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Vince isn't happy with Coach

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So, Coach is punished when he makes a rare, intelligent observation? Whatever.

Pointing out that your top babyface is getting booed is intelligent?



Intelligent in the sense that it should be acknowledged, although it seldom is unless it's out of control (Rock/Hogan, for example).

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Styles is an incredibly welcome addition IMO, and proof that the WWE, in all of their immense stupidity, can still do something right. Granted, he started last Tuesday, and they'll probably fuck it all up, but it's great to have the guy there.

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Styles is an incredibly welcome addition IMO, and proof that the WWE, in all of their immense stupidity, can still do something right. Granted, he started last Tuesday, and they'll probably fuck it all up, but it's great to have the guy there.


Joey will be gone in two months or less. He'll follow orders about as well as Stone Cold has lately.


They can't have it both ways, either Coach is the heel announcer or not. It's not like the people at home went, "OMG! COACH IS RIGHT! THEY ARE BOOING CENA! I DIDN'T NOTICE!"

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Was the origanal stip going to be if Austin beat Coach JR could have his job back and Coach would be off the annouce table or would it be a 3 man group?


They never said, either way.


What's the reason, why you ask?



I was going to try and predict WWE booking for the whole whose annoucing now on Monday. See I thought something similar to that stipulation was applyed to the match. That either Batista or JR would come out and either tell Coach to move over or get out of the annouce booth and one of them would give Coach's seat to Joey Styles......but then again thinking it's WWE booking Joey Styles will just be sitting at the booth and tell us why he's there. It was just my idea on how that whole sitution would work.

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They can't have it both ways, either Coach is the heel announcer or not

Thats the main reason I dislike Heat. One match Coach would be a heel then the next match he would be making stupid jokes with Al Snow.

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So, Coach is punished when he makes a rare, intelligent observation? Whatever.

Pointing out that your top babyface is getting booed is intelligent?


Intelligent in the sense that it should be acknowledged.

The last thing a heel should ever do, even if he is a terrible announcer, is point out a failing in a babyface that can make the people go, "You know what, he's right".

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Guest Stunt Granny

They should just let Scott Hall & Kevin Nash be the new Raw announce team.

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Guest *KNK*
So, Coach is punished when he makes a rare, intelligent observation? Whatever.

Pointing out that your top babyface is getting booed is intelligent?


Intelligent in the sense that it should be acknowledged.

The last thing a heel should ever do, even if he is a terrible announcer, is point out a failing in a babyface that can make the people go, "You know what, he's right".


Someone is bound to make the Ventura/Hogan comparison.


The key difference there is simply this, Ventura never said "The crowd is turning against Hogan", Ventura would often rant against Hogan, often saying stuff that was true but since Ventura said it in a way that was more heelish and there already that whole Ventura hates Hogan mentality. What Ventura was doing was drawing heat for himself and in a sense, putting Hogan over. Coach just went out and said "The Crowd doesn't like John Cena".


That's a no-no.

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I'm not in love with Styles like a lot of former ECW fans are, but as long as he can keep himself professional (and not devolve into the "OH MY GOD!!!" bullshit), I have no problem with him taking over as RAW announcer.

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Guest Leelee
I'm not in love with Styles like a lot of former ECW fans are, but as long as he can keep himself professional (and not devolve into the "OH MY GOD!!!" bullshit), I have no problem with him taking over as RAW announcer.


When is he going to be able to say that on Raw?


With the exception of "OH MY GOD! VINCE, YOU'RE A JACKASS!"


I want to watch Raw now, just to see what line gets Joey fired.

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So what happened to Lawler going to the Raw online broadcast with Jim Ross?

It looks like Ross won't even be doing that. For all intense and purposes, he's done as a television and an on-line personality.


