.

Oh and OSU is the worst team in the Big XII this year. They'll probably go 0-8 in conference.



Wow.....Vince Young and Matt Leinart have each others phone numbers and they talk on the phone. Weird. It's almost as weird as Leinart and White being good buddies and hugging each other all warmly during the Heisman ceremony.

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It's shocking because Oklahoma, no matter how bad they get, should never lose to Baylor, or even come close to losing Baylor.


I'm not sure if Oklahoma is really that bad, or if their coaches just blow. They've had top 5 recruiting classes just about every year for the past 5 or so years, so it's not like they're trotting a team full of bums out there (aside from Rhett Bomar).

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It's shocking because Oklahoma, no matter how bad they get, should never lose to Baylor, or even come close to losing Baylor.


I'm  not sure if Oklahoma is really that bad, or if their coaches just blow. They've had top 5 recruiting classes just about every year for the past 5 or so years, so it's not like they're trotting a team full of bums out there (aside from Rhett Bomar).


The recruiting class that is supposed to be leading this team has either all quit because they didn't like sitting behind the seniors that dominated the past 2 years or they were kicked off the team for being punks.

The coaching staff doesn't blow. They're just used to dealing with the experienced talent OU has had.

Bob Stoops is certainly not a bad coach. But Chuck Long is not a good o-coordinator and the defense lost a lot when Mike Stoops left.

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Man, we had that game. We fuckin' HAD THAT GAME. Knocking all those little punk-ass Alabama dudes around all day when on defense, and when hell froze over and the Vols got a shot at putting up a touchdown? tThey fuck it up in spectacular fashion! Man, fuck whoever that ND player was last year who injured Erik Ainge. We were on track to be fuckin' NASTY by this time, goddammit. Now? No confidence, no Tennessee "we're going to smash you in the mouth and you're going to LIKE IT" swagger, and Fulmer can only have a great coaching season like last year every so often. And fuck Alabama. Any "I want to see them do well" I said back in the day is taken back.


At least I respect Alabama, unlike Florida. Fuck Florida with a thermos.


All that venting done, it was a hell of a game. Felt like I was watching the 1936 version or something. It was pretty cool. Everyone's just hatin'.


Vanderbilt really should have beaten South Carolina today too. I want to see Spurrier get dragged by every team he used to pound on and run up the score.

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Well, I passed out, so I didn't have to actually see it, but for the record, I just want to point out once again that the Cougars are the worst team in the country to cheer for.


This time, they led Cal by 10 with 5:30 minutes to go before giving up two late TDs. The worst part is that Cal is probably the second least clutch team in the Pac-Ten, but when it came right down to it, we Couged it once again.

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It's called a bitchslap. You may have heard of it.


Iggy, cheering for U of L is worse than cheering for Washington St. Let's face it, the Cougars are supposed to be jobbers in the Pac 10. Whenever they actually do something like during the Ryan Leaf Era, it's gravy.


But U of L? Picked by 24/25 writers to waltz through the Big East undefeated. And today I picked up the sports page to see the Cards behind fucking Rutgers and Pitt in the standings, two teams deep down I know we can beat by about 40 pts.


I mean honestly, U of L has one of the better young QBs in college football (Brohm), an awesome running game with Michael Bush, and maybe the best defensive lineman (Dumervil) in college football. It takes real talent to find ways to lose games when you have vastly superior talent.

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Wow.....Vince Young and Matt Leinart have each others phone numbers and they talk on the phone. Weird.


"Heeeeey Matt."

"Hey, Vince."



"....whatcha doin?"

"I dunno, hangin' out. Playing some XBox. What about you?"

"...oh, I dunno....stuff...I, uh...I just wanted to....um...y'know, talk..."

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Oh, come on. Louisville fucked around with one bad team and got killed, and then they lost a close road game against a Top 20 team. You don't have it that bad.


Let me give you a recap of the Cougars' Pac Ten schedule thus far.


at Oregon State: The Cougars jump out to a 30-13 lead and still lead 30-16 with 3:00 in the third quarter. However, Alex Brink throws four INTs in the second half, and the Cougs lose 44-33.


vs. Stanford: With the Cardinal coming off a loss to I-AA UC Davis, the Cougars find themselves in a close game throughout, and are around midfield with a chance to tie or take the lead. However, Alex Brink throws another INT, and the Cougs lose.


vs. UCLA: This time, the Cougars lead by 17 in the fourth quarter. Sure win right? No. UCLA outscores WSU 17-0 in the fourth quarter, and then wins it 44-41 in OT. This time, Brink actually doesn't throw a big pick (!), but he is completely ineffectual in the second half and doesn't move the ball whatsoever.


at Cal: The Bears got out to an early lead after returning back to back Alex Brink interceptions for TDs, but the Cougs actually came back and took a 10 point lead with 9:52 to go. Of course, a lead like that's far from safe for WSU, and they let Cal score two late TDs to win it, 42-38.


Now, you might notice a common thread here. Alex Brink sucks donkey balls, and consistently chokes in big-game situations. Well, so what you might say. Lots of teams have shitty QBs.


Well, here's where the unrealized potential part comes in. We have Josh Swogger, who was the starter going into 2004 and played extremely well before sustaining multiple injuries and trying to play through them anyway. He got the job done in the clutch, and didn't throw anywhere near as many crucial picks as Brink. However, apparently he didn't look as good as Brink in spring practice, so we're stuck with him only attempting 15 passes on the year, and watching on the sideline as Brink throws away game after game.


Honestly, I know it seems ridiculous given our record, but if Bill Doba was about 5% less dumb, and Swogger was the starting QB, the Cougs could easily be 7-0, and ranked something like #7 in the country going into a hugely hyped showdown with #1 USC. Even if we'd just won a couple of those games we'd be 5-2, and a given to get to a bowl game. As it is, we're probably looking at a 3-8 season, and we're stuck praying for Doba to get fired.

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Winning the title in 2000, being one of the "best" teams in the past few years, including two straight trips to the title game, and its FRUSTRATING?!?! That's like me saying being an USC fan is frustrating just because of 2003.

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I would have more sympathy for Nebraska fans* and their fall from grace the last two years than I would for anything happening to OU in the same time period













*Does not actually have sympathy for Nebraska fans.

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Guest Vitamin X

At least you had a shot at them.


Don't get frustrated because your team chokes in big games, especially when they have multiple chances.

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Wait a minute are you honestly complaining about being the second winningest school in the country over the last five years, going to three national championship games, and winning a title?


Part of me still thinks there's sarcasm in there, but I'm not quite so sure now.

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