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cameron chaos

What makes a 5 star match?

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The real question should be, who can support their claims that a match is ***** vs. those who can't. Calling Benoit vs. Angle at RR '03 ***** is just so laughable because the match had some rather obvious and significant flaws. That should preclude it from being even CLOSE to *****, yet there are those who claim it to be that high. Lets say you objectively compare 2 matches, and based on all tangible evidence, one is vastly superior to the other. Then you give the inferior match the full monty. How does one justify that? And what does the superior match become? **********?


When talking wrestling (and almost anything for that matter) it's not about which opinion is truly right or wrong, it's about who presents the strongest and most intelligent argument.

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Guest wildpegasus

Benoit vs Angle at the Rumble is an absolute masterpiece and a lot of people seem to miss out on why it actually is and why THE MATCH made the fans do what they did.


When I got time I may go back and see what I wrote about it before so I can clear up the nonsense people use to criticise this match. Deathvalley went down though. I just hope I wrote about it somewhere else.


And yes, it's close to 5 stars.

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I don't recall Benoit/Angle being nearly as great as Beniot's best singles matches, the 96 New Japan matches with Ohtani and Eddy. Those are outstanding matches where the roles of wrestlers are clearly established and developed. As the match develops, you know what each wrestler's strengths are, you know who the favorite is, and you know who they want you to root for. I honestly don't recall Beniot/Angle doing that very well until the last anklelock or so. The reason the crowd reacted like they did is because the post match is the only time Benoit has the opportunity to express his pain and really connect with the audience.



Now as far as star ratings go, they are suppose to be a quick reference. An easy way to gage the value of the match in relation to others. That's why you really shouldn't have a hundred ***** matches. It's gonna confuse the hell out of somebody who's just looking for must see essentials. When a ranking is that broad and vague, you don't know what to expect.

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I, personally, wouldn't call HBK/Taker Hell In A Cell *****. Maybe at the time, possibly. But it's still not *****. Michaels doesn't sell the table bump for nearly long enough and the match ends on a run-in. A ***** match, that does not make...in my opinion.


Infact, Meltzer's NA list isn't all that special. They're all gimmick matches aside from the ROH two for a start. Haven't seen War Games '91. WG'92 I'd agree with. Ladder Match is probably correct, but doesn't hold up as well today. Ditto for the SS Cage Match. Bret/Austin at Mania wasn't even their best match, it just had the best ending. Haven't seen Punk/Joe II, although I really didn't fall in with the hype for Punk/Joe I. And haven't seen Kobashi/Joe yet.


Then again, personal opinion and the such.


Then you give the inferior match the full monty. How does one justify that? And what does the superior match become? **********?


It's like hotel ranking. ***** doesn't mean it's perfect and some ***** hotels are better than others.

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War Games 1991 is to me, a 3-star match.


It's severely overrated, although it doesn't have a lot of flaws. It has intensity, but nowhere at the level of the 1992 version.


The strengths of the workers (Pillman's aerial game, Steiner's flippy suplexes) are somewhat negated due to the low cage ceiling.


Zbyszko does nothing, and even Dusty Rhodes questions why he is in it.


Still, a good match, but one of the most overrated bouts ever. The ending SUCKS and just kills everything, and was scripted to end like that, despite the poor angle of the first powerbomb.


1992 blows the thing away. It's like comparing Austin/Rock WM 17 to WM 19.

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Then you give the inferior match the full monty. How does one justify that? And what does the superior match become? **********?


It's like hotel ranking. ***** doesn't mean it's perfect and some ***** hotels are better than others.


That's true, but I'm not talking about small differences in quality. There are no ***** matches that I'd call "much better" than any others. Sure, there are a some that are slightly better than the rest, but it's not by much. If one match is "much better" than the next, having them both at ***** is illogical.

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