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Feedback for 10/20

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I thought this show struck a nice balance between in-ring and promo segments. Sorry about the lack of length in the main event, but I'm saving most of my creative juices for the WWE match.

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Well, I guess I'll be the first to leave feedback. Or what I call feedback.


Excellent opening promo. I'm amazed at the effort to maintain continuity. I've forgotten a lot of the stuff referenced in the promo.


Liked the old school Royal Rumble-type approach with various comments from wrestlers. Gets over the angle and includes a couple of nice comedy bits.


SJ, still getting back in the groove of things, did a solid job with his promo.


The matches were what they usually are: good. The ME surprised me a bit as it was all but a squash. Marked out for the Dream Machines reunion. Admittedly, I wasn't paying too close attention to the shows during the glory days of the DM, but I understand their importance to the tag division.


MOTN: Six-man tag bout.


The Love Shack returned with a vengeance after going on hiatus for a week. The way Zack's shirtless cameo was written had me :lol:

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