Thank God. I think it's clear to most of us that JR has been the main reason for the decrease in WWE's popularity since 2001. Sure, there were some factors beyond Ross's control such as 9/11, Spongebob Squarepants, Wrestlemania being held in Seattle and cruiserweights not knowing how to work, but the fact is an annoucer is the face of the product and a fat southerner is simply unacceptable for such high-brow entertainment as the unparalleled action, drama, and humor of World Wrestling Entertainment!

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So what happened to Lawler going to the Raw online broadcast with Jim Ross?

It looks like Ross won't even be doing that. For all intense and purposes, he's done as a television and an on-line personality.


Thank God. I think it's clear to most of us that JR has been the main reason for the decrease in WWE's popularity since 2001. Sure, there were some factors beyond Ross's control such as 9/11, Spongebob Squarepants, Wrestlemania being held in Seattle and cruiserweights not knowing how to work, but the fact is an annoucer is the face of the product and a fat southerner is simply unacceptable for such high-brow entertainment as the unparalleled action, drama, and humor of World Wrestling Entertainment!


Wrestlemania was a failure in Seattle why again? It drew 56,000+ which I was there for. Are you just a fucking dolt?

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Guest *KNK*
So what happened to Lawler going to the Raw online broadcast with Jim Ross?

It looks like Ross won't even be doing that. For all intense and purposes, he's done as a television and an on-line personality.


Thank God. I think it's clear to most of us that JR has been the main reason for the decrease in WWE's popularity since 2001. Sure, there were some factors beyond Ross's control such as 9/11, Spongebob Squarepants, Wrestlemania being held in Seattle and cruiserweights not knowing how to work, but the fact is an annoucer is the face of the product and a fat southerner is simply unacceptable for such high-brow entertainment as the unparalleled action, drama, and humor of World Wrestling Entertainment!


Wrestlemania was a failure in Seattle why again? It drew 56,000+ which I was there for. Are you just a fucking dolt?


You are the dolt for not knowing WWE blamed the low buy-rate for WM19 on Seattle.


You do realize that what he was saying was naming a few of the dumb excuses WWE has used over the years right?

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Guest *KNK*
I'm curious, what was the excuse for Spongebob Squarepants?


Is WWE is no match for Plankton?


All hail Plankton!




It was the big ratings hit at the time and was getting big ratings, so WWE blamed a show that is a completely different demographic on it's poor ratings.

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I'm not in love with Styles like a lot of former ECW fans are, but as long as he can keep himself professional (and not devolve into the "OH MY GOD!!!" bullshit), I have no problem with him taking over as RAW announcer.


Lets be honest...how often does a "Oh My God" moment happen on Raw?

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I'm not in love with Styles like a lot of former ECW fans are, but as long as he can keep himself professional (and not devolve into the "OH MY GOD!!!" bullshit), I have no problem with him taking over as RAW announcer.


Lets be honest...how often does a "Oh My God" moment happen on Raw?

If you believe the company, all the time.

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Guest *KNK*
I thought it was a hit even with WWE's target demographic.


Maybe it was. I dont know SB's demo, I would assume it's geared for young kids but I've seen adults watching the show with no child in sight.

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I don't think they can just fire Styles over some silly shit he might say on the air. They're gonna have to live and bear it, because frankly there isn't any other option out there worth a damn (unless they want to bring Ross back).


Announcing changes are needed from time to time to keep things from getting TOO stale. I was intrigued in 2001 when I saw Heyman show up on Raw.

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I don't even remember them blaming Spongebob, but I do know it beat RAW in the ratings quite a few times. And yeah, I also remember at one point that more 18-34 year olds watched SB more than kids. I've watched it, I'm not ashamed to say.


Hell, I own the season sets. :D

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I really like Joey Styles. But Coach has been a nice addition. I'm dead sick of JR and MAYBE King could be salvageable with someone new.


No, he can't. Coach replacing JR has completely exposed how horrible Lawler has become.

You apparently did not watch Taboo Tuesday. Lawler put on one of his best performances in years with Styles to carry him along.

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