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haws bah gawd

Cold - A Different Kinf of Pain

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I've heard some very differing opinions on their new album. I love their current single "Happens All the Time", but have yet to hear anything else from the disc. I work at Sam Goody, so I have asked a few customers about it. One guy said he could sum-up his thoughts on the cd with "Quit crying you little bitch". But another customer thought it was possibly their best album yet. What do you guys think of it (those of you who have picked up the album already) ?


Edit: I just realized I cant spell worth a shit according to my topic title

Edited by Haws bah gawd

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I've been debating..."Year Of The Spider" kinda felt like a "leave it all out on the field" kind of album...know what I mean? Like they played their asses off and now should just ride off into the sunset and not go downhill like a lot of bands do...I'm not too high on the couple of singles I've heard from this album...

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