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Vince isn't happy with Coach

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I really like Joey Styles. But Coach has been a nice addition. I'm dead sick of JR and MAYBE King could be salvageable with someone new.


No, he can't. Coach replacing JR has completely exposed how horrible Lawler has become.

You apparently did not watch Taboo Tuesday. Lawler put on one of his best performances in years with Styles to carry him along.

One great night versus five shitty years.

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They've already killed Jericho; why not just have him commentate with Styles?


Because he's not employed. You can't "have" someone do something when they don't work for you and because Jericho isn't leaving the good life to sit at a table with Joey Styles.


Is Jericho really unemployed, or is he "unemployed"?

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They've already killed Jericho; why not just have him commentate with Styles?


Because he's not employed. You can't "have" someone do something when they don't work for you and because Jericho isn't leaving the good life to sit at a table with Joey Styles.


Is Jericho really unemployed, or is he "unemployed"?

Fake unemployed.

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They didn't only blame Spongebob. They also blamed Fear Factor and the Osbournes. Neither of which, I believe, were up against WWE programming.

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I just realized that in my last post I used "also" twice when using it once would have been sufficient. I considered editing my post, but ruled against it.

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Then "hiring" Jericho to be a commentator would be perfect. He's obviously shown he's not good enough to get the job done in the ring, so Bischoff gives him another job as a commentator.

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Guest Leelee
Well hopefully with Joey being in there they can stop with announcers being involved in angles.


Please, Triple H will have one beating a year, specially reserved for Joey Styles.


But, if Jericho is hired as an announcer... Joey has no worries.

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Watch WWE add Jericho to commentary, see ratings still decrease, and WWE will blame Jericho not being able to work for the ratings decrease, despite him not wrestling anymore.


Also, WWE will blame the popularity of Saw II for their ratings woes. You see, fans were all at the theater on Monday Night. Ratings will increase with the return of Shane McMahon and WWE's new emphasis on pleather tights.

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Guest *KNK*
So, Coach is punished when he makes a rare, intelligent observation? Whatever.

Pointing out that your top babyface is getting booed is intelligent?

Isn't the heel announcer supposed to point out the babyface's flaws?


Getting booed isn't a flaw you point out. A heel announcer who knows what he is doing, (Ventura/King/Heenan) knows how to manipulate what he is saying to appear heelish and not so blunt, which Coach didn't do. He just said "The crowd is against Cena". It wasn't a case where it needed to be SAID.

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I really like Joey Styles. But Coach has been a nice addition. I'm dead sick of JR and MAYBE King could be salvageable with someone new.


No, he can't. Coach replacing JR has completely exposed how horrible Lawler has become.

You apparently did not watch Taboo Tuesday. Lawler put on one of his best performances in years with Styles to carry him along.

One great night versus five shitty years.


One great night that was, coincidentally, with Joey Styles. I think it's worth seeing if Lawler can remain on that level with Styles as his partner instead of JR or Coach.

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Is Jericho really unemployed, or is he "unemployed"?


Fake unemployed.


He doesn't have a contract with the WWE anymore. It expired and he did not renew or sign a new one. He is no longer under their employ. He's said if he ever wrestles again it will be for the WWE but he's not signed to them and receiving pay cheques. So he'd actually be really unemployed in terms of the WWE but with his band, radio show and savings he's not exactly going to be begging for quarters anytime soon.

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Is there really any reason for Jericho to fuck with WWE anymore? The guy has other avenues in life, stuff that someone like Benoit doesn't have (unless Benoit starts a gangsta rap group or something). The guy's career has no real future hopes, he's not going to main event again, so what's the point? Why deal with guys like HHH constantly burying you?

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Guest Leelee

I doubt Chris would want to come back just to announce after leaving already for various reasons, but you know how these kids here are so hopeful. :P

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